Package 'gittargets'

Title: Data Version Control for the Targets Package
Description: In computationally demanding data analysis pipelines, the 'targets' R package (2021, <doi:10.21105/joss.02959>) maintains an up-to-date set of results while skipping tasks that do not need to rerun. This process increases speed and increases trust in the final end product. However, it also overwrites old output with new output, and past results disappear by default. To preserve historical output, the 'gittargets' package captures version-controlled snapshots of the data store, and each snapshot links to the underlying commit of the source code. That way, when the user rolls back the code to a previous branch or commit, 'gittargets' can recover the data contemporaneous with that commit so that all targets remain up to date.
Authors: William Michael Landau [aut, cre] , Saras Windecker [rev], David Neuzerling [rev], Eli Lilly and Company [cph]
Maintainer: William Michael Landau <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-01-13 06:21:06 UTC

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targets: Dynamic Function-Oriented Make-Like Declarative Pipelines for R


In computationally demanding data analysis pipelines, the targets R package maintains an up-to-date set of results while skipping tasks that do not need to rerun. This process increases speed and increases trust in the final end product. However, it also overwrites old output with new output, and past results disappear by default. To preserve historical output, the gittargets package captures version-controlled snapshots of the data store, and each snapshot links to the underlying commit of the source code. That way, when the user rolls back the code to a previous branch or commit, gittargets can recover the data contemporaneous with that commit so that all targets remain up to date.

Check out a snapshot of the data (Git)


Check out a snapshot of the data associated with a particular code commit (default: HEAD).


  ref = "HEAD",
  code = getwd(),
  store = targets::tar_config_get("store"),
  force = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE



Character of length 1. SHA1 hash, branch name, or other reference in the code repository that points to a code commit. (You can also identify the code commit by supplying a data branch of the form ⁠code=<SHA1>⁠.) Defaults to "HEAD", which points to the currently checked out code commit.

Once the desired code commit is identified, tar_git_snapshot() checks out the latest corresponding data snapshot. There may be earlier data snapshots corresponding to this code commit, but tar_git_snapshot() only checks out the latest one. To check out an earlier superseded data snapshot, you will need to manually use command line Git in the data repository.

If tar_git_snapshot() cannot find a data snapshot for the desired code commit, then it will throw an error. For a list of commits in the current code branch that have available data snapshots, see the commit_code column of the output of tar_git_log().


Character of length 1, directory path to the code repository, usually the root of the targets project.


Character of length 1, path to the data store of the pipeline. If NULL, the store setting is left unchanged in the YAML configuration file (default: ⁠_targets.yaml⁠). Usually, the data store lives at ⁠_targets⁠. Set store to a custom directory to specify a path other than ⁠_targets/⁠. The path need not exist before the pipeline begins, and it need not end with "_targets", but it must be writeable. For optimal performance, choose a storage location with fast read/write access. If the argument NULL, the setting is not modified. Use tar_config_unset() to delete a setting.


ignore conflicts and overwrite modified files


Logical of length 1, whether to print R console messages confirming that a snapshot was created.


Nothing (invisibly).

See Also

Other git: tar_git_init(), tar_git_log(), tar_git_ok(), tar_git_snapshot(), tar_git_status_code(), tar_git_status_data(), tar_git_status_targets(), tar_git_status()


if (Sys.getenv("TAR_EXAMPLES") == "true" && tar_git_ok(verbose = FALSE)) {
targets::tar_dir({ # Containing code does not modify the user's filespace.
# Work on an initial branch.
targets::tar_script(tar_target(data, "old_data"))
targets::tar_read(data) # "old_data"
gert::git_commit("First commit")
# Work on a new branch.
tar_git_snapshot(status = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
targets::tar_script(tar_target(data, "new_data"))
targets::tar_read(data) # "new_data"
gert::git_commit("Second commit")
tar_git_snapshot(status = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
# Go back to the old branch.
# The target is out of date because we only reverted the code.
# But tar_git_checkout() lets us restore the old version of the data!
targets::tar_read(data) # "old_data"
# Now, the target is up to date! And we did not even have to rerun it!

Initialize a data repository (Git).


