Package 'dataaimsr'

Title: AIMS Data Platform API Client
Description: AIMS Data Platform API Client which provides easy access to AIMS Data Platform scientific data and information.
Authors: Diego R. Barneche [aut, cre], AIMS Datacentre [aut], Greg Coleman [aut], Duncan Fermor [aut], Eduardo Klein [aut], Tobias Robinson [aut], Jason Smith [aut], Jeffrey L. Sheehan [aut], Shannon Dowley [aut], Dean Ditton [aut], Kevin Gunn [aut], Gavin Ericson [aut], Murray Logan [aut], Mark Rehbein [aut], Sam Albers [rev], Elizabeth Stark [rev], Laura DeCicco [rev]
Maintainer: Diego R. Barneche <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.1.0
Built: 2025-02-12 16:51:34 UTC

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The 'dataaimsr' package.


dataaimsr is the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) Data Platform R package, and provides the user with easy access to datasets from the AIMS Data Platform API. Please see ?aims_data for more details.


Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS). (2017). AIMS Sea Water Temperature Observing System (AIMS Temperature Logger Program)

Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS). (2017). Northern Australia Automated Marine Weather and Oceanographic Stations,

Extracts citation attribute from object of class aimsdf


Extracts citation attribute from object of class aimsdf





A data.frame of class aimsdf created by function aims_data


This function retrieves the citation attribute from an aimsdf object. If the input aimsdf object is a summary data.frame (see ?aims_data), then output will be an empty string.


A character vector.


AIMS Datacentre [email protected]

Request data via the AIMS Data Platform API


A function that communicates with the the AIMS Data Platform via the AIMS Data Platform API


aims_data(target, filters = NULL, summary = NA, ...)



A character vector of length 1 specifying the dataset. Only weather or temp_loggers are currently allowed.


A list containing a set of filters for the data query (see Details).


Should summary tables ("summary-by-series" or "summary-by-deployment") or daily aggregated data ("daily") be returned instead of full data (see Details)?


Currently unused. Additional arguments to be passed to non-exported internal functions.


The AIMS Data Platform R Client provides easy access to data sets for R applications to the AIMS Data Platform API. The AIMS Data Platform requires an API Key for requests, which can be obtained at this link. It is preferred that API Keys are not stored in code. We recommend storing the environment variable AIMS_DATAPLATFORM_API_KEY permanently under the user's .Renviron file in order to load the API Key automatically.

There are two types of data currently available through the AIMS Data Platform API: Weather and Sea Water Temperature Loggers. They are searched internally via unique DOI identifiers. Only one data type at a time can be passed to the argument target.

A list of arguments for filters can be exposed for both Weather and Sea Water Temperature Loggers using function aims_expose_attributes.

Note that at present the user can inspect the range of dates for the temperature loggers data only (see usage of argument summary in the examples below). For that, the argument summary must be either the string "summary-by-series" or "summary-by-deployment". In those cases, time filters will be ignored.

Details about available dates for each dataset and time series can be accessed via Metadata on AIMS Data Platform API. We raise this caveat here because these time boundaries are very important; data are collected at very small time intervals, a window of just a few days can yield very large datasets. The query will return and error if it reaches the system's memory capacity.

For that same reason, from version 1.1.0 onwards, we are offering the possibility of downloading a mean daily aggregated version. For that, the user must set summary = "daily". In this particular case, query filter will be taken into account.


aims_data returns a data.frame of class aimsdf.

If summary %in% c("summary-by-series", "summary-by-deployment"), the output shows the summary information for the target dataset (i.e. weather or temperature loggers) (NB: currently, summary only works for the temperature logger database). If summary is not passed as an additional argument, then the output contains raw monitoring data. If summary = "daily", then the output contains mean daily aggregated monitoring data. The output also contains five attributes (empty strings if summary is passed as an additional argument):

  • metadataa DOI link containing the metadata record for the data series.

  • citationthe citation information for the particular dataset.

  • parametersThe measured parameters comprised in the output.

  • typeThe type of dataset. Either "monitoring" if summary is not specified, "monitoring (daily aggregation)" if summary = "daily", or a "summary-by-" otherwise.

  • targetThe input target.


