title: 'MODIStsp: A Tool for Automatic Preprocessing of MODIS Time Series - v2.0.5'
author: "Lorenzo Busetto,
Luigi Ranghetti ([ranghetti.l@irea.cnr.it](mailto:ranghetti.l@irea.cnr.it))"
bibliography: MODIStsp.bib
date: '`r Sys.Date()`'
fig_caption: yes
number_section: yes
toc: no
toc_depth: 2
fig_caption: yes
number_sections: yes
toc: yes
toc_depth: 2
fig_caption: yes
number_section: yes
toc: no
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%\VignetteIndexEntry{MODIStsp: A Tool for Automatic Preprocessing of MODIS Time Series - v2.0.5}
# Introduction
`{MODIStsp}` is an `R` package allowing to automatize the creation of time series
of rasters derived from MODIS Land Products data. It allows performing several
preprocessing steps on MODIS data available within a given time period.
Development of `{MODIStsp}` started from modifications of the `ModisDownload` `R` script
by Thomas Hengl [-@Hengl2010], and successive adaptations by Babak Naimi [-@Naimi2014].
The basic functionalities for download and preprocessing of MODIS datasets provided
by these scripts were gradually incremented with the aim of:
* developing a stand-alone application allowing to perform several preprocessing
steps (e.g., download, mosaicing, reprojection and resize) on all available MODIS
land products by exploiting a powerful and user-friendly GUI front-end;
* allowing the creation of time series of both MODIS original layers and additional
Quality Indicators (e.g., data acquisition quality, cloud/snow presence, algorithm
used for data production, etc. ) extracted from the aggregated bit-field QA layers;
* allowing the automatic calculation and creation of time series of several additional
Spectral Indexes starting form MODIS surface reflectance products.
All processing parameters can be easily set with a user-friendly GUI, although
non-interactive execution exploiting a previously created Options File is possible.
Stand-alone execution outside an `R` environment is also possible, allowing to use
scheduled execution of MODIStsp to automatically update time series related to a
MODIS product and extent whenever a new image is available.
Required MODIS HDF files are automatically downloaded from NASA servers and resized,
reprojected, resampled and processed according to user's choices. For each desired
output layer, outputs are saved as single-band rasters corresponding to each acquisition
date available for the selected MODIS product within the specified time period.
"R" _RasterStack_ objects with temporal information as well as Virtual raster files
(GDAL vrt and ENVI META files) facilitating access to the entire time series can
be also created.
# Installation
`{MODIStsp}` requires [R](https://cran.r-project.org) v >= 3.6.3.
## On Windows
You can install the stable version of `{MODIStsp}` from CRAN:
, or the development version (containing the latest improvements and bug fixes)
from GitHub:
```{r, eval=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, include=TRUE}
## On Linux systems
To install `{MODIStsp}` on Linux, you need to be able to install the `{sf}` package,
which requires several dependencies. See [here](https://github.com/r-spatial/sf#installing)
if you have trouble installing `{sf}`.
In addition, you need to install dependencies
required by the `{protolite}` package, required by `{geojson}`. See [here](https://github.com/jeroen/protolite/) for instructions
on installing them.
Then, you can install the stable version of `{MODIStsp}` from CRAN:
```{r, eval=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, include=TRUE}
, or the development version (containing the latest improvements and bug fixes)
from GitHub:
```{r, eval=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, include=TRUE}
## On Mac OS
To install `{MODIStsp}` on MacOS, you need to be able to install the `{sf}` package, which requires several dependencies. See [HERE](https://github.com/r-spatial/sf#installing)
if you have trouble installing `{sf}`.
Then, you can install the stable version of `{MODIStsp}` from CRAN:
```{r, eval=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, include=TRUE}
, or the development version (containing the latest improvements and bug fixes)
from GitHub:
```{r, eval=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, include=TRUE}
# Running the tool in Interactive Mode: the MODIStsp GUI
The easiest way to use `{MODIStsp}` is to use its powerful GUI (Graphical User
Interface) for selection of processing options, and then run the processing.
To open the GUI, load the package and launch the MODIStsp function, with no parameters:
```{r, eval=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, include=TRUE, caption=FALSE}
This **opens a GUI** from which processing options can be specified and eventually
saved (or loaded).
The GUI allows selecting all processing options required for the creation of the
desired MODIS time series. The main available processing options are described in
detail in the following.
