Package 'mctq'

Title: Munich ChronoType Questionnaire Tools
Description: A complete toolkit for processing the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ) in its three versions: standard, micro, and shift. The MCTQ is a quantitative and validated tool used to assess chronotypes based on individuals' sleep behavior. It was originally presented by Till Roenneberg, Anna Wirz-Justice, and Martha Merrow in 2003 (2003, <doi:10.1177/0748730402239679>).
Authors: Daniel Vartanian [aut, cre, ccp, cph] , Ana Amelia Benedito Silva [sad] , Mario Pedrazzoli [sad] , Jonathan Keane [rev] , Mario Andre Leocadio-Miguel [rev] , University of Sao Paulo (USP) [fnd]
Maintainer: Daniel Vartanian <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2024-10-12 23:14:24 UTC

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Compute MCTQ work-free days



fd() computes the number of work-free days per week for standard and micro versions of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ).





An integerish numeric object or an integer object corresponding to the number of workdays per week from a standard or micro version of the MCTQ questionnaire.


Standard MCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003), Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), and from The Worldwide Experimental Platform (theWeP, n.d.).

μ\muMCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Ghotbi et al. (2020), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

MCTQShift^{Shift} functions were created following the guidelines in Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

See the References section to learn more.


An integer object corresponding to the difference between the number of days in a week (7) and the number of workdays (wd).


Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012) and The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.) guidelines for fd() (FDFD) computation are as follows.

FD=7WDFD = 7 - WD


  • FDFD = Number of work-free days per week.

  • WDWD = Number of workdays per week ("I have a regular work schedule and work ___ days per week").


Ghotbi, N., Pilz, L. K., Winnebeck, E. C., Vetter, C., Zerbini, G., Lenssen, D., Frighetto, G., Salamanca, M., Costa, R., Montagnese, S., & Roenneberg, T. (2020). The μ\muMCTQ: an ultra-short version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 35(1), 98-110. doi:10.1177/0748730419886986

Juda, M., Vetter, C., & Roenneberg, T. (2013). The Munich ChronoType Questionnaire for shift-workers (MCTQShift^{Shift}). Journal of Biological Rhythms, 28(2), 130-140. doi:10.1177/0748730412475041

Roenneberg T., Allebrandt K. V., Merrow M., & Vetter C. (2012). Social jetlag and obesity. Current Biology, 22(10), 939-43. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.03.038

Roenneberg, T., Wirz-Justice, A., & Merrow, M. (2003). Life between clocks: daily temporal patterns of human chronotypes. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 18(1), 80-90. doi:10.1177/0748730402239679

The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.). MCTQ.

See Also

Other MCTQ functions: gu(), le_week(), msf_sc(), msl(), napd(), sd24(), sd_overall(), sd_week(), sdu(), sjl(), sjl_sc(), sjl_weighted(), so(), tbt()


## Scalar example

#> [1] 2 # Expected
#> [1] 3 # Expected
#> [1] NA # Expected

## Vector example

#> [1] 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 # Expected
fd(c(1, NA))
#> [1]  6 NA # Expected

Compute MCTQ local time of getting out of bed



gu() computes the local time of getting out of bed for standard and shift versions of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ).


gu(se, si)



An hms object corresponding to the local time of sleep end from a standard or shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire.


A Duration object corresponding to the "sleep inertia" or time to get up from a standard or shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire.


Standard MCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003), Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), and from The Worldwide Experimental Platform (theWeP, n.d.).

μ\muMCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Ghotbi et al. (2020), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

MCTQShift^{Shift} functions were created following the guidelines in Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

See the References section to learn more.

Class requirements

The mctq package works with a set of object classes specially created to hold time values. These classes can be found in the lubridate and hms packages. Please refer to those package documentations to learn more about them.

Rounding and fractional time

Some operations may produce an output with fractional time (e.g., "19538.3828571429s (~5.43 hours)", 01:15:44.505). If you want, you can round it with mctq:::round_time().

Our recommendation is to avoid rounding, but, if you do, make sure that you only round your values after all computations are done. That way you avoid round-off errors.


An hms object corresponding to the vectorized sum of se and si in a circular time frame of 24 hours.


Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), and The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.) guidelines for gu() (GUGU) computation are as follows.


  • This computation must be applied to each section of the questionnaire.

  • MCTQShift^{Shift} uses TGUTGU (time to get up) instead of SISI (sleep inertia). For the purpose of this computation, both represent the same thing.

  • If you are visualizing this documentation in plain text, you may have some trouble understanding the equations. You can see this documentation on the package website.

For standard and micro versions of the MCTQ



  • GUW/FGU_{W/F} = Local time of getting out of bed on work or work-free days.

  • SEW/FSE_{W/F} = Local time of sleep end on work or work-free days.

  • SIW/FSI_{W/F} = Sleep inertia on work or work-free days ("after ___ min, I get up").

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days.

For the shift version of the MCTQ

GUW/FM/E/N=SEW/FM/E/N+TGUW/FM/E/NGU_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = SE_{W/F}^{M/E/N} + TGU_{W/F}^{M/E/N}


  • GUW/FM/E/NGU_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = Local time of getting out of bed between two days in a particular shift or between two free days after a particular shift.

  • SEW/FM/E/NSE_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = Local time of sleep end between two days in a particular shift or between two free days after a particular shift.

  • TGUW/FM/E/NTGU_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = Time to get up after sleep end between two days in a particular shift or between two free days after a particular shift ("after ___ min, I get up").

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days, MM = Morning shift; EE = Evening shift; NN = Night shift.


Ghotbi, N., Pilz, L. K., Winnebeck, E. C., Vetter, C., Zerbini, G., Lenssen, D., Frighetto, G., Salamanca, M., Costa, R., Montagnese, S., & Roenneberg, T. (2020). The μ\muMCTQ: an ultra-short version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 35(1), 98-110. doi:10.1177/0748730419886986

Juda, M., Vetter, C., & Roenneberg, T. (2013). The Munich ChronoType Questionnaire for shift-workers (MCTQShift^{Shift}). Journal of Biological Rhythms, 28(2), 130-140. doi:10.1177/0748730412475041

Roenneberg T., Allebrandt K. V., Merrow M., & Vetter C. (2012). Social jetlag and obesity. Current Biology, 22(10), 939-43. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.03.038

Roenneberg, T., Wirz-Justice, A., & Merrow, M. (2003). Life between clocks: daily temporal patterns of human chronotypes. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 18(1), 80-90. doi:10.1177/0748730402239679

The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.). MCTQ.

See Also

Other MCTQ functions: fd(), le_week(), msf_sc(), msl(), napd(), sd24(), sd_overall(), sd_week(), sdu(), sjl(), sjl_sc(), sjl_weighted(), so(), tbt()


## Scalar example

gu(hms::parse_hm("08:00"), lubridate::dminutes(10))
#> 08:10:00 # Expected
gu(hms::parse_hm("11:45"), lubridate::dminutes(90))
#> 13:15:00 # Expected
gu(hms::as_hms(NA), lubridate::dminutes(90))
#> NA # Expected

## Vector example

se <- c(hms::parse_hm("12:30"), hms::parse_hm("23:45"))
si <- c(lubridate::dminutes(10), lubridate::dminutes(70))
gu(se, si)
#> 12:40:00 # Expected
#> 00:55:00 # Expected

Compute MCTQ average weekly light exposure



le_week() computes the average weekly light exposure for the standard version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ).


le_week(le_w, le_f, wd)



A Duration object corresponding to the light exposure on workdays from a standard version of the MCTQ questionnaire.


A Duration object corresponding to the light exposure on work-free days from a standard version of the MCTQ questionnaire.


An integerish numeric object or an integer object corresponding to the number of workdays per week from a standard version of the MCTQ questionnaire.


Standard MCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003), Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), and from The Worldwide Experimental Platform (theWeP, n.d.).

μ\muMCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Ghotbi et al. (2020), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

MCTQShift^{Shift} functions were created following the guidelines in Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

See the References section to learn more.

Class requirements

The mctq package works with a set of object classes specially created to hold time values. These classes can be found in the lubridate and hms packages. Please refer to those package documentations to learn more about them.

Rounding and fractional time

Some operations may produce an output with fractional time (e.g., "19538.3828571429s (~5.43 hours)", 01:15:44.505). If you want, you can round it with mctq:::round_time().

Our recommendation is to avoid rounding, but, if you do, make sure that you only round your values after all computations are done. That way you avoid round-off errors.


A Duration object corresponding to the vectorized weighted mean of le_w and le_f with wd and fd(wd) as weights.


Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012) and The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.) guidelines for le_week() (LEweekLE_{week}) computation are as follows.


  • The average weekly light exposure (LEweekLE_{week}) is the weighted average of the light exposure on work and work-free days in a week.

  • If you are visualizing this documentation in plain text, you may have some trouble understanding the equations. You can see this documentation on the package website.


LEweek=(LEW×WD)+(LEF×FD)7LE_{week} = \frac{(LE_W \times WD) + (LE_F \times FD)}{7}


  • LEweekLE_{week} = Average weekly light exposure.

  • LEWLE_W = Light exposure on workdays.

  • LEFLE_F = Light exposure on work-free days.

  • WDWD = Number of workdays per week ("I have a regular work schedule and work ___ days per week").

  • FDFD = Number of work-free days per week.

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days.


Ghotbi, N., Pilz, L. K., Winnebeck, E. C., Vetter, C., Zerbini, G., Lenssen, D., Frighetto, G., Salamanca, M., Costa, R., Montagnese, S., & Roenneberg, T. (2020). The μ\muMCTQ: an ultra-short version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 35(1), 98-110. doi:10.1177/0748730419886986

Juda, M., Vetter, C., & Roenneberg, T. (2013). The Munich ChronoType Questionnaire for shift-workers (MCTQShift^{Shift}). Journal of Biological Rhythms, 28(2), 130-140. doi:10.1177/0748730412475041

Roenneberg T., Allebrandt K. V., Merrow M., & Vetter C. (2012). Social jetlag and obesity. Current Biology, 22(10), 939-43. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.03.038

Roenneberg, T., Wirz-Justice, A., & Merrow, M. (2003). Life between clocks: daily temporal patterns of human chronotypes. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 18(1), 80-90. doi:10.1177/0748730402239679

The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.). MCTQ.