AIMS Datacentre [email protected]

See Also

aims_citation, aims_metadata, aims_parameters


## Not run: 
# assumes that user already has API key saved to
# .Renviron

# start downloads:
# 1. downloads weather data from
# site Yongala
# within a defined date range
wdf_a <- aims_data("weather", api_key = NULL,
                   filters = list(site = "Yongala",
                                  from_date = "2018-01-01",
                                  thru_date = "2018-01-02"))

# 2. downloads weather data from all sites
# under series_id 64 from Davies Reef
# within a defined date range
wdf_b <- aims_data("weather", api_key = NULL,
                   filters = list(series_id = 64,
                                  from_date = "1991-10-18",
                                  thru_date = "1991-10-19"))

# 3. downloads weather data from all sites
# under series_id 64 from Davies Reef
# within defined date AND time range
wdf_c <- aims_data("weather", api_key = NULL,
                   filters = list(series_id = 64,
                                  from_date = "1991-10-18T06:00:00",
                                  thru_date = "1991-10-18T12:00:00"))

# 4. downloads all parameters from all sites
# within a defined date range
wdf_d <- aims_data("weather", api_key = NULL,
                   filters = list(from_date = "2003-01-01",
                                  thru_date = "2003-01-02"))
# note that there are multiple sites and series
# so in this case, because we did not specify a specific
# parameter, series within sites could differ by both
# parameter and depth
unique(wdf_d[, c("site", "series_id", "series")])

# 5. downloads chlorophyll from all sites
# within a defined date range
wdf_e <- aims_data("weather", api_key = NULL,
                   filters = list(parameter = "Chlorophyll",
                                  from_date = "2018-01-01",
                                  thru_date = "2018-01-02"))
# note again that there are multiple sites and series
# however in this case because we did specify a specific
# parameter, series within sites differ by depth only
unique(wdf_e[, c("site", "series_id", "series", "depth")])

# 6. downloads temperature data
# summarised by series
sdf_a <- aims_data("temp_loggers", api_key = NULL,
                   summary = "summary-by-series")

# 7. downloads temperature data
# summarised by series
# for all sites that contain data
# within a defined date range
sdf_b <- aims_data("temp_loggers", api_key = NULL,
                   summary = "summary-by-series",
                   filters = list("from_date" = "2018-01-01",
                                  "thru_date" = "2018-12-31"))
dim(sdf_b) # a subset of sdf_a

# 8. downloads temperature data
# summarised by deployment
sdf_c <- aims_data("temp_loggers", api_key = NULL,
                   summary = "summary-by-deployment")

# 9. downloads temperature data
# within a defined date range, averaged by day
sdf_d <- aims_data("temp_loggers", api_key = NULL, summary = "daily",
                   filters = list(series = "DAVFL1",
                                  from_date = "2018-01-01",
                                  thru_date = "2018-01-10"))
# note again that there are multiple sites and series
# however in this case because we did specify a specific
# parameter, series within sites differ by depth only
unique(sdf_d[, c("site", "series_id", "series", "depth")])

## End(Not run)

Expose available query filters


Expose available query filters which are allowed to be parsed either via argument summary or filters in aims_data





A character vector of length 1 specifying the dataset. Only weather or temp_loggers are currently allowed.


Use this function to learn which summary modes and filters are allowed.

We are working on implementing summary visualisation methods for weather station data. So, for the moment, the options below are only available for temperature logger data. Three options are available:

  • summary-by-seriesExpose summary for all available series; a series is a continuing time-series, i.e. a collection of deployments measuring the same parameter at the same site. For temperature loggers, series is synonymous with sub-site. For weather stations, it is the combination of sub-site and parameter.

  • summary-by-deploymentExpose summary for all available deployments.

  • dailyReturn mean daily aggregated monitoring data .

We offer a list of valid filter names:

  • siteFilter by a particular site.

  • subsiteFilter by a particular subsite.

  • seriesFilter by a particular series.

  • series_idA unique identifier for the series - it should be unique within a dataset. An alternative to looking up a series by name.

  • parameterParameter of interest. Only relevant for weather station data because temperature logger is always water temperature.

  • min_latMinimum latitude; used to filter by a lat-lon box.

  • max_latMaximum latitude; used to filter by a lat-lon box.

  • min_lonMinimum longitude; used to filter by a lat-lon box.

  • max_lonMaximum longitude; used to filter by a lat-lon box.

  • from_dateFilter from time (string of format YYYY-MM-DD).

  • thru_dateFilter until time (string of format YYYY-MM-DD).