```{r GUIfig, echo=FALSE, fig.align="center", fig.width=10, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
img <- readPNG("GUI_1.PNG")
See (https://docs.ropensci.org/MODIStsp/articles/interactive_execution.html) for further
info and instructions regarding the usage of the GUI.
# Non-Interactive Execution from within R
`MODIStsp()` can be launched in non-interactive mode within an `R` session by setting the optional `GUI` parameter to FALSE, and either providing the desired processing argument in the call to the function, or providing a previously saved `opts_file` specifying the path to a JSON Options file previously saved through the GUI.
This allows exploiting `{MODIStsp}` functionalities within generic `R` processing scripts.
## __Specifying the processing parameters in the function call__
All processing parameters can be set in the call to `MODIStsp()`. Mandatory
parameters are `selprod` (specifying the MODIS product), (one of) `bandsel`, `quality_bandsel` or `indexes_bandsel`, (that specify the desired output layers), `out_folder` and `start_date` and `end_date`.
`user` and `password` are also needed if `download_server` is not equal to `"offline"`.
The function `MODIStsp_get_prodlayers()` allows to easily retrieve the
names of products and available layers based on product code, such as in:
```{r eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
The other parameters are set automatically to default values (see [the function reference](https://docs.ropensci.org/MODIStsp/reference/MODIStsp_get_prodlayers.html) for details on the different available function arguments).
For example, the following code processes layers __NDVI__ and __EVI__ and quality indicator __usefulness__ of product __M*D13Q1__, considering both Terra and Aqua platforms, for dates comprised between 2020-06-01 and 2020-06-15 and saves output to `R` `tempdir()`:
```{r eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
# **NOTE** Output files of examples are saved to file.path by setting out_folder to $tempdir.
# --> See name and available layers for product M*D13Q1
# MODIStsp_get_prodlayers("M*D13A2")
# --> Launch the processing
gui = FALSE,
out_folder = "$tempdir",
selprod = "Vegetation_Indexes_16Days_1Km (M*D13A2)",
bandsel = c("EVI", "NDVI"),
quality_bandsel = "QA_usef",
indexes_bandsel = "SR",
user = "mstp_test" ,
password = "MSTP_test_01",
start_date = "2020.06.01",
end_date = "2020.06.15",
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE
# Outputs are in this case in subfolder "MODIStsp/VI_16Days_1Km_v61" of
# `base::tempdir()`:
out_fold <- file.path(tempdir(), "MODIStsp/VI_16Days_1Km_v61/")
list.files(file.path(out_fold ,"EVI"))
list.files(file.path(out_fold ,"QA_usef"))
_Note that this example, as well as the following ones, is run in single
core to follow CRAN policies, by setting `parallel = FALSE`;
users can exploit multicore functionalities skipping to set this argument._
## __Launching MODIStsp using a saved "Options file"__
Alternatively, you can run `MODIStsp()` without opening the GUI by specifying a previously saved options file:
```{r eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
# **NOTE** Output files of examples are saved to file.path(tempdir(), "MODIStsp").
# --> Specify the path to a valid options file saved in advance from MODIStsp GUI
# Here we use a test json file saved in MODIStsp installation folder which
# downloads and processed 3 MOD13A2 images over the Como Lake (Lombardy, Italy)
# and retrieves NDVI and EVI data, plus the Usefulness Index Quality Indicator.
opts_file <- system.file("testdata/test_MOD13A2.json", package = "MODIStsp")
# --> Launch the processing
MODIStsp(gui = FALSE, opts_file = opts_file, verbose = FALSE, parallel = FALSE)
# Outputs are in this case in subfolder "MODIStsp/VI_16Days_1Km_v61" of
# tempdir():
out_fold <- file.path(tempdir(), "MODIStsp/VI_16Days_1Km_v61")
list.files(file.path(out_fold ,"EVI"))
### _Looping over different Options files_
If you need to process different MODIS products, you can prepare beforehand different
MODIStsp options files by using the GUI, and then loop over them like this:
```{r eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
opts_files <- c(system.file("testdata/test_MOD13A2.json", package = "MODIStsp"),
system.file("testdata/test_MOD10A2.json", package = "MODIStsp"))
for (opts_file in opts_files) {
MODIStsp(gui = FALSE, opts_file = opts_file, verbose = FALSE, parallel = FALSE)
# MOD13A2 ouptuts
out_fold <- file.path(tempdir(), "MODIStsp/VI_16Days_1Km_v61")
list.files(file.path(out_fold ,"NDVI"))
# MOD10A2 ouptuts
out_fold <- file.path(tempdir(), "MODIStsp/Surf_Temp_8Days_1Km_v61")
list.files(file.path(out_fold ,"LST_Night_1km"))
## __Specifying the processing parameters using a previously saved options file and overwriting some parameters__
Finally, it is possible to both specify a previously saved options file AND setting some parameters in the call to the function. This allows __easily performing similar processings, by only updating the required arguments__, as in the examples below.
