--- title: "Rpolyhedra" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Rpolyhedra} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} --- # Introduction This package is a curation made based on the poly package found on https://netlib.org/polyhedra/ ([Original Help message](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ropensci/Rpolyhedra/master/man/html/poly_original_help_message.html)), and the polyhedra database found on http://dmccooey.com/polyhedra/, both of which provide polyhedra databases on its own format. As such, Rpolyhedra provides with the following: 1. A module to scrape the polyhedra for the different sources found with features for incremental correction of issues found and to be found in scraping process. 1. A database of the scraped polyhedra. 1. An R6 polyhedron representation with 'rgl' package visualizing capabilities. # Usage For final users, the package provides a common interface for accessing public polyhedra databases, analyze properties, compare and visualize them with RGL. For advanced users, the package provides a simplified set of R6 objects to scrape and compare polyhedra databases. ```{r setup, include=FALSE} library(rgl) library(Rpolyhedra) library(dplyr) setupKnitr() ``` ## Get available polyhedra Once the original files had been processed, a simple call to ```getAvailablePolyhedra()``` retrieves a list of the available polyhedra with properties and status in the polyhedra database: ```{r availablePolyhedra} #show only the first 10 polyhedra. head(getAvailablePolyhedra(), n = 10) ``` ## Retrieve a polyhedron The access to a particular polyhedron can be done with a call to ```getPolyhedron(<>, <>)```, which returns a Polyhedron object. For example, to retrieve a cube from the netlib database, the call would be: ```{r getPolyhedron} cube <- getPolyhedron(source = "netlib", polyhedron.name = "cube") ``` # A demo To try package functionality, a simple demo can be executed which shows the 5 regular polyhedra. ```{r demo, webgl=TRUE} # 1. Obtain 5 regular solids polyhedra.2.draw <- getAvailablePolyhedra(source = "netlib") polyhedra.2.draw <- polyhedra.2.draw %>% filter(scraped.name %in% c("tetrahedron", "octahedron", "cube", "icosahedron", "dodecahedron")) # 2. Setup colors and scales n <- nrow(polyhedra.2.draw) polyhedron.colors <- rainbow(n) polyhedron.scale <- 5 # 3. Open and setup RGL window open3d() par3d(FOV = 1) rgl.bg( sphere =FALSE, fogtype = "none", color=c("black")) rgl.viewpoint(theta = 0, phi=0, zoom=0.8, fov=1) # 4. For each polyhedron, setup rotation, position and render for (i in seq_len(n)) { # Obtain polyhedron polyhedron.row <- polyhedra.2.draw[i,] polyhedron.name <- polyhedron.row$scraped.name polyhedron <- getPolyhedron(source = polyhedron.row$source, polyhedron.name) # Setup angles, position into transformationMatrix current.angle <- i/n * 2 * pi tm <- rotationMatrix(current.angle, 1, 0, 0) x.pos <- round(polyhedron.scale * sin(current.angle), 2) y.pos <- round(polyhedron.scale * cos(current.angle), 2) tm <- tm %*% translationMatrix(x.pos, y.pos, 0) # Render print(paste("Drawing ", polyhedron.name, " rotated ", round(current.angle, 2), " in (1,0,0) axis. Translated to (", x.pos, ",", y.pos, ",0)", " with color ", polyhedron.colors[i], sep = "")) shape.rgl <- polyhedron$getRGLModel(transformation.matrix = tm) shade3d(shape.rgl, color = polyhedron.colors[i]) } ```