See Also

Other MCTQ functions: fd(), gu(), msf_sc(), msl(), napd(), sd24(), sd_overall(), sd_week(), sdu(), sjl(), sjl_sc(), sjl_weighted(), so(), tbt()


## Scalar example

le_w <- lubridate::dhours(1.5)
le_f <- lubridate::dhours(3.7)
wd <- 5
le_week(le_w, le_f, wd)
#> [1] "7662.85714285714s (~2.13 hours)" # Expected

le_w <- lubridate::dhours(3)
le_f <- lubridate::dhours(1.5)
wd <- 6
le_week(le_w, le_f, wd)
#> [1] "10028.5714285714s (~2.79 hours)" # Expected

le_w <- lubridate::dhours(5.6)
le_f <- lubridate::as.duration(NA)
wd <- 3
le_week(le_w, le_f, wd)
#> [1] NA # Expected

## Vector example

le_w <- c(lubridate::dhours(3), lubridate::dhours(2.45))
le_f <- c(lubridate::dhours(3), lubridate::dhours(3.75))
wd <- c(4, 5)
le_week(le_w, le_f, wd)
#> [1] "10800s (~3 hours)" # Expected
#> [2] "10157.1428571429s (~2.82 hours)" # Expected

## Checking second output from vector example

if (requireNamespace("stats", quietly = TRUE)) {
    i <- 2
    x <- c(le_w[i], le_f[i])
    w <- c(wd[i], fd(wd[i]))
    lubridate::as.duration(stats::weighted.mean(x, w))
#> [1] "10157.1428571429s (~2.82 hours)" # Expected

## Converting the output to `hms`

le_w <- lubridate::dhours(1.25)
le_f <- lubridate::dhours(6.23)
wd <- 3
le_week(le_w, le_f, wd)
#> [1] "14744.5714285714s (~4.1 hours)" # Expected

hms::hms(as.numeric(le_week(le_w, le_f, wd)))
#> 04:05:44.571429 # Expected

## Rounding the output at the seconds level

le_w <- lubridate::dhours(3.4094)
le_f <- lubridate::dhours(6.2345)
wd <- 2
le_week(le_w, le_f, wd)
#> [1] "19538.3828571429s (~5.43 hours)" # Expected

mctq:::round_time(le_week(le_w, le_f, wd))
#> [1] "19538s (~5.43 hours)" # Expected

A fictional μ\muMCTQ dataset



A fictional dataset, for testing and learning purposes, composed of basic/measurable and computed variables of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ) micro (μ\mu) version.

This data was created following the guidelines in Ghotbi et al. (2020), in addition to the guidelines in Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003), Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), Jankowski (2017), and The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.). See the References and Details sections to learn more.




A tibble with 19 columns and 50 rows:


A unique integer value to identify each respondent in the dataset.

Type: Control.

R class: integer.


A logical⁠ value indicating if the respondent has been a shift- or night-worker in the past three months. \cr \cr Statement (⁠EN⁠): "I have been a shift- or night-worker in the past three months: Yes ( ___ ) No ( ___ )". \cr \cr Type: Basic. \cr \cr R class: [⁠logical']base::logical().


Number of workdays per week.

Statement (EN): "Normally, I work ___ days/week".

Type: Basic.

R class: integer.


Number of work-free days per week.

Type: Computed.

R class: integer.


Local time of sleep onset on workdays.

Statement (EN): "On WORKDAYS ... I normally fall asleep at ___ : ___ AM/PM (this is NOT when you get into bed, but rather when you fall asleep)".

Type: Basic.

R class: hms.


Local time of sleep end on workdays.

Statement (EN): "On WORKDAYS ... I normally wake up at ___ : ___ AM/PM (this is NOT when you get out of bed, but rather when you wake up)".

Type: Basic.

R class: hms.


Sleep duration on workdays.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Local time of mid-sleep on workdays.

Type: Computed.

R class: hms.


Local time of sleep onset on work-free days when the respondent doesn't use an alarm clock to wake up.

Statement (EN): "On WORK-FREE DAYS when I DON'T use an alarm clock ... I normally fall asleep at ___ : ___ AM/PM (this is NOT when you get into bed, but rather when you fall asleep)".

Type: Basic.

R class: hms.


Local time of sleep end on work-free days when the respondent doesn't use an alarm clock to wake up.

Statement (EN): "On WORK-FREE DAYS when I DON'T use an alarm clock ... I normally wake up at ___ : ___ AM/PM (this is NOT when you get out of bed, but rather when you wake up)".

Type: Basic.

R class: hms.


Sleep duration on work-free days when the respondent doesn't use an alarm clock to wake up.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Local time of mid-sleep on work-free days when the respondent doesn't use an alarm clock to wake up.

Type: Computed.

R class: hms.


Average weekly sleep duration.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Weekly sleep loss.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Sleep-corrected local time of mid-sleep on work-free days.

Type: Computed.

R class: hms.


Relative social jetlag.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Absolute social jetlag.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Jankowski's relative sleep-corrected social jetlag.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Jankowski's sleep-corrected social jetlag.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


micro_mctq is a tidied, validated, and transformed version of raw_data("micro_mctq.csv").


To learn more about the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ), see Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003), Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), Roenneberg et al. (2015), and Roenneberg, Pilz, Zerbini, & Winnebeck (2019).

To know about different MCTQ versions, see Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013) and Ghotbi (2020).

To learn about the sleep-corrected social jetlag, see Jankowski (2017).

If you're curious about the variable computations and want to have access to the full questionnaire, see The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.).

Data building and data wrangling

This dataset was created by randomized sampling (see random_mctq()) and by manual insertions of special cases. Its purpose is to demonstrate common cases and data issues that researchers may find in their MCTQ data, in addition to be a suggested data structure for MCTQ data.

You can see the micro_mctq build and data wrangling processes here.

Variable naming

The naming of the variables took into account the naming scheme used in MCTQ publications, in addition to the guidelines of the tidyverse style guide.

Variable classes

The mctq package works with a set of object classes specially created to hold time values. These classes can be found in the hms and lubridate package.

Duration objects

If you prefer to view Duration objects as hms objects, run pretty_mctq(micro_mctq).


Created by Daniel Vartanian (package author).


Ghotbi, N., Pilz, L. K., Winnebeck, E. C., Vetter, C., Zerbini, G., Lenssen, D., Frighetto, G., Salamanca, M., Costa, R., Montagnese, S., & Roenneberg, T. (2020). The μ\muMCTQ: an ultra-short version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 35(1), 98-110. doi:10.1177/0748730419886986

Jankowski K. S. (2017). Social jet lag: sleep-corrected formula. Chronobiology International, 34(4), 531-535. doi:10.1080/07420528.2017.1299162

Juda, M., Vetter, C., & Roenneberg, T. (2013). The Munich ChronoType Questionnaire for shift-workers (MCTQShift^{Shift}). Journal of Biological Rhythms, 28(2), 130-140. doi:10.1177/0748730412475041

Roenneberg T., Allebrandt K. V., Merrow M., & Vetter C. (2012). Social jetlag and obesity. Current Biology, 22(10), 939-43. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.03.038

Roenneberg, T., Keller, L. K., Fischer, D., Matera, J. L., Vetter, C., & Winnebeck, E. C. (2015). Human activity and rest in situ. In A. Sehgal (Ed.), Methods in Enzymology (Vol. 552, pp. 257-283). Academic Press. doi:10.1016/bs.mie.2014.11.028

Roenneberg, T., Pilz, L. K., Zerbini, G., & Winnebeck, E. C. (2019). Chronotype and social jetlag: a (self-) critical review. Biology, 8(3), 54. doi:10.3390/biology8030054

Roenneberg, T., Wirz-Justice, A., & Merrow, M. (2003). Life between clocks: daily temporal patterns of human chronotypes. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 18(1), 80-90. doi:10.1177/0748730402239679

The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.). MCTQ.

See Also

Other datasets: shift_mctq, std_mctq

Compute MCTQ sleep-corrected local time of mid-sleep on work-free days



msf_sc() computes the sleep-corrected local time of mid-sleep on work-free days for standard, micro, and shift versions of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ).

When using the shift version of the MCTQ, replace the value of sd_week to sd_overall, as instructed in the Arguments section.


msf_sc(msf, sd_w, sd_f, sd_week, alarm_f)



An hms object corresponding to the local time of mid-sleep on work-free days from a standard, micro, or shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire. You can use msl() to compute it.


A Duration object corresponding to the sleep duration on work days from a standard, micro, or shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire. You can use sdu() to compute it.


A Duration object corresponding to the sleep duration on work-free days from a standard, micro, or shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire. You can use sdu() to compute it.


A Duration object corresponding to the average weekly sleep duration from a standard or micro version of the MCTQ questionnaire (you can use sd_week() to compute it) or the overall sleep duration of a particular shift from a shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire (you can use sd_overall() to compute it).


A logical object corresponding to the alarm clock use on work-free days from a standard, micro, or shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire. Note that, if alarm_f == TRUE, msf_sc cannot be computed, msf_sc() will return NA for these cases. For the μ\muMCTQ, this value must be set as FALSE all times, since the questionnaire considers only the work-free days when the respondent does not use an alarm (e.g., alarm_f = rep(FALSE, length(msf))).


Standard MCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003), Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), and from The Worldwide Experimental Platform (theWeP, n.d.).

μ\muMCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Ghotbi et al. (2020), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

MCTQShift^{Shift} functions were created following the guidelines in Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

See the References section to learn more.

Class requirements

The mctq package works with a set of object classes specially created to hold time values. These classes can be found in the lubridate and hms packages. Please refer to those package documentations to learn more about them.

Rounding and fractional time

Some operations may produce an output with fractional time (e.g., "19538.3828571429s (~5.43 hours)", 01:15:44.505). If you want, you can round it with mctq:::round_time().

Our recommendation is to avoid rounding, but, if you do, make sure that you only round your values after all computations are done. That way you avoid round-off errors.


An hms object corresponding to the MCTQ chronotype or sleep-corrected local time of mid-sleep on work-free days.


Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), Ghotbi et al. (2020), Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), and The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.) guidelines for msf_sc() (MSFscMSF_{sc}) computation are as follows.


  • For all cases, MSFscMSF_{sc} cannot be computed if the participant wakes up with an alarm clock on work-free days (AlarmFAlarm_F).

  • For MCTQShift^{Shift}, the computation below must be applied to each shift section of the questionnaire.

  • MSFscMSF_{sc} is a proxy for the subject chronotype in standard and micro versions of the MCTQ.

  • The basis for estimating chronotype in shift-workers is the mid-sleep on work-free days after evening shifts (MSFEMSF^E). In case work schedules do not comprise evening shifts, Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013) propose to derive it from the MSFscMSF_{sc} of other shifts (e.g., by using a linear model). Unfortunately, the mctq package can't help you with that, as it requires a closer look at your data.

  • MSFscMSF_{sc} depends on developmental and environmental conditions (e.g., age, light exposure). For epidemiological and genetic studies, MSFscMSF_{sc} must be normalized for age and sex to make populations of different age and sex compositions comparable (Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter, 2012).

  • If you are visualizing this documentation in plain text, you may have some trouble understanding the equations. You can see this documentation on the package website.

For standard and micro versions of the MCTQ

If AlarmF=True  ,  MSFsc=Not Available (NA)\textrm{If } Alarm_{F} = True \; , \; MSF_{sc} = \textrm{Not Available (NA)}

Else if SDFSDW  ,  MSFsc=MSF\textrm{Else if } SD_F \leq SD_W \; , \; MSF_{sc} = MSF

Else   ,  MSFsc=MSFSDFSDweek2\textrm{Else } \; , \; MSF_{sc} = MSF - \frac{SD_F - SD_{week}}{2}


  • MSFscMSF_{sc} = Sleep-corrected local time of mid-sleep on work-free days.

  • AlarmFAlarm_{F} = A logical value indicating if the respondent uses an alarm clock to wake up on work-free days.

  • MSFMSF = Local time of mid-sleep on work-free days.

  • SDWSD_W = Sleep duration on workdays.

  • SDFSD_F = Sleep duration on work-free days.

  • SDweekSD_{week} = Average weekly sleep duration.

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days.

Note that, since:

MSF=SOF+SDF2MSF = SO_{F} + \frac{SD_{F}}{2}


  • MSFMSF = Local time of mid-sleep on work-free days.

  • SOFSO_{F} = Local time of sleep onset on work-free days.

  • SDFSD_{F} = Sleep duration on work-free days.