Initialize a Git repository for a targets data store.


  store = targets::tar_config_get("store"),
  stash_gitignore = TRUE,
  git_lfs = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE



Character of length 1, path to the data store of the pipeline. If NULL, the store setting is left unchanged in the YAML configuration file (default: ⁠_targets.yaml⁠). Usually, the data store lives at ⁠_targets⁠. Set store to a custom directory to specify a path other than ⁠_targets/⁠. The path need not exist before the pipeline begins, and it need not end with "_targets", but it must be writeable. For optimal performance, choose a storage location with fast read/write access. If the argument NULL, the setting is not modified. Use tar_config_unset() to delete a setting.


Logical of length 1, whether to temporarily stash the .gitignore file of the data store. See the "Stashing .gitignore" section for details.


Logical, whether to automatically opt into Git LFS to track large files in ⁠_targets/objects⁠ more efficiently. If TRUE and Git LFS is installed, it should work automatically. If FALSE, you can always opt in later by running ⁠git lfs track objects⁠ inside the data store.


Logical of length 1, whether to print messages to the R console.


tar_git_init() also writes a .gitattributes file to the store to automatically track target output date with git-lfs if it is installed on your system.


NULL (invisibly).

Stashing .gitignore

The targets package writes a .gitignore file to new data stores in order to prevent accidental commits to the code Git repository. Unfortunately, for gittargets, this automatic .gitignore file interferes with proper data versioning. So by default, gittargets temporarily stashes it to a hidden file called .gittargets_gitignore inside the data store. If your R program crashes while the stash is active, you can simply move it manually back to .gitignore or run tar_git_status_data() to restore the stash automatically if no .gitignore already exists.

See Also

Other git: tar_git_checkout(), tar_git_log(), tar_git_ok(), tar_git_snapshot(), tar_git_status_code(), tar_git_status_data(), tar_git_status_targets(), tar_git_status()


if (Sys.getenv("TAR_EXAMPLES") == "true" && tar_git_ok(verbose = FALSE)) {
targets::tar_dir({ # Containing code does not modify the user's file space.
targets::tar_script(tar_target(data, 1))

Data snapshots of a code branch (Git)


Show all the data snapshots of a code branch.


  code = getwd(),
  store = targets::tar_config_get("store"),
  branch = gert::git_branch(repo = code),
  max = 100



Character of length 1, directory path to the code repository, usually the root of the targets project.


Character of length 1, path to the data store of the pipeline. If NULL, the store setting is left unchanged in the YAML configuration file (default: ⁠_targets.yaml⁠). Usually, the data store lives at ⁠_targets⁠. Set store to a custom directory to specify a path other than ⁠_targets/⁠. The path need not exist before the pipeline begins, and it need not end with "_targets", but it must be writeable. For optimal performance, choose a storage location with fast read/write access. If the argument NULL, the setting is not modified. Use tar_config_unset() to delete a setting.


Character of length 1, name of the code repository branch to query. Defaults to the currently checked-out code branch.


Positive numeric of length 1, maximum number of code commits to inspect for the given branch.


By design, tar_git_log() only queries a single code branch at a time. This allows tar_git_log() to report more detailed information about the snapshots of the given code branch. To query all data snapshots over all branches, simply run gert::git_branch_list(local = TRUE, repo = "_targets"). The valid snapshots show "code=<SHA1>" in the name column, where ⁠<SHA1>⁠ is the Git commit hash of the code commit corresponding to the data snapshot.


A data frame of information about data snapshots and code commits.

See Also

Other git: tar_git_checkout(), tar_git_init(), tar_git_ok(), tar_git_snapshot(), tar_git_status_code(), tar_git_status_data(), tar_git_status_targets(), tar_git_status()


if (Sys.getenv("TAR_EXAMPLES") == "true" && tar_git_ok(verbose = FALSE)) {
targets::tar_dir({ # Containing code does not modify the user's filespace.
targets::tar_script(tar_target(data, 1))
gert::git_commit("First commit")
tar_git_snapshot(status = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)

Check Git


Check if Git is installed and if and are configured globally.


tar_git_ok(verbose = TRUE)



Whether to print messages to the console.


You can install Git from and configure your identity using the instructions at You may find it convenient to run gert::git_config_global() with name equal to and


Logical of length 1, whether Git is installed and configured correctly.

See Also

Other git: tar_git_checkout(), tar_git_init(), tar_git_log(), tar_git_snapshot(), tar_git_status_code(), tar_git_status_data(), tar_git_status_targets(), tar_git_status()



Snapshot the data repository (Git).


