Package: beastier 2.5.2

Richèl J.C. Bilderbeek

beastier: Call 'BEAST2'

'BEAST2' (<>) is a widely used Bayesian phylogenetic tool, that uses DNA/RNA/protein data and many model priors to create a posterior of jointly estimated phylogenies and parameters. 'BEAST2' is a command-line tool. This package provides a way to call 'BEAST2' from an 'R' function call.

Authors:Richèl J.C. Bilderbeek [aut, cre], Joëlle Barido-Sottani [rev], David Winter [rev], Jason Griffiths [ctb], Olivier Roy [ctb], Thijs Janzen [ctb]

beastier.pdf |beastier.html
beastier/json (API)

# Install 'beastier' in R:
install.packages('beastier', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

Pkgdown site:

Uses libs:
  • openjdk– OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT

On CRAN:beastier-2.5.2(2024-10-06)



7.87 score 11 stars 4 packages 47 scripts 573 downloads 99 exports 51 dependencies

Last updated 1 months agofrom:cced6fd85f (on main). Checks:7 OK, 2 ERROR. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 24 2025
R-4.5-winOKMar 24 2025
R-4.5-macOKMar 24 2025
R-4.5-linuxERRORMar 24 2025
R-4.4-winOKMar 24 2025
R-4.4-macOKMar 24 2025
R-4.4-linuxERRORMar 24 2025
R-4.3-winOKMar 24 2025
R-4.3-macOKMar 24 2025



beastier demo

Rendered fromdemo.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 24 2025.

Last update: 2022-06-01
Started: 2019-04-25

Readme and manuals


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beastier is an R package to run BEAST2.

beastier logo

beastier is part of the babette package suite:

Related R packages:

Install BEAST2

Due to CRAN policy, beastier cannot install BEAST2. As a workaround, the non-CRAN beastierinstall can be used.

To install BEAST2:


Example for v2.1 v2.1


output_state_filename <- "out.state"

  input_filename = get_beastier_path("2_4.xml"),
  output_state_filename = output_state_filename

This will create the files as specified in the 2_4.xml BEAST2 input file.

Example for v2.0.25 v2.0.25

output_log_filename <- "out.log"
output_trees_filename <- "out.trees"
output_state_filename <- "out.state"

  input_filename = get_beastier_path("2_4.xml"),
  output_log_filename = output_log_filename,
  output_trees_filenames = output_trees_filename,
  output_state_filename = output_state_filename

Note that in this version, the filenames for the .log and .trees files could be specified. This is unneeded: the 2_4.xml BEAST2 input file specifies where these files will be stored:

<?xml [...]?><beast [...]>


<run [...]>


    <logger id="tracelog" fileName="test_output_0.log" [...]>


    <logger id="treelog.t:[...]" fileName="$(tree).trees" [...]>

When using beautier, this can be specified in create_mcmc:

  tracelog = create_tracelog(
    filename = "my_trace.log"
  treeslog = create_treeslog(
    filename = "my_trees.trees"


See install.



Missing features/unsupported

beastier cannot do everything BEAST2 can.

  • Remove: install BEAST2, use beastierinstall
  • Experimental: Continue a BEAST2 run
  • Untested: Setup BEAGLE

There is a feature I miss

See CONTRIBUTING, at Submitting use cases

I want to collaborate

See CONTRIBUTING, at 'Submitting code'

I think I have found a bug

See CONTRIBUTING, at 'Submitting bugs'

There's something else I want to say

Sure, just add an Issue. Or send an email.

External links


Branch GitHub Actions logo Codecov logo
beautier master R-CMD-check
beautier develop R-CMD-check
beastierinstall master R-CMD-check
beastierinstall develop R-CMD-check
Branch AppVeyor logo
beastier_on_windows master Build status
beastier_on_windows develop Build status

Files used by continuous integration scripts

Filename Descriptions
mlc_config.json Configuration of the link checker, use markdown-link-check --config mlc_config.json --quiet docs/**/*.md to do link checking locally
.spellcheck.yml Configuration of the spell checker, use pyspelling -c .spellcheck.yml to do spellcheck locally
.wordlist.txt Whitelisted words for the spell checker, use pyspelling -c .spellcheck.yml to do spellcheck locally
.markdownlint.jsonc Configuration of the markdown linter, use markdownlint "**/*.md" to do markdown linting locally. The name of this file is a default name.
.markdownlintignore Files ignored by the markdown linter, use markdownlint "**/*.md" to do markdown linting locally. The name of this file is a default name.