The last condition of the MSFscMSF_{sc} computation can be simplified to:

MSFsc=SOF+SDF2SDFSDweek2MSF_{sc} = SO_{F} + \frac{SD_{F}}{2} - \frac{SD_{F} - SD_{week}}{2}

MSFsc=SOF+SDF2SDF2+SDweek2MSF_{sc} = SO_{F} + \frac{SD_{F}}{2} - \frac{SD_{F}}{2} + \frac{SD_{week}}{2}

MSFsc=SOF+SDweek2MSF_{sc} = SO_{F} + \frac{SD_{week}}{2}

For the shift version of the MCTQ

If AlarmFM/E/N=True  ,  MSFscM/E/N=Not Available (NA)\textrm{If } Alarm_{F}^{M/E/N} = True \; , \; MSF_{sc}^{M/E/N} = \textrm{Not Available (NA)}

Else if SDFM/E/NSDWM/E/N  ,  MSFscM/E/N=MSFM/E/N\textrm{Else if } SD_{F}^{M/E/N} \leq SD_{W}^{M/E/N} \; , \; MSF_{sc}^{M/E/N} = MSF^{M/E/N}

Else   ,  MSFscM/E/N=MSFM/E/NSDFM/E/NSDM/E/N2\textrm{Else } \; , \; MSF_{sc}^{M/E/N} = MSF^{M/E/N} - \frac{SD_{F}^{M/E/N} - \emptyset SD^{M/E/N}}{2}


  • MSFscM/E/NMSF_{sc}^{M/E/N} = Sleep-corrected local time of mid-sleep between two free days after a particular shift.

  • AlarmFM/E/NAlarm_{F}^{M/E/N} = A logical value indicating if the respondent uses an alarm clock to wake up between two free days after a particular shift.

  • MSFM/E/NMSF^{M/E/N} = Local time of mid-sleep between two free days after a particular shift.

  • SDWM/E/NSD_{W}^{M/E/N} = Sleep duration between two days in a particular shift.

  • SDFM/E/NSD_{F}^{M/E/N} = Sleep duration between two free days after a particular shift.

  • SDM/E/N\emptyset SD^{M/E/N} = Overall sleep duration of a particular shift.

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days, MM = Morning shift; EE = Evening shift; NN = Night shift.

Note that, since:

MSFM/E/N=SOFM/E/N+SDFM/E/N2MSF^{M/E/N} = SO_{F}^{M/E/N} + \frac{SD_{F}^{M/E/N}}{2}


  • MSFM/E/NMSF^{M/E/N} = Local time of mid-sleep between two free days after a particular shift.

  • SOFM/E/NSO_{F}^{M/E/N} = Local time of sleep onset between two free days after a particular shift.

  • SDFM/E/NSD_{F}^{M/E/N} = Sleep duration between two free days after a particular shift.

The last condition of the MSFscM/E/NMSF_{sc}^{M/E/N} computation can be simplified to:

MSFscM/E/N=SOFM/E/N+SDFM/E/N2SDFM/E/NSDM/E/N2MSF_{sc}^{M/E/N} = SO_{F}^{M/E/N} + \frac{SD_{F}^{M/E/N}}{2} - \frac{SD_{F}^{M/E/N} - \emptyset SD^{M/E/N}}{2}

MSFscM/E/N=SOFM/E/N+SDFM/E/N2SDFM/E/N2+SDM/E/N2MSF_{sc}^{M/E/N} = SO_{F}^{M/E/N} + \frac{SD_{F}^{M/E/N}}{2} - \frac{SD_{F}^{M/E/N}}{2} + \frac{\emptyset SD^{M/E/N}}{2}

MSFscM/E/N=SOFM/E/N+SDM/E/N2MSF_{sc}^{M/E/N} = SO_{F}^{M/E/N} + \frac{\emptyset SD^{M/E/N}}{2}


Ghotbi, N., Pilz, L. K., Winnebeck, E. C., Vetter, C., Zerbini, G., Lenssen, D., Frighetto, G., Salamanca, M., Costa, R., Montagnese, S., & Roenneberg, T. (2020). The μ\muMCTQ: an ultra-short version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 35(1), 98-110. doi:10.1177/0748730419886986

Juda, M., Vetter, C., & Roenneberg, T. (2013). The Munich ChronoType Questionnaire for shift-workers (MCTQShift^{Shift}). Journal of Biological Rhythms, 28(2), 130-140. doi:10.1177/0748730412475041

Roenneberg T., Allebrandt K. V., Merrow M., & Vetter C. (2012). Social jetlag and obesity. Current Biology, 22(10), 939-43. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.03.038

Roenneberg, T., Wirz-Justice, A., & Merrow, M. (2003). Life between clocks: daily temporal patterns of human chronotypes. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 18(1), 80-90. doi:10.1177/0748730402239679

The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.). MCTQ.

See Also

Other MCTQ functions: fd(), gu(), le_week(), msl(), napd(), sd24(), sd_overall(), sd_week(), sdu(), sjl(), sjl_sc(), sjl_weighted(), so(), tbt()


## Scalar example

msf <- hms::parse_hms("04:00:00")
sd_w <- lubridate::dhours(6)
sd_f <- lubridate::dhours(7)
sd_week <- lubridate::dhours(6.29)
alarm_f <- FALSE
msf_sc(msf, sd_w, sd_f, sd_week, alarm_f)
#> 03:38:42 # Expected

msf <- hms::parse_hm("01:00:00")
sd_w <- lubridate::dhours(5.5)
sd_f <- lubridate::dhours(9)
sd_week <- lubridate::dhours(6.75)
alarm_f <- FALSE
msf_sc(msf, sd_w, sd_f, sd_week, alarm_f)
#> 23:52:30 # Expected

msf <- hms::parse_hms("05:40:00")
sd_w <- lubridate::dhours(7.5)
sd_f <- lubridate::dhours(10)
sd_week <- lubridate::dhours(8.5)
alarm_f <- TRUE
msf_sc(msf, sd_w, sd_f, sd_week, alarm_f)
#> NA # Expected (`msf_sc` cannot be computed if `alarm_f == TRUE`)

## Vector example

msf <- c(hms::parse_hms("03:45:00"), hms::parse_hm("04:45:00"))
sd_w <- c(lubridate::dhours(9), lubridate::dhours(6.45))
sd_f <- c(lubridate::dhours(5), lubridate::dhours(10))
sd_week <- c(lubridate::dhours(8.5), lubridate::dhours(9.2))
alarm_f <- c(FALSE, FALSE)
msf_sc(msf, sd_w, sd_f, sd_week, alarm_f)
#> 03:45:00 # Expected
#> 04:21:00 # Expected

## Rounding the output at the seconds level

msf <- hms::parse_hms("05:40:00")
sd_w <- lubridate::dhours(5.43678)
sd_f <- lubridate::dhours(9.345111)
sd_week <- lubridate::dhours(7.5453)
alarm_f <- FALSE
msf_sc(msf, sd_w, sd_f, sd_week, alarm_f)
#> 04:46:00.3402 # Expected

mctq:::round_time(msf_sc(msf, sd_w, sd_f, sd_week, alarm_f))
#> 04:46:00 # Expected

Compute MCTQ local time of mid-sleep



msl() computes the local time of mid-sleep for standard, micro, and shift versions of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ).

Please note that, although we tried to preserve the original authors' naming pattern for the MCTQ functions, the name ms provokes a dangerous name collision with the ms() function (a function for parsing minutes and seconds components). That's why we named it msl. msl() and sdu() are the only exceptions, all the other mctq functions maintain a strong naming resemblance with the original authors' naming pattern.


msl(so, sd)



An hms object corresponding to the local time of sleep onset from a standard, micro, or shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire. You can use so() to compute it for the standard or shift version.


A Duration object corresponding to the sleep duration from a standard, micro, or shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire. You can use sdu() to compute it for any MCTQ version.


Standard MCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003), Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), and from The Worldwide Experimental Platform (theWeP, n.d.).

μ\muMCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Ghotbi et al. (2020), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

MCTQShift^{Shift} functions were created following the guidelines in Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

See the References section to learn more.

Class requirements

The mctq package works with a set of object classes specially created to hold time values. These classes can be found in the lubridate and hms packages. Please refer to those package documentations to learn more about them.

Rounding and fractional time

Some operations may produce an output with fractional time (e.g., "19538.3828571429s (~5.43 hours)", 01:15:44.505). If you want, you can round it with mctq:::round_time().

Our recommendation is to avoid rounding, but, if you do, make sure that you only round your values after all computations are done. That way you avoid round-off errors.


An hms object corresponding to the vectorized sum of so and (sd / 2) in a circular time frame of 24 hours.


Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), Ghotbi et al. (2020), Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), and The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.) guidelines for msl() (MSWMSW or MSFMSF) computation are as follows.


  • This computation must be applied to each section of the questionnaire.

  • If you are visualizing this documentation in plain text, you may have some trouble understanding the equations. You can see this documentation on the package website.

For standard and micro versions of the MCTQ

MSW/F=SOW/F+SDW/F2MS_{W/F} = SO_{W/F} + \frac{SD_{W/F}}{2}


  • MSW/FMS_{W/F} = Local time of mid-sleep on work or work-free days.

  • SOW/FSO_{W/F} = Local time of sleep onset on work or work-free days.

  • SDW/FSD_{W/F} = Sleep duration on work or work-free days.

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days.

For the shift version of the MCTQ

MSW/FM/E/N=SOW/FM/E/N+SDW/FM/E/N2MS_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = SO_{W/F}^{M/E/N} + \frac{SD_{W/F}^{M/E/N}}{2}


  • MSW/FM/E/NMS_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = Local time of mid-sleep between two days in a particular shift or between two free days after a particular shift.

  • SOW/FM/E/NSO_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = Local time of sleep onset between two days in a particular shift or between two free days after a particular shift.

  • SDW/FM/E/NSD_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = Sleep duration between two days in a particular shift or between two free days after a particular shift.

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days, MM = Morning shift; EE = Evening shift; NN = Night shift.


Ghotbi, N., Pilz, L. K., Winnebeck, E. C., Vetter, C., Zerbini, G., Lenssen, D., Frighetto, G., Salamanca, M., Costa, R., Montagnese, S., & Roenneberg, T. (2020). The μ\muMCTQ: an ultra-short version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 35(1), 98-110. doi:10.1177/0748730419886986

Juda, M., Vetter, C., & Roenneberg, T. (2013). The Munich ChronoType Questionnaire for shift-workers (MCTQShift^{Shift}). Journal of Biological Rhythms, 28(2), 130-140. doi:10.1177/0748730412475041

Roenneberg T., Allebrandt K. V., Merrow M., & Vetter C. (2012). Social jetlag and obesity. Current Biology, 22(10), 939-43. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.03.038

Roenneberg, T., Wirz-Justice, A., & Merrow, M. (2003). Life between clocks: daily temporal patterns of human chronotypes. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 18(1), 80-90. doi:10.1177/0748730402239679

The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.). MCTQ.