Snapshot the Git data repository of a targets project.


  message = NULL,
  ref = "HEAD",
  code = getwd(),
  script = targets::tar_config_get("script"),
  store = targets::tar_config_get("store"),
  stash_gitignore = TRUE,
  reporter = targets::tar_config_get("reporter_outdated"),
  envir = parent.frame(),
  callr_function = callr::r,
  callr_arguments = NULL,
  status = interactive(),
  force = FALSE,
  pack_refs = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE



Optional Git commit message of the data snapshot. If NULL, then the message is the Git commit message of the matching code commit.


Character of length 1, reference (branch name, Git SHA1 hash, etc.) of the code commit that will map to the new data snapshot. Defaults to the commit checked out right now.


Character of length 1, directory path to the code repository, usually the root of the targets project.


Character of length 1, path to the target script file. Defaults to tar_config_get("script"), which in turn defaults to ⁠_targets.R⁠. When you set this argument, the value of tar_config_get("script") is temporarily changed for the current function call. See tar_script(), tar_config_get(), and tar_config_set() for details about the target script file and how to set it persistently for a project.


Character of length 1, path to the data store of the pipeline. If NULL, the store setting is left unchanged in the YAML configuration file (default: ⁠_targets.yaml⁠). Usually, the data store lives at ⁠_targets⁠. Set store to a custom directory to specify a path other than ⁠_targets/⁠. The path need not exist before the pipeline begins, and it need not end with "_targets", but it must be writeable. For optimal performance, choose a storage location with fast read/write access. If the argument NULL, the setting is not modified. Use tar_config_unset() to delete a setting.


Logical of length 1, whether to temporarily stash the .gitignore file of the data store. See the "Stashing .gitignore" section for details.


Character of length 1, name of the reporter to user. Controls how messages are printed as targets are checked. Choices:

  • "silent": print nothing.

  • "forecast": print running totals of the checked and outdated targets found so far.


An environment, where to run the target R script (default: ⁠_targets.R⁠) if callr_function is NULL. Ignored if callr_function is anything other than NULL. callr_function should only be NULL for debugging and testing purposes, not for serious runs of a pipeline, etc.

The envir argument of tar_make() and related functions always overrides the current value of tar_option_get("envir") in the current R session just before running the target script file, so whenever you need to set an alternative envir, you should always set it with tar_option_set() from within the target script file. In other words, if you call tar_option_set(envir = envir1) in an interactive session and then tar_make(envir = envir2, callr_function = NULL), then envir2 will be used.


A function from callr to start a fresh clean R process to do the work. Set to NULL to run in the current session instead of an external process (but restart your R session just before you do in order to clear debris out of the global environment). callr_function needs to be NULL for interactive debugging, e.g. tar_option_set(debug = "your_target"). However, callr_function should not be NULL for serious reproducible work.


A list of arguments to callr_function.


Logical of length 1, whether to print the project status with tar_git_status() and ask whether a snapshot should be created.


Logical of length 1. Force checkout the data branch of an existing data snapshot of the current code commit?


Logical of length 1, whether to run ⁠git pack-refs --all⁠ in the data store after taking the snapshot. Packing references improves efficiency when the number of snapshots is large. Learn more at


Logical of length 1, whether to print R console messages confirming that a snapshot was created.


A Git-backed gittargets data snapshot is a special kind of Git commit. Every data commit is part of a branch specific to the current code commit. That way, when you switch branches or commits in the code, tar_git_checkout() checks out the latest data snapshot that matches the code in your workspace. That way, your targets can stay up to date even as you transition among multiple branches.

Stashing .gitignore

The targets package writes a .gitignore file to new data stores in order to prevent accidental commits to the code Git repository. Unfortunately, for gittargets, this automatic .gitignore file interferes with proper data versioning. So by default, gittargets temporarily stashes it to a hidden file called .gittargets_gitignore inside the data store. If your R program crashes while the stash is active, you can simply move it manually back to .gitignore or run tar_git_status_data() to restore the stash automatically if no .gitignore already exists.

