{"email":"email","key":"key","bdate":"bdate","edate":"edate","param":"param","state":"state","county":"county","site":"site","cbsa":"cbsa","minlat":"minlat","maxlat":"maxlat","minlon":"minlon","maxlon":"maxlon","cbdate":"cbdate","cedate":"cedate","pqao":"pqao","ma":"ma","class":"class","_row":"Variable"} {"email":"The email address of the requester.","key":"The key matching the email address for the requester. This is provided at registration. (This is not referred to as a password since it is not used for authentication, but only account monitoring.)","bdate":"The begin date of the data selection in YYYYMMDD format. Only data on or after this date will be returned. (Note, for annual data, only the year portion of the bdate and edate are used and only whole years of data are returned. For example, bdate = 20171231 and edate = 20180101 will return full data for 2017 and 2018.)","edate":"The end date of the data selection in YYYYMMDD format. Only data on or before this date will be returned. The end date must be in the same year as the begin date. This rule does not apply to the Monitors service. (Note, for annual data, only the year portion of the bdate and edate are used and only whole years of data are returned. For example, bdate = 20170531 and edate = 20170630 will return full data for 2017.)","param":"The AQS parameter code for the data selection. AQS uses proprietary 5 digit codes. They may be obtained via the list parameters service. Up to 5 parameters may be requested, separated by commas. Only data for these parameters will be returned.","state":"The 2 digit state FIPS code for the state (with leading zero). They may be obtained via the list states service. Only data from within this state will be returned.","county":"The 3 digit state FIPS code for the county within the state (with leading zeroes). They may be obtained via the list counties service. Only data from within this county will be returned.","site":"The 4 digit AQS site number within the county (with leading zeroes). They may be obtained via the list sites service. Only data from this site will be returned.","cbsa":"The 5 digit AQS Core Based Statistical Area code (as defined by the census bureau, with leading zeroes). They may be obtained via the list cbsas service. Only data from this area will be returned.","minlat":"The minimum latitude of a geographic box. Decimal latitude with north being positive. Only data north of this latitude will be returned.","maxlat":"The maximum latitude of a geographic box. Decimal latitude with north being positive. Only data south of this latitude will be returned.","minlon":"The minimum longitude of a geographic box. Decimal longitude with east being positive. Only data east of this longitude will be returned.","maxlon":"The maximum longitude of a geographic box. Decimal longitude with east being positive. Only data west of this longitude will be returned. Note that -80 is less than -70.","cbdate":"Each value in our database has a \"date of last change\" that indicates when it was last updated. The cbdate is used to filter data based on the change date, cbdate = change begin date in YYYYMMDD format. Only data that changed on or after this date will be returned.","cedate":"Each value in our database has a \"date of last change\" that indicates when it was last updated. The cedate is used to filter data based on the change date, cedate = change end date in YYYYMMDD format. Only data that changed on or before this date will be returned.","pqao":"The 4 digit AQS Primary Quality Assurance Organization code (with leading zeroes). They may be obtained via the list pqaos service. Only data for this PQAO will be returned. Only used in QA Data services.","ma":"The 4 digit AQS Monitoring Agency code (with leading zeroes). They may be obtained via the list mas service. Only data for this Monitoring Agency will be returned. Only used in QA Data services.","class":"The AQS parameter class name. Classes are a way to group like parameters. They may be obtained via the list classes service. Only used in the list parameters service.","_row":"Description"} {"email":"someone@provider.com","key":"notarealkey","bdate":"20170101","edate":"20171231","param":"81101,44201","state":"01","county":"089","site":"0014","cbsa":"16740","minlat":"36.42348","maxlat":"36.8","minlon":"-85.4","maxlon":"-85.1","cbdate":"20180101","cedate":"20180101","pqao":"0001","ma":"1189","class":"criteria","_row":"Example"}