See Also

Other MCTQ functions: fd(), gu(), le_week(), msf_sc(), napd(), sd24(), sd_overall(), sd_week(), sdu(), sjl(), sjl_sc(), sjl_weighted(), so(), tbt()


## Scalar example

so <- hms::parse_hm("23:30")
sd <- lubridate::dhours(8)
msl(so, sd)
#> 03:30:00 # Expected

so <- hms::parse_hm("01:00")
sd <- lubridate::dhours(10)
msl(so, sd)
#> 06:00:00 # Expected

so <- hms::as_hms(NA)
sd <- lubridate::dhours(7.5)
msl(so, sd)
#> NA # Expected

## Vector example

so <- c(hms::parse_hm("00:10"), hms::parse_hm("01:15"))
sd <- c(lubridate::dhours(9.25), lubridate::dhours(5.45))
msl(so, sd)
#> [1] 04:47:30 # Expected
#> [1] 03:58:30 # Expected

Compute MCTQ nap duration (only for MCTQShift^{Shift})



napd() computes the nap duration for the shift version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ).


napd(napo, nape)



An hms object corresponding to the local time of nap onset from the shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire.


An hms object corresponding to the local time of nap end from the shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire.


Standard MCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003), Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), and from The Worldwide Experimental Platform (theWeP, n.d.).

μ\muMCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Ghotbi et al. (2020), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

MCTQShift^{Shift} functions were created following the guidelines in Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

See the References section to learn more.

Class requirements

The mctq package works with a set of object classes specially created to hold time values. These classes can be found in the lubridate and hms packages. Please refer to those package documentations to learn more about them.

Rounding and fractional time

Some operations may produce an output with fractional time (e.g., "19538.3828571429s (~5.43 hours)", 01:15:44.505). If you want, you can round it with mctq:::round_time().

Our recommendation is to avoid rounding, but, if you do, make sure that you only round your values after all computations are done. That way you avoid round-off errors.


A Duration object corresponding to the vectorized difference between nape and napo in a circular time frame of 24 hours.


Juda, Vetter & Roenneberg (2013) and The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.) guidelines for napd() (NapDNapD) computation are as follows.


  • This computation must be applied to each section of the questionnaire.

  • If you are visualizing this documentation in plain text, you may have some trouble understanding the equations. You can see this documentation on the package website.


NapDW/FM/E/N=NapEW/FM/E/NNapOW/FM/E/NNapD_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = NapE_{W/F}^{M/E/N} - NapO_{W/F}^{M/E/N}


  • NapDW/FM/E/NNapD_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = Nap duration between two days in a particular shift or between two free days after a particular shift ("I take a nap from ___ o'clock [...]").

  • NapOW/FM/E/NNapO_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = Local time of nap onset between two days in a particular shift or between two free days after a particular shift ("I take a nap from ___ o'clock [...]").

  • NapEW/FM/E/NNapE_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = Local time of nap end between two days in a particular shift or between two free days after a particular shift ("[...] to ___ o'clock").

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days, MM = Morning shift; EE = Evening shift; NN = Night shift.


Ghotbi, N., Pilz, L. K., Winnebeck, E. C., Vetter, C., Zerbini, G., Lenssen, D., Frighetto, G., Salamanca, M., Costa, R., Montagnese, S., & Roenneberg, T. (2020). The μ\muMCTQ: an ultra-short version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 35(1), 98-110. doi:10.1177/0748730419886986

Juda, M., Vetter, C., & Roenneberg, T. (2013). The Munich ChronoType Questionnaire for shift-workers (MCTQShift^{Shift}). Journal of Biological Rhythms, 28(2), 130-140. doi:10.1177/0748730412475041

Roenneberg T., Allebrandt K. V., Merrow M., & Vetter C. (2012). Social jetlag and obesity. Current Biology, 22(10), 939-43. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.03.038

Roenneberg, T., Wirz-Justice, A., & Merrow, M. (2003). Life between clocks: daily temporal patterns of human chronotypes. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 18(1), 80-90. doi:10.1177/0748730402239679

The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.). MCTQ.

See Also

Other MCTQ functions: fd(), gu(), le_week(), msf_sc(), msl(), sd24(), sd_overall(), sd_week(), sdu(), sjl(), sjl_sc(), sjl_weighted(), so(), tbt()


## Scalar example

napo <- hms::parse_hm("12:30")
nape <- hms::parse_hm("14:20")
napd(napo, nape)
#> [1] "6600s (~1.83 hours)"" # Expected

napo <- hms::parse_hm("23:45")
nape <- hms::parse_hm("00:30")
napd(napo, nape)
#> [1] "2700s (~45 minutes)" # Expected

napo <- hms::parse_hm("10:20")
nape <- hms::as_hms(NA)
napd(napo, nape)
#> [1] NA # Expected

## Vector example

napo <- c(hms::parse_hm("01:25"), hms::parse_hm("23:50"))
nape <- c(hms::parse_hm("03:10"), hms::parse_hm("01:10"))
napd(napo, nape)
#> [1] "6300s (~1.75 hours)" "4800s (~1.33 hours)"  # Expected

Make an MCTQ dataset more presentable



pretty_mctq() helps you to transform your Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ) data in many ways. See the Arguments and Details section to learn more.


pretty_mctq(data, round = TRUE, hms = TRUE)



A data.frame object.


(optional) a logical value indicating if Duration and hms objects must be rounded at the seconds level (default: TRUE).


(optional) a logical value indicating if Duration and difftime objects must be converted to hms (default: TRUE).



Please note that by rounding MCTQ values you discard data. That is to say that if you need to redo a computation, or do new ones, your values can be off by a couple of seconds (see round-off error).

Round your values only if and when you want to present them more clearly, like in graphical representations. You can also round values to facilitate data exporting to text formats (like .csv), but note that this will come with a precision cost.

Note also that pretty_mctq() uses round() for rounding, which uses uses the IEC 60559 standard ("go to the even digit") for rounding off a 5. Therefore, round(0.5) is equal to 0 and round(-1.5) is equal to -2. See ?round to learn more.


A transformed data.frame object, as indicated in the arguments.

See Also

Other utility functions: random_mctq(), raw_data()


data <- data.frame(
    a = 1,
    b = lubridate::duration(1.12345),
    c = hms::hms(1.12345)

## Rounding time objects from `data`

pretty_mctq(data, round = TRUE, hms = FALSE)

## Converting non-'hms' time objects from 'data' to 'hms'

pretty_mctq(data, round = FALSE, hms = TRUE)

Build a random MCTQ case



random_mctq builds a fictional Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ) case composed of MCTQ basic/measurable variables.

This function is for testing and learning purposes only. Please don't misuse it.


random_mctq(model = "standard")



A string indicating the data model to return. Valid values are: "standard", "⁠shift"⁠, and "micro" (default: "standard").


The case structure (variable names and classes) are the same as the datasets provided by the mctq package. See ?std_mctq, ?micro_mctq and ?shift_mctq to learn more.


This function requires the stats package. This won't be an issue for most people since the package comes with a standard R installation.

If you don't have the stats package, you can install it with install.packages("stats").


Random standard and micro MCTQ cases were created with the general population in mind. The data was set to resemble the distribution parameters shown in Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003).

MCTQShift^{Shift} random cases were created based on the shift configuration from "Study Site 1" shown in Vetter, Juda, & Roenneberg (2012). The data was set to resemble the distribution parameters shown in Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013).

You can see more about the distribution parameters used here.


A named list with elements representing each MCTQ basic/measurable variable of the model indicated in the model argument.


Juda, M., Vetter, C., & Roenneberg, T. (2013). The Munich ChronoType Questionnaire for shift-workers (MCTQShift^{Shift}). Journal of Biological Rhythms, 28(2), 130-140. doi:10.1177/0748730412475041

Roenneberg, T., Wirz-Justice, A., & Merrow, M. (2003). Life between clocks: daily temporal patterns of human chronotypes. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 18(1), 80-90. doi:10.1177/0748730402239679

Vetter, C., Juda, M., & Roenneberg, T. (2012). The influence of internal time, time awake, and sleep duration on cognitive performance in shiftworkers. Chronobiology International, 29(8), 1127-1138. doi:10.3109/07420528.2012.707999

See Also

Other utility functions: pretty_mctq(), raw_data()


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Get paths to mctq raw datasets



mctq comes bundled with raw fictional datasets for testing and learning purposes. raw_data() makes it easy to access their paths.


raw_data(file = NULL)



(optional) a character object indicating the raw data file name(s). If NULL, all raw data file names will be returned (default: NULL).


If file == NULL, a character object with all file names available. Else, a string with the file name path.

See Also

Other utility functions: pretty_mctq(), random_mctq()


## Not run: 
## To list all raw data file names available


## To get the file path from a specific raw data

## End(Not run)

Compute MCTQ overall sleep duration (only for MCTQShift^{Shift})



sd_overall() computes the overall sleep duration in a particular shift for the shift version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ).

See sd_week() to compute the average weekly sleep duration for the standard and micro versions of the MCTQ.


sd_overall(sd_w, sd_f, n_w, n_f)



A Duration object corresponding to the sleep duration between two days in a particular shift from a shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire. You can use sdu() to compute it.


A Duration object corresponding to the sleep duration between two free days after a particular shift from a shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire. You can use sdu() to compute it.


An integerish numeric object or an integer object corresponding to the number of days worked in a particular shift within a shift cycle from a shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire.


An integerish numeric object or an integer object corresponding to the number of free days after a particular shift within a shift cycle from a shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire.


Standard MCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003), Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), and from The Worldwide Experimental Platform (theWeP, n.d.).

μ\muMCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Ghotbi et al. (2020), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

MCTQShift^{Shift} functions were created following the guidelines in Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

See the References section to learn more.

Class requirements

The mctq package works with a set of object classes specially created to hold time values. These classes can be found in the lubridate and hms packages. Please refer to those package documentations to learn more about them.

Rounding and fractional time

Some operations may produce an output with fractional time (e.g., "19538.3828571429s (~5.43 hours)", 01:15:44.505). If you want, you can round it with mctq:::round_time().

Our recommendation is to avoid rounding, but, if you do, make sure that you only round your values after all computations are done. That way you avoid round-off errors.


A Duration object corresponding to the vectorized weighted mean of sd_w and sd_f with n_w and n_f as weights.


Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013) and The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.) guidelines for sd_overall() (SD\emptyset SD) computation are as follows.


  • This computation must be applied to each section of the questionnaire. If you're using the three-shift design proposed by the MCTQ authors, you need to compute three overall sleep duration (e.g., SDM\emptyset SD^M; SDE\emptyset SD^E; SDN\emptyset SD^N).

  • The overall sleep duration is the weighted average of the shift-specific mean sleep durations.

  • If you are visualizing this documentation in plain text, you may have some trouble understanding the equations. You can see this documentation on the package website.


SDM/E/N=(SDWM/E/N×nWM/E/N)+(SDFM/E/N×nFM/E/N)nWM/E/N+nFM/E/N\emptyset SD^{M/E/N} = \frac{(SD_{W}^{M/E/N} \times n_{W}^{M/E/N}) + (SD_{F}^{M/E/N} \times n_{F}^{M/E/N})}{n_W^{M/E/N} + n_{F}^{M/E/N}}


  • SDM/E/N\emptyset SD^{M/E/N} = Overall sleep duration in a particular shift.

  • SDWM/E/NSD_W^{M/E/N} = Sleep duration between two days in a particular shift.

  • SDFM/E/NSD_F^{M/E/N} = Sleep duration between two free days after a particular shift.

  • nWM/E/Nn_W^{M/E/N} = Number of days worked in a particular shift within a shift cycle.

  • nFM/E/Nn_F^{M/E/N} = Number of free days after a particular shift within a shift cycle.

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days, MM = Morning shift; EE = Evening shift; NN = Night shift.