See Also

Other git: tar_git_checkout(), tar_git_init(), tar_git_log(), tar_git_ok(), tar_git_status_code(), tar_git_status_data(), tar_git_status_targets(), tar_git_status()


if (Sys.getenv("TAR_EXAMPLES") == "true" && tar_git_ok(verbose = FALSE)) {
targets::tar_dir({ # Containing code does not modify the user's filespace.
targets::tar_script(tar_target(data, 1))
gert::git_commit("First commit")
tar_git_snapshot(status = FALSE)

Status of the project (Git)


Print the status of the code repository, the data repository, and the targets.


  code = getwd(),
  script = targets::tar_config_get("script"),
  store = targets::tar_config_get("store"),
  stash_gitignore = TRUE,
  reporter = targets::tar_config_get("reporter_outdated"),
  envir = parent.frame(),
  callr_function = callr::r,
  callr_arguments = NULL



Character of length 1, directory path to the code repository, usually the root of the targets project.


Character of length 1, path to the target script file. Defaults to tar_config_get("script"), which in turn defaults to ⁠_targets.R⁠. When you set this argument, the value of tar_config_get("script") is temporarily changed for the current function call. See tar_script(), tar_config_get(), and tar_config_set() for details about the target script file and how to set it persistently for a project.


Character of length 1, path to the data store of the pipeline. If NULL, the store setting is left unchanged in the YAML configuration file (default: ⁠_targets.yaml⁠). Usually, the data store lives at ⁠_targets⁠. Set store to a custom directory to specify a path other than ⁠_targets/⁠. The path need not exist before the pipeline begins, and it need not end with "_targets", but it must be writeable. For optimal performance, choose a storage location with fast read/write access. If the argument NULL, the setting is not modified. Use tar_config_unset() to delete a setting.


Logical of length 1, whether to temporarily stash the .gitignore file of the data store. See the "Stashing .gitignore" section for details.


Character of length 1, name of the reporter to user. Controls how messages are printed as targets are checked. Choices:

  • "silent": print nothing.

  • "forecast": print running totals of the checked and outdated targets found so far.


An environment, where to run the target R script (default: ⁠_targets.R⁠) if callr_function is NULL. Ignored if callr_function is anything other than NULL. callr_function should only be NULL for debugging and testing purposes, not for serious runs of a pipeline, etc.

The envir argument of tar_make() and related functions always overrides the current value of tar_option_get("envir") in the current R session just before running the target script file, so whenever you need to set an alternative envir, you should always set it with tar_option_set() from within the target script file. In other words, if you call tar_option_set(envir = envir1) in an interactive session and then tar_make(envir = envir2, callr_function = NULL), then envir2 will be used.


A function from callr to start a fresh clean R process to do the work. Set to NULL to run in the current session instead of an external process (but restart your R session just before you do in order to clear debris out of the global environment). callr_function needs to be NULL for interactive debugging, e.g. tar_option_set(debug = "your_target"). However, callr_function should not be NULL for serious reproducible work.


A list of arguments to callr_function.


NULL (invisibly). Status information is printed to the R console.

Stashing .gitignore

The targets package writes a .gitignore file to new data stores in order to prevent accidental commits to the code Git repository. Unfortunately, for gittargets, this automatic .gitignore file interferes with proper data versioning. So by default, gittargets temporarily stashes it to a hidden file called .gittargets_gitignore inside the data store. If your R program crashes while the stash is active, you can simply move it manually back to .gitignore or run tar_git_status_data() to restore the stash automatically if no .gitignore already exists.

See Also

Other git: tar_git_checkout(), tar_git_init(), tar_git_log(), tar_git_ok(), tar_git_snapshot(), tar_git_status_code(), tar_git_status_data(), tar_git_status_targets()


if (Sys.getenv("TAR_EXAMPLES") == "true" && tar_git_ok(verbose = FALSE)) {
targets::tar_dir({ # Containing code does not modify the user's files pace.
targets::tar_script(tar_target(data, 1))
list.files("_targets", all.files = TRUE)

Status of the code repository (Git)


Show the Git status of the code repository.


tar_git_status_code(code = getwd())



Character of length 1, directory path to the code repository, usually the root of the targets project.


If the code repository exists, the return value is the data frame produced by gert::git_status(repo = code). If the code has no Git repository, then the return value is NULL.

