This vignette contains some example data used in the other vignettes.
contains 100 patients (with random names from
the randomNames
package) who received total hip arthroplasty (THA) surgery at given
(random) dates (surgery
column). This data represent a
sample from a national quality register.
See also ?ex_people
#> # A tibble: 100 × 2
#> name surgery
#> <chr> <date>
#> 1 Chen, Trevor 2023-02-28
#> 2 Graves, Acineth 2022-11-20
#> 3 Trujillo, Yanelly 2022-11-07
#> 4 Simpson, Kenneth 2023-02-09
#> 5 Chin, Nelson 2023-01-23
#> 6 Le, Christina 2022-08-27
#> 7 Kang, Xuan 2022-11-29
#> 8 Shuemaker, Lauren 2022-08-28
#> 9 Boucher, Teresa 2023-02-03
#> 10 Le, Soraiya 2023-01-08
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
We are interested in comorbidity for the patients above and have
collected some synthesized diagnostics data (ex_icd10
) from
a national patient register (we can at least assume that for now).
Patients have one entry for every combination of recorded diagnoses
codes according to the International classification of diseases version
10, icd10
, and corresponding dates of hospital
s for which those codes were recorded. (Column
for main diagnoses and
for underlying/less relevant codes).
See also ?ex_icd10
#> # A tibble: 2,376 × 4
#> name admission icd10 hdia
#> <chr> <date> <chr> <lgl>
#> 1 Tran, Kenneth 2022-09-11 S134A FALSE
#> 2 Tran, Kenneth 2023-02-25 W3319 FALSE
#> 3 Tran, Kenneth 2023-02-04 Y0262 TRUE
#> 4 Tran, Kenneth 2022-12-28 X0488 FALSE
#> 5 Sommerville, Dominic 2023-02-16 V8104 FALSE
#> 6 Sommerville, Dominic 2022-09-27 B853 FALSE
#> 7 Sommerville, Dominic 2023-02-11 Q174 FALSE
#> 8 Sommerville, Dominic 2022-10-02 A227 FALSE
#> 9 Sommerville, Dominic 2023-02-06 H702 FALSE
#> 10 Sommerville, Dominic 2022-05-31 X6051 TRUE
#> # ℹ 2,366 more rows
Assume we have some external code data from a national prescription register. Such register would likely cover additional patients but let’s just consider a small sample with ATC codes for patients above, such that each patient can have zero, one, or several codes prescribed at different dates.
#> # A tibble: 10,000 × 4
#> name atc prescription code
#> <chr> <chr> <date> <chr>
#> 1 Le, Soraiya L03AA16 2020-12-01 d0h-L03AA16x3
#> 2 Cleveland, Mark J07CA01 2018-08-11 o7b-J07CA01h0
#> 3 Santistevan, Charlie QJ57EA06 2014-01-20 w2q-QJ57EA06n4
#> 4 Meier, Hayden R03DB04 2019-05-23 c5b-R03DB04m7
#> 5 Hill, Audrey V09IA01 2016-11-04 x7h.V09IA01d5
#> 6 Thumma, Phillip L02AE02 2012-12-13 p1y.L02AE02z6
#> 7 Yost, Rebecca S01EB06 2017-05-07 k7y.S01EB06m2
#> 8 Mandakh, Joseph A03DA01 2018-12-09 w8u?A03DA01g5
#> 9 Meier, Hayden C09AA13 2021-05-30 d2d.C09AA13y8
#> 10 Trinh, Schuyler A07EA03 2023-03-30 u9t-A07EA03m7
#> # ℹ 9,990 more rows