Ghotbi, N., Pilz, L. K., Winnebeck, E. C., Vetter, C., Zerbini, G., Lenssen, D., Frighetto, G., Salamanca, M., Costa, R., Montagnese, S., & Roenneberg, T. (2020). The μ\muMCTQ: an ultra-short version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 35(1), 98-110. doi:10.1177/0748730419886986

Juda, M., Vetter, C., & Roenneberg, T. (2013). The Munich ChronoType Questionnaire for shift-workers (MCTQShift^{Shift}). Journal of Biological Rhythms, 28(2), 130-140. doi:10.1177/0748730412475041

Roenneberg T., Allebrandt K. V., Merrow M., & Vetter C. (2012). Social jetlag and obesity. Current Biology, 22(10), 939-43. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.03.038

Roenneberg, T., Wirz-Justice, A., & Merrow, M. (2003). Life between clocks: daily temporal patterns of human chronotypes. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 18(1), 80-90. doi:10.1177/0748730402239679

The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.). MCTQ.

See Also

Other MCTQ functions: fd(), gu(), le_week(), msf_sc(), msl(), napd(), sd24(), sd_week(), sdu(), sjl(), sjl_sc(), sjl_weighted(), so(), tbt()


## Scalar example

sd_w <- lubridate::dhours(5)
sd_f <- lubridate::dhours(9)
n_w <- 2
n_f <- 2
sd_overall(sd_w, sd_f, n_w, n_f)
#> [1] "25200s (~7 hours)" # Expected

sd_w <- lubridate::dhours(3.45)
sd_f <- lubridate::dhours(10)
n_w <- 3
n_f <- 1
sd_overall(sd_w, sd_f, n_w, n_f)
#> [1] "18315s (~5.09 hours)" # Expected

sd_w <- lubridate::as.duration(NA)
sd_f <- lubridate::dhours(12)
n_w <- 4
n_f <- 4
sd_overall(sd_w, sd_f, n_w, n_f)
#> [1] NA # Expected

## Vector example

sd_w <- c(lubridate::dhours(4), lubridate::dhours(7))
sd_f <- c(lubridate::dhours(12), lubridate::dhours(9))
n_w <- c(3, 4)
n_f <- c(2, 4)
sd_overall(sd_w, sd_f, n_w, n_f)
#> [1] "25920s (~7.2 hours)" "28800s (~8 hours)"  # Expected

## Checking second output from vector example

if (requireNamespace("stats", quietly = TRUE)) {
    i <- 2
    x <- c(sd_w[i], sd_f[i])
    w <- c(n_w[i], n_f[i])
    lubridate::as.duration(stats::weighted.mean(x, w))
#> [1] "28800s (~8 hours)" # Expected

## Converting the output to 'hms'

sd_w <- lubridate::dhours(4.75)
sd_f <- lubridate::dhours(10)
n_w <- 5
n_f <- 2
sd_overall(sd_w, sd_f, n_w, n_f)
#> [1] "22500s (~6.25 hours)" # Expected

hms::as_hms(as.numeric(sd_overall(sd_w, sd_f, n_w, n_f)))
#> 06:15:00 # Expected

## Rounding the output at the seconds level

sd_w <- lubridate::dhours(5.9874)
sd_f <- lubridate::dhours(9.3)
n_w <- 3
n_f <- 2
sd_overall(sd_w, sd_f, n_w, n_f)
#> [1] "26324.784s (~7.31 hours)" # Expected

mctq:::round_time(sd_overall(sd_w, sd_f, n_w, n_f))
#> [1] "26325s (~7.31 hours)" # Expected

Compute MCTQ average weekly sleep duration



sd_week() computes the average weekly sleep duration for the standard and micro versions of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ).

See sd_overall() to compute the overall sleep duration of a particular shift for the shift version of the MCTQ.


sd_week(sd_w, sd_f, wd)



A Duration object corresponding to the sleep duration on workdays from a standard or micro version of the MCTQ questionnaire. You can use sdu() to compute it.


A Duration object corresponding to the sleep duration on work-free days from a standard or micro version of the MCTQ questionnaire. You can use sdu() to compute it.


An integerish numeric object or an integer object corresponding to the number of workdays per week from a standard or micro version of the MCTQ questionnaire.


Standard MCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003), Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), and from The Worldwide Experimental Platform (theWeP, n.d.).

μ\muMCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Ghotbi et al. (2020), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

MCTQShift^{Shift} functions were created following the guidelines in Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

See the References section to learn more.

Class requirements

The mctq package works with a set of object classes specially created to hold time values. These classes can be found in the lubridate and hms packages. Please refer to those package documentations to learn more about them.

Rounding and fractional time

Some operations may produce an output with fractional time (e.g., "19538.3828571429s (~5.43 hours)", 01:15:44.505). If you want, you can round it with mctq:::round_time().

Our recommendation is to avoid rounding, but, if you do, make sure that you only round your values after all computations are done. That way you avoid round-off errors.


A Duration object corresponding to the vectorized weighted mean of sd_w and sd_f with wd and fd(wd) as weights.


Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), Ghotbi et al. (2020), and The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.) guidelines for sd_week() (SDweekSD_{week}) computation are as follows.


  • The average weekly sleep duration is the weighted average of the sleep durations on work and work-free days in a week.

  • If you are visualizing this documentation in plain text, you may have some trouble understanding the equations. You can see this documentation on the package website.


SDweek=(SDW×WD)+(SDF×FD)7SD_{week} = \frac{(SD_{W} \times WD) + (SD_{F} \times FD)}{7}


  • SDweekSD_{week} = Average weekly sleep duration.

  • SDWSD_{W} = Sleep duration on workdays.

  • SDFSD_{F} = Sleep duration on work-free days.

  • WDWD = Number of workdays per week ("I have a regular work schedule and work ___ days per week").

  • FDFD = Number of work-free days per week.

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days.


Ghotbi, N., Pilz, L. K., Winnebeck, E. C., Vetter, C., Zerbini, G., Lenssen, D., Frighetto, G., Salamanca, M., Costa, R., Montagnese, S., & Roenneberg, T. (2020). The μ\muMCTQ: an ultra-short version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 35(1), 98-110. doi:10.1177/0748730419886986

Juda, M., Vetter, C., & Roenneberg, T. (2013). The Munich ChronoType Questionnaire for shift-workers (MCTQShift^{Shift}). Journal of Biological Rhythms, 28(2), 130-140. doi:10.1177/0748730412475041

Roenneberg T., Allebrandt K. V., Merrow M., & Vetter C. (2012). Social jetlag and obesity. Current Biology, 22(10), 939-43. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.03.038

Roenneberg, T., Wirz-Justice, A., & Merrow, M. (2003). Life between clocks: daily temporal patterns of human chronotypes. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 18(1), 80-90. doi:10.1177/0748730402239679

The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.). MCTQ.

See Also

Other MCTQ functions: fd(), gu(), le_week(), msf_sc(), msl(), napd(), sd24(), sd_overall(), sdu(), sjl(), sjl_sc(), sjl_weighted(), so(), tbt()


## Scalar example

sd_w <- lubridate::dhours(4)
sd_f <- lubridate::dhours(8)
wd <- 5
sd_week(sd_w, sd_f, wd)
#> [1] "18514.2857142857s (~5.14 hours)" # Expected

sd_w <- lubridate::dhours(7)
sd_f <- lubridate::dhours(7)
wd <- 4
sd_week(sd_w, sd_f, wd)
#> [1] "25200s (~7 hours)" # Expected

sd_w <- lubridate::as.duration(NA)
sd_f <- lubridate::dhours(10)
wd <- 6
sd_week(sd_w, sd_f, wd)
#> [1] NA # Expected

## Vector example

sd_w <- c(lubridate::dhours(4.5), lubridate::dhours(5.45))
sd_f <- c(lubridate::dhours(8), lubridate::dhours(7.3))
wd <- c(3, 7)
sd_week(sd_w, sd_f, wd)
#> [1] "23400s (~6.5 hours)"  "19620s (~5.45 hours)" # Expected

## Checking second output from vector example

if (requireNamespace("stats", quietly = TRUE)) {
    i <- 2
    x <- c(sd_w[i], sd_f[i])
    w <- c(wd[i], fd(wd[i]))
    lubridate::as.duration(stats::weighted.mean(x, w))
#> [1] "19620s (~5.45 hours)" # Expected

## Converting the output to 'hms'

sd_w <- lubridate::dhours(5.45)
sd_f <- lubridate::dhours(9.5)
wd <- 5
x <- sd_week(sd_w, sd_f, wd)
#> [1] "23785.7142857143s (~6.61 hours)" # Expected
#> 06:36:25.714286 # Expected

## Rounding the output at the seconds level

sd_w <- lubridate::dhours(4.5)
sd_f <- lubridate::dhours(7.8)
wd <- 3
sd_week(sd_w, sd_f, wd)
#> [1] "22988.5714285714s (~6.39 hours)" # Expected

mctq:::round_time(sd_week(sd_w, sd_f, wd))
#> [1] "22989s (~6.39 hours)" # Expected

Compute MCTQ 24 hours sleep duration (only for MCTQShift^{Shift})



sd24() computes the 24 hours sleep duration for the shift version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ).


sd24(sd, napd, nap)



A Duration object corresponding to the sleep duration from the shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire. You can use sdu() to compute it.


A Duration object corresponding to the nap duration from the shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire. You can use napd() to compute it.


A logical value corresponding to the "I usually take a nap" response from the shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire.


Standard MCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003), Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), and from The Worldwide Experimental Platform (theWeP, n.d.).

μ\muMCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Ghotbi et al. (2020), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

MCTQShift^{Shift} functions were created following the guidelines in Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

See the References section to learn more.

Class requirements

The mctq package works with a set of object classes specially created to hold time values. These classes can be found in the lubridate and hms packages. Please refer to those package documentations to learn more about them.

Rounding and fractional time

Some operations may produce an output with fractional time (e.g., "19538.3828571429s (~5.43 hours)", 01:15:44.505). If you want, you can round it with mctq:::round_time().

Our recommendation is to avoid rounding, but, if you do, make sure that you only round your values after all computations are done. That way you avoid round-off errors.


  • If nap == TRUE, a Duration object corresponding to the vectorized sum of sd and napd in a circular time frame of 24 hours.

  • If nap == FALSE, a Duration object equal to sd.


Juda, Vetter & Roenneberg (2013) and The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.) guidelines for sd24() (SD24SD24) computation are as follows.


  • This computation must be applied to each section of the questionnaire.

  • If the respondent don't usually take a nap in a particular shift or between two free days after a particular shift, sd24() will return only SDW/FM/E/NSD_{W/F}^{M/E/N}.

  • If you are visualizing this documentation in plain text, you may have some trouble understanding the equations. You can see this documentation on the package website.


SD24W/FM/E/N=SDW/FM/E/N+NapDW/FM/E/NSD24_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = SD_{W/F}^{M/E/N} + NapD_{W/F}^{M/E/N}


  • SD24W/FM/E/NSD24_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = 24 hours sleep duration between two days in a particular shift or between two free days after a particular shift.

  • SDW/FM/E/NSD_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = Sleep duration between two days in a particular shift or between two free days after a particular shift.

  • NapDW/FM/E/NNapD_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = Nap duration between two days in a particular shift or between two free days after a particular shift.

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days, MM = Morning shift; EE = Evening shift; NN = Night shift.