See Also

Other git: tar_git_checkout(), tar_git_init(), tar_git_log(), tar_git_ok(), tar_git_snapshot(), tar_git_status_data(), tar_git_status_targets(), tar_git_status()


if (Sys.getenv("TAR_EXAMPLES") == "true" && tar_git_ok(verbose = FALSE)) {
targets::tar_dir({ # Containing code does not modify the user's file space.
targets::tar_script(tar_target(data, 1))
list.files("_targets", all.files = TRUE)

Status of the data repository (Git)


Show the Git status of the data repository.


  store = targets::tar_config_get("store"),
  stash_gitignore = TRUE



Character of length 1, path to the data store of the pipeline. If NULL, the store setting is left unchanged in the YAML configuration file (default: ⁠_targets.yaml⁠). Usually, the data store lives at ⁠_targets⁠. Set store to a custom directory to specify a path other than ⁠_targets/⁠. The path need not exist before the pipeline begins, and it need not end with "_targets", but it must be writeable. For optimal performance, choose a storage location with fast read/write access. If the argument NULL, the setting is not modified. Use tar_config_unset() to delete a setting.


Logical of length 1, whether to temporarily stash the .gitignore file of the data store. See the "Stashing .gitignore" section for details.


If the data repository exists, the return value is the data frame produced by gert::git_status(repo = store). If the data store has no Git repository, then the return value is NULL.

Stashing .gitignore

The targets package writes a .gitignore file to new data stores in order to prevent accidental commits to the code Git repository. Unfortunately, for gittargets, this automatic .gitignore file interferes with proper data versioning. So by default, gittargets temporarily stashes it to a hidden file called .gittargets_gitignore inside the data store. If your R program crashes while the stash is active, you can simply move it manually back to .gitignore or run tar_git_status_data() to restore the stash automatically if no .gitignore already exists.

See Also

Other git: tar_git_checkout(), tar_git_init(), tar_git_log(), tar_git_ok(), tar_git_snapshot(), tar_git_status_code(), tar_git_status_targets(), tar_git_status()


if (Sys.getenv("TAR_EXAMPLES") == "true" && tar_git_ok(verbose = FALSE)) {
targets::tar_dir({ # Containing code does not modify the user's file space.
targets::tar_script(tar_target(data, 1))
list.files("_targets", all.files = TRUE)

Status of the targets (Git)


Show which targets are outdated.


  script = targets::tar_config_get("script"),
  store = targets::tar_config_get("store"),
  reporter = targets::tar_config_get("reporter_outdated"),
  envir = parent.frame(),
  callr_function = callr::r,
  callr_arguments = NULL



Character of length 1, path to the target script file. Defaults to tar_config_get("script"), which in turn defaults to ⁠_targets.R⁠. When you set this argument, the value of tar_config_get("script") is temporarily changed for the current function call. See tar_script(), tar_config_get(), and tar_config_set() for details about the target script file and how to set it persistently for a project.


Character of length 1, path to the targets data store. Defaults to tar_config_get("store"), which in turn defaults to ⁠_targets/⁠. When you set this argument, the value of tar_config_get("store") is temporarily changed for the current function call. See tar_config_get() and tar_config_set() for details about how to set the data store path persistently for a project.


Character of length 1, name of the reporter to user. Controls how messages are printed as targets are checked. Choices:

  • "silent": print nothing.

  • "forecast": print running totals of the checked and outdated targets found so far.


An environment, where to run the target R script (default: ⁠_targets.R⁠) if callr_function is NULL. Ignored if callr_function is anything other than NULL. callr_function should only be NULL for debugging and testing purposes, not for serious runs of a pipeline, etc.

The envir argument of tar_make() and related functions always overrides the current value of tar_option_get("envir") in the current R session just before running the target script file, so whenever you need to set an alternative envir, you should always set it with tar_option_set() from within the target script file. In other words, if you call tar_option_set(envir = envir1) in an interactive session and then tar_make(envir = envir2, callr_function = NULL), then envir2 will be used.


A function from callr to start a fresh clean R process to do the work. Set to NULL to run in the current session instead of an external process (but restart your R session just before you do in order to clear debris out of the global environment). callr_function needs to be NULL for interactive debugging, e.g. tar_option_set(debug = "your_target"). However, callr_function should not be NULL for serious reproducible work.


A list of arguments to callr_function.


This function has prettier output than targets::tar_outdated(), and it mainly serves tar_git_status().


A tibble with the names of outdated targets.

See Also

Other git: tar_git_checkout(), tar_git_init(), tar_git_log(), tar_git_ok(), tar_git_snapshot(), tar_git_status_code(), tar_git_status_data(), tar_git_status()


targets::tar_dir({ # Containing code does not modify the user's file space.
targets::tar_script(tar_target(data, 1))
list.files("_targets", all.files = TRUE)