Article about babette:

FASTA files anthus_aco.fas and anthus_nd2.fas from:

  • Van Els, Paul, and Heraldo V. Norambuena. "A revision of species limits in Neotropical pipits Anthus based on multilocus genetic and vocal data." Ibis.


Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add quotes around the string if it contains spaces.add_quotes_if_has_spaces
Would these lines of text, when written to a file, result in a valid BEAST2 input file?are_beast2_input_lines
Would these lines of text, when written to a file, result in a valid BEAST2 input file?are_beast2_input_lines_deep
Would these lines of text, when written to a file, result in a valid BEAST2 input file?are_beast2_input_lines_fast
Determines if the two alignments are equalare_identical_alignments
Convert a 'beast2_options' to a tablebeast2_options_to_table
Creates a beastier reportbeastier_report
Check if 'BEAST2' is installed properly.check_beast2
Check if the 'beast2_options' is a valid BEAST2 options object.check_beast2_options
Check if the 'beast2_options', which is a list, has all elements of the right data typescheck_beast2_options_data_types
Internal functioncheck_beast2_options_do_not_overwrite_existing_files
Check if the filenames in 'beast2_options' differcheck_beast2_options_filenames_differ
Check if the 'beast2_options', which is a list, has all the elements needed.check_beast2_options_names
Check if the 'beast2_options' is a valid BEAST2 options object.check_beast2_optionses
Checks the BEAST2 '.jar' path. Will stop if there is a problem with the BEAST2 '.jar' path.check_beast2_path
Internal functioncheck_can_create_dir_for_state_output_file
Internal functioncheck_can_create_file
Internal functioncheck_can_create_screenlog_file
Internal functioncheck_can_create_state_output_file
Internal function to check if the MCMC's tracelog file can be created.check_can_create_tracelog_file
Internal functioncheck_can_create_treelog_file
Check there are no files in the default beastier foldercheck_empty_beastier_folder
Check there are no files in the default `beautier` and `beastier` folderscheck_empty_beaustier_folders
Checks the input filename. Will stop if there is a problem with the input filename.check_input_filename
Checks the input filename. Will stop if there is a problem with the input filename.check_input_filename_validity
Check if the input is a valid number of threads.check_n_threads
Checks if the operating system is supportedcheck_os
Check if the input is a valid RNG seed.check_rng_seed
Continue a BEAST2 runcontinue_beast2
Creates the terminal command to run BEAST2 from a 'beast2_options'create_beast2_continue_cmd_from_options
Create the folder where the BEAST2 input file will be createdcreate_beast2_input_file_folder
Function to create a set of BEAST2 options.create_beast2_options
Creates the terminal command to run BEAST2create_beast2_run_cmd
Creates the terminal command to run BEAST2 from a 'beast2_options'create_beast2_run_cmd_from_options
Internal functioncreate_beast2_screenlog_folder
Create the folder where the BEAST2 state output file will be createdcreate_beast2_state_output_file_folder
Internal functioncreate_beast2_tracelog_folder
Internal functioncreate_beast2_treelog_folder
Creates the terminal command to validate a BEAST2 input filecreate_beast2_validate_cmd
Creates the terminal command to validate a BEAST2 input file using a call to the 'launcher.jar' filecreate_beast2_validate_cmd_bin
Creates the terminal command to validate a BEAST2 input file using a call to the 'launcher.jar' filecreate_beast2_validate_cmd_jar
Creates the terminal command to version a BEAST2 input filecreate_beast2_version_cmd
Creates the terminal command to version a BEAST2 input file using a call to the 'launcher.jar' filecreate_beast2_version_cmd_bin
Creates the terminal command to version a BEAST2 input file using a call to the 'launcher.jar' filecreate_beast2_version_cmd_jar
Create the temporary folder as used by beastiercreate_beastier_tempfolder