Some additional options for the actual download, which should be passed as additional arguments to the function, are:

  • sizeSet a page size for large queries (only for the data and data-no-key endpoints).

  • cursorUsed for pagination on / data").

  • versionRequest the data as recorded at a particular time (a version history).


A list of two character vectors: one detailing summary modes, another detailing filters.


AIMS Datacentre [email protected]


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Retrieve vector of existing filter values


This is a utility function which allows to user to query about the existing possibilities of a given filter name


aims_filter_values(target, filter_name)



A character vector of length 1 specifying the dataset. Only weather or temp_loggers are currently allowed.


A character string containing the name of the filter. Must be "site", "subsite", "series", or "parameter". See details.


For a full description of each valid filter_name see ?aims_expose_attributes. In the temperature logger dataset, "subsite" is equivalent to "series"; moreover, note that there is only one parameter being measured (i.e. water temperature), so the "parameter" filter contains one single value.


Either a data.frame if filter_name = "series", else a character vector.


AIMS Datacentre [email protected]

See Also

aims_data, aims_expose_attributes


## Not run: 
aims_filter_values("weather", filter_name = "site")
aims_filter_values("temp_loggers", filter_name = "subsite")

## End(Not run)

Extracts metadata attribute from object of class aimsdf


Extracts metadata attribute from object of class aimsdf





A data.frame of class aimsdf created by function aims_data


This function retrieves the metadata attribute from an aimsdf object. If the input aimsdf object is a summary data.frame (see ?aims_data), then output will be an empty string.


A character vector.


AIMS Datacentre [email protected]

Extracts parameters attribute from object of class aimsdf


Extracts parameters attribute from object of class aimsdf





A data.frame of class aimsdf created by function aims_data


This function retrieves the parameters attribute from an aimsdf object. If the input aimsdf object is a summary data.frame (see ?aims_data), then output will be an empty string.


A character vector.


AIMS Datacentre [email protected]

Class aimsdf of data.frame downloaded by the dataaimsr package


Datasets downloaded by the dataaimsr package inherit the aimsdf class, which is data.frame with three attributes.


See methods(class = "aimsdf") for an overview of available methods.

See Also


Checks if argument is a aimsdf object


Checks if argument is a aimsdf object





An R object

Further data requests via the AIMS Data Platform API


Similar to page_data, but for cases #' where there are multiple URLs for data retrieval


next_page_data(url, api_key = NULL, ...)



A data retrieval URL


An AIMS Data Platform API Key


Additional arguments to be passed to internal function update_format


The AIMS Data Platform R Client provides easy access to data sets for R applications to the AIMS Data Platform API. The AIMS Data Platform requires an API Key for requests, which can be obtained at this link. It is preferred that API Keys are not stored in code. We recommend storing the environment variable AIMS_DATAPLATFORM_API_KEY permanently under the user's .Renviron file in order to load the API Key automatically.

There are two types of data currently available through the AIMS Data Platform API: Weather and Sea Water Temperature Loggers. They are searched internally via unique DOI identifiers. Only one data type at a time can be passed to the argument target.

A list of arguments for filters can be exposed for both Weather and Sea Water Temperature Loggers using function aims_expose_attributes.

Note that at present the user can inspect the range of dates for the temperature loggers data only (see usage of argument summary in the examples below). For that, the argument summary must be either the string "summary-by-series" or "summary-by-deployment". In those cases, time filters will be ignored.

Details about available dates for each dataset and time series can be accessed via Metadata on AIMS Data Platform API. We raise this caveat here because these time boundaries are very important; data are collected at very small time intervals, a window of just a few days can yield very large datasets. The query will return and error if it reaches the system's memory capacity.

For that same reason, from version 1.1.0 onwards, we are offering the possibility of downloading a mean daily aggregated version. For that, the user must set summary = "daily". In this particular case, query filter will be taken into account.


aims_data returns a data.frame of class aimsdf.

If summary %in% c("summary-by-series", "summary-by-deployment"), the output shows the summary information for the target dataset (i.e. weather or temperature loggers) (NB: currently, summary only works for the temperature logger database). If summary is not passed as an additional argument, then the output contains raw monitoring data. If summary = "daily", then the output contains mean daily aggregated monitoring data. The output also contains five attributes (empty strings if summary is passed as an additional argument):

  • metadataa DOI link containing the metadata record for the data series.

  • citationthe citation information for the particular dataset.

  • parametersThe measured parameters comprised in the output.

