
search_awards is meant to be the top-level function for interacting with grant database search functions.

Load awardFindR


Simple keyword search, single source

nsf <- search_awards(keywords="illicit", sources="nsf", from_date="2023-01-01")
#> 'data.frame':    29 obs. of  12 variables:
#>  $ institution: chr  "Dartmouth College" "The University of Central Florida Board of Trustees" "Barnard College" "University of Southern California" ...
#>  $ pi         : chr  "Zhang, Xiaojing" "Yao, Fan" "Moncada, Eduardo" "Kocoloski, Brian" ...
#>  $ year       : chr  "2023" "2024" "2024" "2023" ...
#>  $ start      : chr  "2023-09-01" "2024-03-01" "2025-01-01" "2023-09-01" ...
#>  $ end        : chr  "2026-08-31" "2029-02-28" "2027-12-31" "2025-08-31" ...
#>  $ program    : chr  "47.041" "47.070" "47.075" "47.070" ...
#>  $ amount     : chr  "399541.00" "556875.00" "230928.00" "600000.00" ...
#>  $ id         : chr  "2318814" "2340777" "2416429" "2319864" ...
#>  $ title      : chr  "Label-free Detection of Opioids in Liquid Using Zinc Oxide Nanophotonic Sensor" "CAREER: Understanding and Ensuring Secure-by-design Microarchitecture in Modern Era of Computing" "RUI: Criminal Competition and Collective Political Mobilization in Comparative Perspective" "CICI: RSSD: DISCERN: Datasets to Illuminate Suspicious Computations on Engineering Research Networks" ...
#>  $ abstract   : chr  "Illicit drug abuse has become another major national health crisis since the Covid-19<br/>pandemic started, due"| __truncated__ "Microarchitectural attacks (i.e., side and covert channels) have opened a new chapter in computer system securi"| __truncated__ "Millions of people across the developing world live and work in marginalized urban spaces with limited access t"| __truncated__ "Scientific cyberinfrastructures (CIs) contain rich and powerful resources to support a wide range of experiment"| __truncated__ ...
#>  $ keyword    : chr  "illicit" "illicit" "illicit" "illicit" ...
#>  $ source     : chr  "NSF" "NSF" "NSF" "NSF" ...

Multiple sources and keywords, specific date range

nsf_and_nih <- search_awards(keywords=c("ontological", "audio recordings"), sources=c("nsf", "nih"), from_date="2018-01-01", to_date="2018-02-01")
#> < table of extent 0 >

For more than a few keywords, you can specify an external simple csv file. If you specify a .csv file path for keywords, the file should be a list of keywords, one string per line. For example:

qualitative data
qualitative analysis
case study
case studies