Ghotbi, N., Pilz, L. K., Winnebeck, E. C., Vetter, C., Zerbini, G., Lenssen, D., Frighetto, G., Salamanca, M., Costa, R., Montagnese, S., & Roenneberg, T. (2020). The μ\muMCTQ: an ultra-short version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 35(1), 98-110. doi:10.1177/0748730419886986

Juda, M., Vetter, C., & Roenneberg, T. (2013). The Munich ChronoType Questionnaire for shift-workers (MCTQShift^{Shift}). Journal of Biological Rhythms, 28(2), 130-140. doi:10.1177/0748730412475041

Roenneberg T., Allebrandt K. V., Merrow M., & Vetter C. (2012). Social jetlag and obesity. Current Biology, 22(10), 939-43. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.03.038

Roenneberg, T., Wirz-Justice, A., & Merrow, M. (2003). Life between clocks: daily temporal patterns of human chronotypes. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 18(1), 80-90. doi:10.1177/0748730402239679

The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.). MCTQ.

See Also

Other MCTQ functions: fd(), gu(), le_week(), msf_sc(), msl(), napd(), sd_overall(), sd_week(), sdu(), sjl(), sjl_sc(), sjl_weighted(), so(), tbt()


## Scalar example

sd <- lubridate::dhours(6)
napd <- lubridate::dhours(0.5)
nap <- TRUE
sd24(sd, napd, nap)
#> [1] "23400s (~6.5 hours)" # Expected

sd <- lubridate::dhours(9)
napd <- lubridate::dhours(1.5)
nap <- TRUE
sd24(sd, napd, nap)
#> [1] "37800s (~10.5 hours)" # Expected

sd <- lubridate::dhours(6.5)
napd <- lubridate::as.duration(NA)
nap <- FALSE
sd24(sd, napd, nap)
#> [1] "23400s (~6.5 hours)" # Expected

sd <- lubridate::as.duration(NA)
napd <- lubridate::dhours(2.3)
nap <- TRUE
sd24(sd, napd, nap)
#> [1] NA # Expected

## Vector example

sd <- c(lubridate::dhours(7.5), lubridate::dhours(8))
napd <- c(lubridate::dhours(0.75), lubridate::dhours(1))
nap <- c(TRUE, TRUE)
sd24(sd, napd, nap)
#> [1] "29700s (~8.25 hours)" "32400s (~9 hours)" # Expected

Compute MCTQ sleep duration



sdu() computes the sleep duration for standard, micro, and shift versions of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ).

Please note that, although we tried to preserve the original authors' naming pattern for the MCTQ functions, the name sd provokes a dangerous name collision with the widely used sd() function (standard deviation). That's why we named it sdu. sdu() and msl() are the only exceptions, all the other mctq functions maintain a strong naming resemblance with the original authors' naming pattern.


sdu(so, se)



An hms object corresponding to the local time of sleep onset from a standard, micro, or shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire. You can use so() to compute it for the standard or shift version.


An hms object corresponding to the local time of sleep end from a standard, micro, or shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire.


Standard MCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003), Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), and from The Worldwide Experimental Platform (theWeP, n.d.).

μ\muMCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Ghotbi et al. (2020), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

MCTQShift^{Shift} functions were created following the guidelines in Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

See the References section to learn more.

Class requirements

The mctq package works with a set of object classes specially created to hold time values. These classes can be found in the lubridate and hms packages. Please refer to those package documentations to learn more about them.

Rounding and fractional time

Some operations may produce an output with fractional time (e.g., "19538.3828571429s (~5.43 hours)", 01:15:44.505). If you want, you can round it with mctq:::round_time().

Our recommendation is to avoid rounding, but, if you do, make sure that you only round your values after all computations are done. That way you avoid round-off errors.


A Duration object corresponding to the vectorized difference between se and so in a circular time frame of 24 hours.


Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), Ghotbi et al. (2020), Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), and The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.) guidelines for sdu() (SDSD) computation are as follows.


  • This computation must be applied to each section of the questionnaire.

  • If you are visualizing this documentation in plain text, you may have some trouble understanding the equations. You can see this documentation on the package website.

For standard and micro versions of the MCTQ



  • SDW/FSD_{W/F} = Sleep duration on work or work-free days.

  • SEW/FSE_{W/F} = Local time of sleep end on work or work-free days.

  • SOW/FSO_{W/F} = Local time of sleep onset on work or work-free days.

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days.

For the shift version of the MCTQ

SDW/FM/E/N=SEW/FM/E/NSOW/FM/E/NSD_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = SE_{W/F}^{M/E/N} - SO_{W/F}^{M/E/N}


  • SDW/FM/E/NSD_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = Sleep duration between two days in a particular shift or between two free days after a particular shift.

  • SEW/FM/E/NSE_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = Local time of sleep end between two days in a particular shift or between two free days after a particular shift.

  • SOW/FM/E/NSO_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = Local time of sleep onset between two days in a particular shift or between two free days after a particular shift.

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days, MM = Morning shift; EE = Evening shift; NN = Night shift.


Ghotbi, N., Pilz, L. K., Winnebeck, E. C., Vetter, C., Zerbini, G., Lenssen, D., Frighetto, G., Salamanca, M., Costa, R., Montagnese, S., & Roenneberg, T. (2020). The μ\muMCTQ: an ultra-short version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 35(1), 98-110. doi:10.1177/0748730419886986

Juda, M., Vetter, C., & Roenneberg, T. (2013). The Munich ChronoType Questionnaire for shift-workers (MCTQShift^{Shift}). Journal of Biological Rhythms, 28(2), 130-140. doi:10.1177/0748730412475041

Roenneberg T., Allebrandt K. V., Merrow M., & Vetter C. (2012). Social jetlag and obesity. Current Biology, 22(10), 939-43. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.03.038

Roenneberg, T., Wirz-Justice, A., & Merrow, M. (2003). Life between clocks: daily temporal patterns of human chronotypes. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 18(1), 80-90. doi:10.1177/0748730402239679

The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.). MCTQ.

See Also

Other MCTQ functions: fd(), gu(), le_week(), msf_sc(), msl(), napd(), sd24(), sd_overall(), sd_week(), sjl(), sjl_sc(), sjl_weighted(), so(), tbt()


## Scalar example

so <- hms::parse_hm("23:00")
se <- hms::parse_hm("08:00")
sdu(so, se)
#> [1] "32400s (~9 hours)" # Expected

so <- hms::parse_hm("02:00")
se <- hms::parse_hm("12:30")
sdu(so, se)
#> [1] "37800s (~10.5 hours)" # Expected

so <- hms::parse_hm("03:15")
se <- hms::as_hms(NA)
sdu(so, se)
#> [1] NA # Expected

## Vector example

so <- c(hms::parse_hm("04:12"), hms::parse_hm("21:20"))
se <- c(hms::parse_hm("14:30"), hms::parse_hm("03:45"))
sdu(so, se)
#> [1] "37080s (~10.3 hours)" "23100s (~6.42 hours)" # Expected

A fictional MCTQShift^{Shift} dataset



A fictional dataset, for testing and learning purposes, composed of basic/measurable and computed variables of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ) shift version.

This data was created following the guidelines in Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), in addition to the guidelines found in Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003), Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), Jankowski (2017), and The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.). See the References and Details sections to learn more.




A tibble with 135 columns and 50 rows:


A unique integer value to identify each respondent in the dataset.

Type: Control.

R class: integer.


Number of days worked in morning shifts within a shift cycle.

Type: Basic.

R class: integer.


Local time of going to bed on workdays between two morning shifts.

Statement (EN): "I go to bed at ___ o'clock'".

Type: Basic.

R class: hms.


Local time of preparing to sleep on workdays between two morning shifts.

Statement (EN): "I actually get ready to fall asleep at ___ o'clock".

Type: Basic.

R class: hms.


Sleep latency or time to fall asleep after preparing to sleep on workdays between two morning shifts.

Statement (EN): "I need ___ minutes to fall asleep".

Type: Basic.

R class: Duration.


Local time of sleep onset on workdays between two morning shifts.

Type: Computed.

R class: hms.


Local time of sleep end on workdays between two morning shifts.

Statement (EN): "I wake up at ___ o'clock".

Type: Basic.

R class: hms.


Time to get up on workdays between two morning shifts.

Statement (EN): "I get up after ___ minutes".

Type: Basic.

R class: Duration.


Local time of getting out of bed on workdays between two morning shifts.

Type: Computed.

R class: hms.


A logical value indicating if the respondent uses an alarm clock to wake up on workdays between two morning shifts.

Statement (EN): "I wake up at ___ o'clock: ( ___ ) with alarm ( ___ ) without alarm".

Type: Basic.

R class: logical.


A logical value indicating if the respondent has any particular reasons for why they cannot freely choose their sleep times on workdays between two morning shifts.

Statement (EN): "There are particular reasons why I cannot freely choose my sleep times on morning shifts: Yes ( ___ ) No ( ___ )".

Type: Basic.

R class: logical.


Particular reasons for why the respondent cannot freely choose their sleep times on workdays between two morning shifts.

Statement (EN): "If "Yes": Child(ren)/pet(s) ( ___ ) Hobbies ( ___ ) Others, for example: ___".

Type: Basic.

R class: character.


Sleep duration on workdays between two morning shifts.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Total time in bed on workdays between two morning shifts.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Local time of mid-sleep on workdays between two morning shifts.

Type: Computed.

R class: hms.


A logical value indicating if the respondent usually takes a nap on workdays between two morning shifts.

Statement (EN): "I usually take a nap: Yes ( ___ ) No ( ___ )".

Type: Basic.

R class: logical.


Local time of nap onset on workdays between two morning shifts.

Statement (EN): "If "Yes": I take a nap from ___ o'clock to ___ o'clock".

Type: Basic.

R class: hms.


Local time of nap end on workdays between two morning shifts.

Statement (EN): "If "Yes": I take a nap from ___ o'clock to ___ o'clock".

Type: Basic.

R class: hms.


Nap duration on workdays between two morning shifts.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


24 hours sleep duration (sleep duration + nap duration) on workdays between two morning shifts.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Number of free days after working in morning shifts within a shift cycle.

Type: Basic.

R class: integer.


Local time of going to bed on work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Statement (EN): "I go to bed at ___ o'clock'".

Type: Basic.

R class: hms.


Local time of preparing to sleep on work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Statement (EN): "I actually get ready to fall asleep at ___ o'clock".

Type: Basic.

R class: hms.


Sleep latency or time to fall asleep after preparing to sleep on work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Statement (EN): "I need ___ minutes to fall asleep".

Type: Basic.

R class: Duration.


Local time of sleep onset on work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Type: Computed.

R class: hms.


Local time of sleep end on work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Statement (EN): "I wake up at ___ o'clock".

Type: Basic.

R class: hms.


Time to get up on work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Statement (EN): "I get up after ___ minutes".

Type: Basic.

R class: Duration.


Local time of getting out of bed on work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Type: Computed.

R class: hms.


A logical value indicating if the respondent uses an alarm clock to wake up on work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Statement (EN): "I wake up at ___ o'clock: ( ___ ) with alarm ( ___ ) without alarm".

Type: Basic.

R class: logical.


A logical value indicating if the respondent has any particular reasons for why they cannot freely choose their sleep times on work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Statement (EN): "There are particular reasons why I cannot freely choose my sleep times on morning shifts: Yes ( ___ ) No ( ___ )".

Type: Basic.

R class: logical.