  • typeThe type of dataset. Either "monitoring" if summary is not specified, "monitoring (daily aggregation)" if summary = "daily", or a "summary-by-" otherwise.

  • targetThe input target.


AIMS Datacentre [email protected]

See Also

aims_filter_values, page_data, aims_data

Request data via the AIMS Data Platform API


A function that communicates with the the AIMS Data Platform via the AIMS Data Platform API


  filters = NULL,
  api_key = NULL,
  summary = NA,
  aims_version = NA,
  verbose = FALSE



A Digital Object Identifier for a chosen AIMS data series


A list containing a set of filters for the data query (see Details).


An AIMS Data Platform API Key


Should summary tables ("summary-by-series" or "summary-by-deployment") or daily aggregated data ("daily") be returned instead of full data (see Details)?


A character string defining the version of database. Must be "/v1.0" or "-v2.0". If none is provided, then "-v2.0" (the most recent) is used.


Should links be printed to screen? Used for debugging only


The AIMS Data Platform R Client provides easy access to data sets for R applications to the AIMS Data Platform API. The AIMS Data Platform requires an API Key for requests, which can be obtained at this link. It is preferred that API Keys are not stored in code. We recommend storing the environment variable AIMS_DATAPLATFORM_API_KEY permanently under the user's .Renviron file in order to load the API Key automatically.

There are two types of data currently available through the AIMS Data Platform API: Weather and Sea Water Temperature Loggers. They are searched internally via unique DOI identifiers. Only one data type at a time can be passed to the argument target.

A list of arguments for filters can be exposed for both Weather and Sea Water Temperature Loggers using function aims_expose_attributes.

Note that at present the user can inspect the range of dates for the temperature loggers data only (see usage of argument summary in the examples below). For that, the argument summary must be either the string "summary-by-series" or "summary-by-deployment". In those cases, time filters will be ignored.

Details about available dates for each dataset and time series can be accessed via Metadata on AIMS Data Platform API. We raise this caveat here because these time boundaries are very important; data are collected at very small time intervals, a window of just a few days can yield very large datasets. The query will return and error if it reaches the system's memory capacity.

For that same reason, from version 1.1.0 onwards, we are offering the possibility of downloading a mean daily aggregated version. For that, the user must set summary = "daily". In this particular case, query filter will be taken into account.


aims_data returns a data.frame of class aimsdf.

If summary %in% c("summary-by-series", "summary-by-deployment"), the output shows the summary information for the target dataset (i.e. weather or temperature loggers) (NB: currently, summary only works for the temperature logger database). If summary is not passed as an additional argument, then the output contains raw monitoring data. If summary = "daily", then the output contains mean daily aggregated monitoring data. The output also contains five attributes (empty strings if summary is passed as an additional argument):

  • metadataa DOI link containing the metadata record for the data series.

  • citationthe citation information for the particular dataset.

  • parametersThe measured parameters comprised in the output.

  • typeThe type of dataset. Either "monitoring" if summary is not specified, "monitoring (daily aggregation)" if summary = "daily", or a "summary-by-" otherwise.

  • targetThe input target.


AIMS Datacentre [email protected]

See Also

aims_expose_attributes, aims_filter_values, aims_data



Plotting options for aimsdf objects


## S3 method for class 'aimsdf'
plot(x, ..., ptype, pars)



An object of class aimsdf as returned by aims_data.


Not used.


Type of plot. Can either be "time_series" or "map".


Which parameters to plot? Only relevant if ptype is "time_series"


Currently plots cannot be customised. Summary datasets can only be represented by maps.


An object of class ggplot.


## Not run: 
wdf <- aims_data("weather", api_key = NULL,
                 filters = list(site = "Yongala",
                                from_date = "2018-01-01",
                                thru_date = "2018-01-02"))
plot(wdf, ptype = "map")
plot(wdf, ptype = "time_series")
# summary-by- datasets can only return maps
sdf <- aims_data("temp_loggers", api_key = NULL,
                 summary = "summary-by-deployment")
plot(sdf, ptype = "map")

## End(Not run)





## S3 method for class 'aimsdf'
print(x, ...)



An object of class aimsdf as returned by aims_data.


Not used.


A list containing a summary of the model fit as returned a brmsfit for each model.





## S3 method for class 'aimsdf'
summary(object, ...)



An object of class aimsdf as returned by aims_data.




A list containing summary info from the input data.frame.