## __Looping over different spatial extents__
Specifying the `spafile` parameter while setting the `spatmeth` parameter to `"file"` overrides for example the output extent of the selected Options File. This allows performing the same preprocessing on different extents using a single Options File. For example:
```{r eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
# Run the tool using the settings previously saved in a specific option file
# and specifying the extent from a spatial file allows to re-use the same
# processing settings to perform download and reprocessing on a different area
opts_file <- system.file("testdata/test_MOD13A2.json", package = "MODIStsp")
spatial_file <- system.file("testdata/lakeshapes/garda_lake.shp", package = "MODIStsp")
gui = FALSE,
opts_file = opts_file,
spatmeth = "file",
spafile = spatial_file,
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE
# --> Create a character array containing a list of shapefiles (or other spatial files)
extent_list <- list.files(system.file("testdata/lakeshapes/", package = "MODIStsp"), full.names = TRUE, "\\.shp$")
# --> Loop on the list of spatial files and run MODIStsp using each of them to
# automatically define the output extent (A separate output folder is created for
# each input spatial file).
for (single_shape in extent_list) {
gui = FALSE,
opts_file = opts_file,
spatmeth = "file",
spafile = single_shape,
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE
# output files are placed in separate folders:
outfiles_garda <- list.files(
file.path(tempdir(), "MODIStsp/garda_lake/VI_16Days_1Km_v61/EVI"),
full.names = TRUE)
outfiles_iseo <- list.files(
file.path(tempdir(), "MODIStsp/iseo_lake/VI_16Days_1Km_v61/EVI"),
full.names = TRUE)
# Scheduled Processing
Stand-alone non-interactive execution can be used to periodically and automatically
update the time series of a selected product over a given study area. To do that,
you should simply:
1. Open the `{MODIStsp}` GUI, define the parameters of the processing specifying
a date in the future as the "Ending Date" and save the processing options. Then
quit the program.
2. Schedule non-interactive execution of the launcher installed as seen before
(or located in the subdirectory `"MODIStsp/ExtData/Launcher"` of your library path)
as windows scheduled task (or linux "cron" job) according to a specified time
schedule, specifying the path of a previously saved Options file as additional
#### On Linux
3. Edit your crontab by opening a terminal and type:
crontab -e
4. Add an entry for the launcher. For example, if you have installed it in
`/usr/bin` and you want to run the tool every day at 23.00, add the following row:
0 23 * * * /bin/bash /usr/bin/MODIStsp -g -s "/yourpath/youroptions.json"
#### On Windows
3. Create a Task following these instructions; add the path of the `MODIStsp.bat` launcher as Action (point 6), and specifying `-g -s "X:/yourpath/youroptions.json"` as argument.
# Outputs Format and Naming Conventions
## Single-band outputs
Output raster files are saved in specific subfolders of the main output folder.
In particular, **a separate subfolder** is created for each processed original
MODIS layer, Quality Indicator or Spectral Index. Each subfolder contains one image
for each processed date, created according to the following naming conventions:
_(e.g., myoutfolder/NDVI/MOD13Q1\_NDVI\_2000\_065.dat)_
, where:
- **_Layer_** is a short name describing the dataset (e.g., b1_Red, NDII, UI);
- **_ProdCode_** is the code name of the MODIS product from which the image was
derived (e.g., MOD13Q1);
- **_YYYY_** and **_DOY_** correspond to the year and DOY (Day of the Year) of
acquisition of the original MODIS image;
- **_ext_** is the file extension (.tif for GTiff outputs, or .dat for ENVI outputs).
## Virtual multi-band outputs
ENVI and/or GDAL virtual time series files and _RasterStack_ RData objects are
instead stored **in the "Time\_Series" subfolder** if required.