Particular reasons for why the respondent cannot freely choose their sleep times on work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Statement (EN): "If "Yes": Child(ren)/pet(s) ( ___ ) Hobbies ( ___ ) Others, for example: ___".

Type: Basic.

R class: character.


Sleep duration on work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Total time in bed on work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Local time of mid-sleep on work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Type: Computed.

R class: hms.


A logical value indicating if the respondent usually takes a nap on work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Statement (EN): "I usually take a nap: Yes ( ___ ) No ( ___ )".

Type: Basic.

R class: logical.


Local time of nap onset on work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Statement (EN): "If "Yes": I take a nap from ___ o'clock to ___ o'clock".

Type: Basic.

R class: hms.


Local time of nap end on work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Statement (EN): "If "Yes": I take a nap from ___ o'clock to ___ o'clock".

Type: Basic.

R class: hms.


Nap duration on work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


24 hours sleep duration (sleep duration + nap duration) on work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Overall sleep duration considering workdays between two morning shifts and work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Corrected local time of mid-sleep on work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Type: Computed.

R class: hms.


Relative social jetlag considering workdays between two morning shifts and work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Absolute social jetlag considering workdays between two morning shifts and work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Jankowski's relative sleep-corrected social jetlag considering workdays between two morning shifts and work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Jankowski's sleep-corrected social jetlag considering workdays between two morning shifts and work-free days between two free days after morning shifts.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


For brevity, the subsequent variables, except for sjl_weighted and sjl_sc_weighted (described below), are not shown here. That's because they have the same configurations of the variables shown above, differing only by shift (evening shift (⁠_e⁠) and night shift (⁠_n⁠)).


Absolute social jetlag across all shifts.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.



Jankowski's sleep-corrected social jetlag across all shifts.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


shift_mctq is a tidied, validated, and transformed version of raw_data("shift_mctq.csv").


To learn more about the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ), see Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003), Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), Roenneberg et al. (2015), and Roenneberg, Pilz, Zerbini, & Winnebeck (2019).

To know about different MCTQ versions, see Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013) and Ghotbi et al. (2020).

To learn about the sleep-corrected social jetlag, see Jankowski (2017).

If you're curious about the variable computations and want to have access to the full questionnaire, see The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.).

Data building and data wrangling

This dataset was created by randomized sampling (see random_mctq()) and by manual insertions of special cases. Its purpose is to demonstrate common cases and data issues that researchers may find in their MCTQ data, in addition to be a suggested data structure for MCTQ data.

You can see the shift_mctq build and data wrangling processes here.

Variable naming

The naming of the variables took into account the naming scheme used in MCTQ publications, in addition to the guidelines of the tidyverse style guide.

Variable classes

The mctq package works with a set of object classes specially created to hold time values. These classes can be found in the hms and lubridate package.

Duration objects

If you prefer to view Duration objects as hms objects, run pretty_mctq(shift_mctq).


Created by Daniel Vartanian (package author).


Ghotbi, N., Pilz, L. K., Winnebeck, E. C., Vetter, C., Zerbini, G., Lenssen, D., Frighetto, G., Salamanca, M., Costa, R., Montagnese, S., & Roenneberg, T. (2020). The μ\muMCTQ: an ultra-short version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 35(1), 98-110. doi:10.1177/0748730419886986

Jankowski K. S. (2017). Social jet lag: sleep-corrected formula. Chronobiology International, 34(4), 531-535. doi:10.1080/07420528.2017.1299162

Juda, M., Vetter, C., & Roenneberg, T. (2013). The Munich ChronoType Questionnaire for shift-workers (MCTQShift^{Shift}). Journal of Biological Rhythms, 28(2), 130-140. doi:10.1177/0748730412475041

Roenneberg T., Allebrandt K. V., Merrow M., & Vetter C. (2012). Social jetlag and obesity. Current Biology, 22(10), 939-43. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.03.038

Roenneberg, T., Keller, L. K., Fischer, D., Matera, J. L., Vetter, C., & Winnebeck, E. C. (2015). Human activity and rest in situ. In A. Sehgal (Ed.), Methods in Enzymology (Vol. 552, pp. 257-283). Academic Press. doi:10.1016/bs.mie.2014.11.028

Roenneberg, T., Pilz, L. K., Zerbini, G., & Winnebeck, E. C. (2019). Chronotype and social jetlag: a (self-) critical review. Biology, 8(3), 54. doi:10.3390/biology8030054

Roenneberg, T., Wirz-Justice, A., & Merrow, M. (2003). Life between clocks: daily temporal patterns of human chronotypes. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 18(1), 80-90. doi:10.1177/0748730402239679

The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.). MCTQ.

See Also

Other datasets: micro_mctq, std_mctq

Compute MCTQ social jetlag



sjl() computes the relative or absolute social jetlag for standard, micro, and shift versions of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ).

sjl_rel() is just a wrapper for sjl() with abs = FALSE.


sjl(msw, msf, abs = TRUE, method = "shorter")

sjl_rel(msw, msf, method = "shorter")



An hms object corresponding to the local time of mid-sleep on workdays from a standard, micro, or shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire. You can use msl() to compute it.


An hms object corresponding to the local time of mid-sleep on work-free days from a standard, micro, or shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire. You can use msl() to compute it.


(optional) a logical object indicating if the function must return an absolute value (default: TRUE).


(optional) a string indicating which method the function must use to compute the social jetlag. See the Methods section to learn more (default: "shorter").


Standard MCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003), Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), and from The Worldwide Experimental Platform (theWeP, n.d.).

μ\muMCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Ghotbi et al. (2020), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

MCTQShift^{Shift} functions were created following the guidelines in Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

See the References section to learn more.

Class requirements

The mctq package works with a set of object classes specially created to hold time values. These classes can be found in the lubridate and hms packages. Please refer to those package documentations to learn more about them.

Rounding and fractional time

Some operations may produce an output with fractional time (e.g., "19538.3828571429s (~5.43 hours)", 01:15:44.505). If you want, you can round it with mctq:::round_time().

Our recommendation is to avoid rounding, but, if you do, make sure that you only round your values after all computations are done. That way you avoid round-off errors.


  • If abs = TRUE, a Duration object corresponding to the absolute social jetlag.

  • If abs = FALSE, a Duration object corresponding to the relative social jetlag.

The output may also vary depending on the method used.


Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), and The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.) guidelines for sjl() (SJLrelSJL_{rel} and SJLSJL) computation are as follows.


  • For MCTQShift^{Shift}, the computation below must be applied to each shift section of the questionnaire.

  • Due to time arithmetic issues, sjl() does a slightly different computation by default than those proposed by the authors mentioned above. See vignette("sjl-computation", package = "mctq") for more details.

  • If you are visualizing this documentation in plain text, you may have some trouble understanding the equations. You can see this documentation on the package website.

For standard and micro versions of the MCTQ




  • SJLrelSJL_{rel} = Relative social jetlag.

  • SJLSJL = Absolute social jetlag.

  • MSWMSW = Local time of mid-sleep on workdays.

  • MSFMSF = Local time of mid-sleep on work-free days.

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days.

For the shift version of the MCTQ

SJLrelM/E/N=MSFM/E/NMSWM/E/NSJL_{rel}^{M/E/N} = MSF^{M/E/N} - MSW^{M/E/N}



  • SJLrelM/E/NSJL_{rel}^{M/E/N} = Relative social jetlag in a particular shift.

  • SJLM/E/NSJL^{M/E/N} = Absolute social jetlag in a particular shift.

  • MSWM/E/NMSW^{M/E/N} = Local time of mid-sleep between two days in a particular shift.

  • MSFM/E/NMSF^{M/E/N} = Local time of mid-sleep between two free days after a particular shift.

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days, MM = Morning shift; EE = Evening shift; NN = Night shift.

Methods for computing the social jetlag

There are different approaches to compute the social jetlag (SJLSJL). By default, sjl() uses an approach that we call "the shorter interval approach" ("shorter").

The topics below provide a simple explanation of each method supported by sjl(). To get a detail understating of this methods, see vignette("sjl-computation", package = "mctq").

  • "difference"

By using method = "difference", sjl() will do the exact computation proposed by the MCTQ authors, i.e., SJLSJL will be computed as the linear difference between MSFMSF and MSWMSW (see the Guidelines section).

We do not recommend using this method, as it has many limitations.

  • "shorter"

This is the default method for sjl(). It's based on the shorter interval between MSWMSW and MSFMSF, solving most of the issues relating to SJLSJL computation.

  • "longer"

The "longer" method uses the same logic of the "shorter" method, but, instead of using the shorter interval between MSWMSW and MSFMSF, it uses the longer interval between the two, considering a two-day window.

This method may help in special contexts, like when dealing with shift-workers that have a greater than 12 hours distance between their mid-sleep hours.


Ghotbi, N., Pilz, L. K., Winnebeck, E. C., Vetter, C., Zerbini, G., Lenssen, D., Frighetto, G., Salamanca, M., Costa, R., Montagnese, S., & Roenneberg, T. (2020). The μ\muMCTQ: an ultra-short version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 35(1), 98-110. doi:10.1177/0748730419886986

Jankowski K. S. (2017). Social jet lag: sleep-corrected formula. Chronobiology International, 34(4), 531-535. doi:10.1080/07420528.2017.1299162

Juda, M., Vetter, C., & Roenneberg, T. (2013). The Munich ChronoType Questionnaire for shift-workers (MCTQShift^{Shift}). Journal of Biological Rhythms, 28(2), 130-140. doi:10.1177/0748730412475041

Roenneberg T., Allebrandt K. V., Merrow M., & Vetter C. (2012). Social jetlag and obesity. Current Biology, 22(10), 939-43. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.03.038

Roenneberg, T., Pilz, L. K., Zerbini, G., & Winnebeck, E. C. (2019). Chronotype and social jetlag: a (self-) critical review. Biology, 8(3), 54. doi:10.3390/biology8030054

Roenneberg, T., Wirz-Justice, A., & Merrow, M. (2003). Life between clocks: daily temporal patterns of human chronotypes. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 18(1), 80-90. doi:10.1177/0748730402239679

The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.). MCTQ.

