--- title: "Getting started" description: > Learn what concstats is about output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Getting started} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ## What is concstats? concstats is a small package that helps you to **calculate the structure, concentration or diversity measures of a given market.** You can reach that goal in different ways: a) calculating an individual measure, e.g. the Herfindahl Hirschman Index (HHI) or its dual. b) calculating a group of measures, e.g. structural measures, or c) a set of pre-selected measures in a one-step procedure. ## How can you install it? You can install `concstats` directly from CRAN ```{r, eval=FALSE} install.packages("concstats") # Market Structure, Concentration, and Inequality # Measures library(concstats) ``` You can install the development versions from *r-universe* install.packages("concstats", repos = "https://ropensci.r-universe.dev") *github* (requires `remotes` or `devtools`) remotes::install_github("ropensci/concstats" # Why did I build it? Measures of concentration and competition are important and give a first insight of a given market structure in a particular market. **They are important to determine public policies and strategic corporate decisions**. However, in research and in practice the most commonly used measure is the Herfindahl Hirschman Index. The `concstats` package offers a **set of alternative measures**. `concstats` allows you to **calculate quickly a particular measure or a group of measures to give you a better overview of a given market situation and therefore reducing uncertainty.** **It can be used by practitioners and academics alike.** ## How can it be used? ```{r, echo=FALSE, eval=FALSE} #' @srrstats {EA1.0} identifying target audience on line#60 #' @srrstats {EA1.2} scope of the package on line#61-62 ``` `concstats` should be used by practitioners and academics **who are concerned about structure, concentration, diversity or inequality** in general or on a regular basis. **A single standard measure like the Herfindahl Hirschman Index (HHI) may lead to erroneous conclusions.** The `concstats` package offers a **straightforward way to calculate standard and alternative measures** given a data set of market participants and their participation (in relative values) in a particular market at a given point of time or over time. concstats provides currently the following basic functions: - **`concstats_concstats()`** calculates eight pre-selected measures in a one-step procedure to provide a first insight of the market. The resulting data frame contains eight measures, which are: number of firms with market share, numbers equivalent, the cumulative share of the top (top 3 and top 5) firm(s) in percentage, the hhi index, the entropy index, and the palma ratio. - **`concstats_mstruct()`** is a wrapper for the following measures: **firm**, **nrs_eq** (Numbers equivalent), **top**, **top 3** and **top 5** market share, and **all** calculates all measures as a group. Each of the measures within a group can be accessed directly using the prefix **concstats_**, e.g. **concstats_firm**. In practice, firm ranking might be of interest, and the user might prefer the **concstats_top_df** functions. In general, the user should provide individual markets shares, however, the helper function **concstats_shares** can be used. - **`concstats_comp()`** is a group wrapper for the following concentration measures: **hhi**, the **dual of the hhi**, the **min. of the hhi**, the **dominance index**, the **stenbacka index**, and finally **all** which calculates all measures as a group. - **`concstats_inequ()`** is a wrapper for inequality and diversity measures and contains: **entropy**, **gini coefficient**, **simpson index**, the **palma ratio** and the alternative **grs** measure, **all** calculates the group measures.