Create a `beast2_options` structure for the `mcbette` R packagecreate_mcbette_beast2_options
Create a random alignmentcreate_random_alignment
Create a random FASTA filecreate_random_fasta
Create a random phylogenycreate_random_phylogeny
Create a temporary filename for the BEAST2 XML filenamecreate_temp_input_filename
Create a temporary file for the BEAST2 XML output file that stores its state.create_temp_state_filename
This function does nothing. It is intended to inherit is parameters' documentation.default_params_doc
Do a minimal BEAST2 rundo_minimal_run
Internal function to extract the screenlog filename for a BEAST2 input fileextract_screenlog_filename_from_beast2_input_file
Internal function to extract the tracelog filename for a BEAST2 input fileextract_tracelog_filename_from_beast2_input_file
Internal function to extract the treelog filename for a BEAST2 input fileextract_treelog_filename_from_beast2_input_file
Get the alignment ID from a file with one alignmentget_alignment_ids_from_xml_filename
Get the full path of a BEAST2 example fileget_beast2_example_filename
Get a list with the full paths of all BEAST2 example filenamesget_beast2_example_filenames
Get the BEAST2 main class name.get_beast2_main_class_name
Extract the filenames from a `beast2_options`get_beast2_options_filenames
Get the BEAST2 versionget_beast2_version
Get the path to the beastier temporary files folderget_beastier_folder
Get the full path of a file in the 'inst/extdata' folderget_beastier_path
Get the full paths of files in the 'inst/extdata' folderget_beastier_paths
Get a temporary filenameget_beastier_tempfilename
Get the default BEAST2 binary file ('beast', that is) pathget_default_beast2_bin_path
Get the default BEAST2 download URL, which depends on the operating systemget_default_beast2_download_url
Get the BEAST2 download URL for Linuxget_default_beast2_download_url_linux
Get the BEAST2 download URL for Windowsget_default_beast2_download_url_win
Get the path to the folder where this package installs BEAST2 by defaultget_default_beast2_folder
Get the default BEAST2 jar file's pathget_default_beast2_jar_path
Get the default BEAST2 pathget_default_beast2_path
Get the default BEAST2 version that is used by beastierget_default_beast2_version
Obtains the default path to the Java executableget_default_java_path
Find duplicate 'RealParameter' IDsget_duplicate_param_ids
Get the Java versionget_java_version
Get the .trees filenames that BEAST2 will produceget_trees_filenames
Determines if BEAST2 issues a warning when using the BEAST2 XML input filegives_beast2_warning
Determine if the XML text has unique parameter IDshas_unique_ids
Deprecated function to install BEAST2install_beast2
Determines if the input is an alignment of type DNAbinis_alignment
Is a file a valid BEAST2 input file?is_beast2_input_file
Checks if BEAST2 is installedis_beast2_installed
Is the path a path to the BEAST2 binary file? Does not check if the file at that path is presentis_bin_path
Is the path a path to the BEAST2 jar file? Does not check if the file at that path is presentis_jar_path
Deprecated function, use is_on_appveyoris_on_appveyor
Deprecated function, use is_on_ciis_on_ci
Deprecated function, use is_on_travisis_on_travis
Is the path a path to the BEAST2 binary file? Does not check if the file at that path is presentis_win_bin_path
Pretty-print a `beast2_options`print_beast2_options
Check there are no files in the default beautier folderremove_beastier_folder
Remove the `beautier` and `beastier` temporary foldersremove_beaustier_folders
Remove a file if it is present, will do nothing if it is not.remove_file_if_present
Rename the filenames in the BEAST2 optionsrename_beast2_options_filenames
Run BEAST2run_beast2
Run BEAST2run_beast2_from_options
Save text (a container of strings) to a filesave_lines
Save a NEXUS file as a FASTA filesave_nexus_as_fasta
Deprecated function to uninstall BEAST2uninstall_beast2
Deprecated function to upgrade BEAST2.upgrade_beast2