Naming convention for these files is as follow:
_(e.g., `/my/out/folder/Time_Series/RData/Terra/NDVI/MOD13Q1_MYD13Q1_NDVI_49_2000_353_2015_RData.RData`)_
, where:
- `` indicates the type of virtual file (`"RData"`, `"GDAL"` or `"ENVI_META"`);
- `` indicates to which MODIS sensor the time series belongs (`"Terra"`,
`"Aqua"`, `"Mixed"` or `"Combined"` (for MCD* products));
- `` is a short name describing the dataset (e.g., `"b1_Red"`, `"NDII"`, `"UI"`);
- `` is the code name of the MODIS product from which the image was
derived (e.g., `"MOD13Q1"`);
- ``, ``, `` and `` indicate the
temporal extent of the time serie created;
- `` indicates the type of virtual file (`"ENVI"`, `"GDAL"` or `"RData"`);
- `` is the file extension (`".vrt"` for GDAL virtual files, `"META"` for
ENVI meta files or `"RData"` for `R` raster stacks).
# Accessing the processed time series from R
Preprocessed MODIS data can be retrieved within `R` either by accessing the single-date raster files, or by loading the saved _RasterStack_ objects.
Any single-date image can be accessed by simply opening it with a `raster` command:
```{R eval=FALSE, tidy=TRUE, highlight=TRUE}
modistsp_file <- "/my_outfolder/EVI/MOD13Q1_2005_137_EVI.tif"
my_raster <- raster(modistsp_file)
`rasterStack` time series containing all the processed data for a given parameter (saved in the `"Time Series/RData"` subfolder - see [here](https://docs.ropensci.org/MODIStsp/articles/output.html) for details) can be opened by:
```{r eval=FALSE}
in_virtual_file <- "/my_outfolder/Time_Series/RData/Terra/EVI/MOD13Q1_MYD13Q1_NDVI_49_2000_353_2015_RData.RData"
indata <- get(load(in_virtual_file))
This second option allows accessing the complete data stack and analyzing it using the functionalities for raster/raster time series analysis, extraction and plotting provided for example by the `{raster}` or `{rasterVis}` packages.
## Extracting Time Series Data on Areas of Interest
`{MODIStsp}` provides an efficient function (`MODIStsp_extract()`) for extracting time series data at specific locations. The function takes as input a _RasterStack_ virtual object created by `MODIStsp()` (see above), the starting and ending dates for the extraction and a standard _Sp*_ object (or an ESRI shapefile name) specifying the locations (points, lines or polygons) of interest, and provides as output a `xts` object or `data.frame` containing time series data for those locations.
If the input is of class _SpatialPoints_, the output object contains one column for each point specified, and one row for each date. If it is of class _SpatialPolygons_ (or _SpatialLines_), it contains one column for each polygon (or each line), with values obtained applying the function specified as the `FUN` argument (e.g., mean, standard deviation, etc.) on pixels belonging to the polygon (or touched by the line), and one row for each date.
As an example the following code:
```{r, eval=FALSE}
#Set the input paths to raster and shape file
infile <- 'myoutfolder/Time_Series/RData/Mixed/MOD13Q1_MYD13Q1_NDVI_49_2000_353_2015_RData.RData'
shpname <- 'path_to_file/rois.shp'
#Set the start/end dates for extraction
startdate <- as.Date("2010-01-01")
enddate <- as.Date("2014-12-31")
#Load the RasterStack
inrts <- get(load(infile))
# Compute average and St.dev
dataavg <- MODIStsp_extract(inrts, shpname, startdate, enddate, FUN = 'mean', na.rm = T)
datasd <- MODIStsp_extract (inrts, shpname, startdate, enddate, FUN = 'sd', na.rm = T)
# Plot average time series for the polygons
loads a _RasterStack_ object containing 8-days 250 m resolution time series for the 2000-2015 period and extracts time series of average and standard deviation values over the different polygons of a user's selected shapefile on the 2010-2014 period.
# Problems and Issues
Solutions to some common **installation and processing problems** can be found in `{MODIStsp}` FAQ:
Please **report any issues** you may encounter in our issues page on GitHub:
# Citation
To cite MODIStsp please use:
L. Busetto, L. Ranghetti (2016) MODIStsp: An R package for automatic preprocessing of MODIS
Land Products time series, Computers & Geosciences, Volume 97, Pages
40-48, ISSN 0098-3004, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2016.08.020, URL: https://github.com/ropensci/MODIStsp.
# References