See Also

Other MCTQ functions: fd(), gu(), le_week(), msf_sc(), msl(), napd(), sd24(), sd_overall(), sd_week(), sdu(), sjl_sc(), sjl_weighted(), so(), tbt()


## Scalar example

msw <- hms::parse_hm("03:30")
msf <- hms::parse_hm("05:00")

sjl(msw, msf)
#> [1] "5400s (~1.5 hours)" # Expected
sjl(msw, msf, abs = FALSE)
#> [1] "5400s (~1.5 hours)" # Expected
sjl_rel(msw, msf) # Wrapper function
#> [1] "5400s (~1.5 hours)" # Expected

msw <- hms::parse_hm("04:30")
msf <- hms::parse_hm("23:30")

sjl(msw, msf)
#> [1] "18000s (~5 hours)" # Expected
sjl(msw, msf, abs = FALSE)
#> [1] "18000s (~-5 hours)" # Expected
sjl_rel(msw, msf) # Wrapper function
#> [1] "18000s (~-5 hours)" # Expected

msw <- hms::as_hms(NA)
msf <- hms::parse_hm("05:15")

sjl(msw, msf)
#> [1] NA # Expected

## Vector example

msw <- c(hms::parse_hm("02:05"), hms::parse_hm("04:05"))
msf <- c(hms::parse_hm("23:05"), hms::parse_hm("04:05"))

sjl(msw, msf)
#> [1] "10800s (~3 hours)" "0s" # Expected
sjl(msw, msf, abs = FALSE)
#> [1] "-10800s (~-3 hours)" "0s" # Expected
sjl_rel(msw, msf) # Wrapper function
#> [1] "-10800s (~-3 hours)" "0s" # Expected

## Using different methods

msw <- hms::parse_hm("19:15")
msf <- hms::parse_hm("02:30")

sjl(msw, msf, abs = FALSE, method = "difference")
#> [1] "-60300s (~-16.75 hours)" # Expected
sjl(msw, msf, abs = FALSE, method = "shorter") # Default method
#> [1] "26100s (~7.25 hours)" # Expected
sjl(msw, msf, abs = FALSE, method = "longer")
#> [1] "-60300s (~-16.75 hours)" # Expected

msw <- hms::parse_hm("02:45")
msf <- hms::parse_hm("04:15")

sjl(msw, msf, abs = FALSE, method = "difference")
#> [1] "5400s (~1.5 hours)" # Expected
sjl(msw, msf, abs = FALSE, method = "shorter") # Default method
#> [1] "5400s (~1.5 hours)" # Expected
sjl(msw, msf, abs = FALSE, method = "longer")
#> [1] "-81000s (~-22.5 hours)" # Expected

## Converting the output to 'hms'

msw <- hms::parse_hm("01:15")
msf <- hms::parse_hm("03:25")
sjl(msw, msf)
#> [1] "7800s (~2.17 hours)" # Expected

hms::as_hms(as.numeric(sjl(msw, msf)))
#> 02:10:00 # Expected

## Rounding the output at the seconds level

msw <- hms::parse_hms("04:19:33.1234")
msf <- hms::parse_hms("02:55:05")
sjl(msw, msf)
#> [1] "5068.12339997292s (~1.41 hours)" # Expected

mctq:::round_time(sjl(msw, msf))
#> [1] "5068s (~1.41 hours)" # Expected

Compute Jankowski's MCTQ sleep-corrected social jetlag



sjl_sc() computes the Jankowski's (2017) sleep-corrected social jetlag for standard, micro, and shift versions of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ).

sjl_sc_rel() is just a wrapper for sjl_sc() with abs = FALSE.

Please note that the Jankowski (2017) did not proposed a "relative" sleep-corrected social jetlag, but the user may consider using it.


sjl_sc(so_w, se_w, so_f, se_f, abs = TRUE, method = "shorter")

sjl_sc_rel(so_w, se_w, so_f, se_f, method = "shorter")



An hms object corresponding to the local time of sleep onset on workdays from a standard, micro, or shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire. You can use so() to compute it for the standard or shift version.


An hms object corresponding to the local time of sleep end on workdays from a standard, micro, or shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire.


An hms object corresponding to the local time of sleep onset on work-free days from a standard, micro, or shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire. You can use so() to compute it for the standard or shift version.


An hms object corresponding to the local time of sleep end on work-free days from a standard, micro, or shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire.


(optional) a logical object indicating if the function must return an absolute value (default: TRUE).


(optional) a string indicating which method the function must use to compute the social jetlag. See the Methods section to learn more (default: "shorter").


Standard MCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003), Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), and from The Worldwide Experimental Platform (theWeP, n.d.).

μ\muMCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Ghotbi et al. (2020), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

MCTQShift^{Shift} functions were created following the guidelines in Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

See the References section to learn more.

Class requirements

The mctq package works with a set of object classes specially created to hold time values. These classes can be found in the lubridate and hms packages. Please refer to those package documentations to learn more about them.

Rounding and fractional time

Some operations may produce an output with fractional time (e.g., "19538.3828571429s (~5.43 hours)", 01:15:44.505). If you want, you can round it with mctq:::round_time().

Our recommendation is to avoid rounding, but, if you do, make sure that you only round your values after all computations are done. That way you avoid round-off errors.


  • If abs = TRUE, a Duration object corresponding to the absolute sleep-corrected social jetlag.

  • If abs = FALSE, a Duration object corresponding to the relative sleep-corrected social jetlag.

The output may also vary depending on the method used.


In an article published in 2017, Konrad S. Jankowski argued that the original formula for computing the social jetlag (SJLSJL) captures not only the misalignment between social and biological time, but also the sleep debt resulting from sleep deprivation during workdays. Jankowski then proposed the following guideline for a sleep-corrected social jetlag (SJLscSJL_{sc}) computation.


  • The Jankowski's alternative is disputed. We recommend seeing Roenneberg, Pilz, Zerbini, & Winnebeck (2019) discussion about it (see item 3.4.2).

  • For MCTQShift^{Shift}, the computation below must be applied to each shift section of the questionnaire.

  • Due to time arithmetic issues, sjl_sc() does a slightly different computation by default than those proposed by the author mentioned above. See vignette("sjl-computation", package = "mctq") for more details.

  • If you are visualizing this documentation in plain text, you may have some trouble understanding the equations. You can see this documentation on the package website.

For standard and micro versions of the MCTQ

If SDW>SDF  &  SEWSEF  ,  SJLsc=SEFSEW\textrm{If } SD_{W} > SD_{F} \; \& \; SE_{W} \leq SE_{F} \; , \; SJL_{sc} = | SE_{F} - SE_{W} |

Else   ,  SJLsc=SOFSOW\textrm{Else } \; , \; SJL_{sc} = | SO_{F} - SO_{W} |


  • SJLscSJL_{sc} = Jankowski's sleep-corrected social jetlag.

  • SOWSO_{W} = Local time of sleep onset on workdays.

  • SEWSE_{W} = Local time of sleep end on workdays.

  • SOFSO_{F} = Local time of sleep onset on work-free days.

  • SEFSE_{F} = Local time of sleep end on work-free days.

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days.

For the shift version of the MCTQ

If SDWM/E/N>SDFM/E/N  &  SEWM/E/NSEFM/E/N  ,  SJLscM/E/N=SEFM/E/NSEWM/E/N\textrm{If } SD_W^{M/E/N} > SD_F^{M/E/N} \; \& \; SE_W^{M/E/N} \leq SE_F^{M/E/N} \; , \; SJL_{sc}^{M/E/N} = | SE_F^{M/E/N} - SE_W^{M/E/N} |

Else   ,  SJLscM/E/N=SOFM/E/NSOWM/E/N\textrm{Else } \; , \; | SJL_{sc}^{M/E/N} = SO_F^{M/E/N} - SO_W^{M/E/N} |


  • SJLscM/E/NSJL_{sc}^{M/E/N} = Jankowski's sleep-corrected social jetlag in a particular shift.

  • SOWM/E/NSO_W^{M/E/N} = Local time of sleep onset between two days in a particular shift.

  • SEWM/E/NSE_W^{M/E/N} = Local time of sleep end between two days in a particular shift.

  • SOFM/E/NSO_F^{M/E/N} = Local time of sleep onset between two free days after a particular shift.

  • SEFM/E/NSE_F^{M/E/N} = Local time of sleep end between two free days after a particular shift.

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days, MM = Morning shift; EE = Evening shift; NN = Night shift.

Methods for computing the sleep-corrected social jetlag

There are different approaches to compute the sleep-corrected social jetlag (SJLscSJL_{sc}). By default, sjl_sc() uses an approach that we call "the shorter interval approach" ("shorter").

The topics below provide a simple explanation of each method supported by sjl_sc(). To get a detail understating of this methods, see vignette("sjl-computation", package = "mctq").

  • "difference"

By using method = "difference", sjl_sc() will do the exact computation proposed by Jankowski, i.e., SJLscSJL_{sc} will be computed as the linear difference between SOfSO_f/SEfSE_f and SOWSO_W/SEWSE_W (see the Guidelines section).

We do not recommend using this method, as it has many limitations.

  • "shorter"

This is the default method for sjl_sc(). It's based on the shorter interval between SOfSO_f/SEfSE_f and SOWSO_W/SEWSE_W, solving most of the issues relating to SJLscSJL_{sc} computation.

  • "longer"

The "longer" method uses the same logic of the "shorter" method, but, instead of using the shorter interval between SOfSO_f/SEfSE_f and SOWSO_W/SEWSE_W, it uses the longer interval between the two, considering a two-day window.

This method may help in special contexts, like when dealing with shift-workers that have a greater than 12 hours distance between their sleep hours.


Ghotbi, N., Pilz, L. K., Winnebeck, E. C., Vetter, C., Zerbini, G., Lenssen, D., Frighetto, G., Salamanca, M., Costa, R., Montagnese, S., & Roenneberg, T. (2020). The μ\muMCTQ: an ultra-short version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 35(1), 98-110. doi:10.1177/0748730419886986

Jankowski K. S. (2017). Social jet lag: sleep-corrected formula. Chronobiology International, 34(4), 531-535. doi:10.1080/07420528.2017.1299162

Juda, M., Vetter, C., & Roenneberg, T. (2013). The Munich ChronoType Questionnaire for shift-workers (MCTQShift^{Shift}). Journal of Biological Rhythms, 28(2), 130-140. doi:10.1177/0748730412475041

Roenneberg T., Allebrandt K. V., Merrow M., & Vetter C. (2012). Social jetlag and obesity. Current Biology, 22(10), 939-43. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.03.038

Roenneberg, T., Pilz, L. K., Zerbini, G., & Winnebeck, E. C. (2019). Chronotype and social jetlag: a (self-) critical review. Biology, 8(3), 54. doi:10.3390/biology8030054

Roenneberg, T., Wirz-Justice, A., & Merrow, M. (2003). Life between clocks: daily temporal patterns of human chronotypes. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 18(1), 80-90. doi:10.1177/0748730402239679

The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.). MCTQ.

See Also

Other MCTQ functions: fd(), gu(), le_week(), msf_sc(), msl(), napd(), sd24(), sd_overall(), sd_week(), sdu(), sjl(), sjl_weighted(), so(), tbt()


## Scalar example

so_w <- hms::parse_hm("02:00")
se_w <- hms::parse_hm("10:00")
so_f <- hms::parse_hm("01:00")
se_f <- hms::parse_hm("08:00")

sjl_sc(so_w, se_w, so_f, se_f)
#> [1] "3600s (~1 hours)" # Expected
sjl_sc(so_w, se_w, so_f, se_f, abs = FALSE)
#> [1] "-3600s (~-1 hours)" # Expected (negative sjl_sc)
sjl_sc_rel(so_w, se_w, so_f, se_f) # Wrapper function
#> [1] "-3600s (~-1 hours)" # Expected (negative sjl_sc)
sjl(msl(so_w, sdu(so_w, se_w)), msl(so_f, sdu(so_f, se_f)))
#> [1] "5400s (~1.5 hours)" # Expected

so_w <- hms::parse_hm("22:00")
se_w <- hms::parse_hm("06:00")
so_f <- hms::parse_hm("01:00")
se_f <- hms::parse_hm("06:00") # sd_w > sd_f & se_w <= se_f

sjl_sc(so_w, se_w, so_f, se_f) # sjl_sc = | se_f - se_w |
#> [1] "0s" # Expected
sjl_sc(so_w, se_w, so_f, se_f, abs = FALSE)
#> [1] "0s" # Expected
sjl_sc_rel(so_w, se_w, so_f, se_f) # Wrapper function
#> [1] "0s" # Expected
sjl(msl(so_w, sdu(so_w, se_w)), msl(so_f, sdu(so_f, se_f)))
#> [1] "5400s (~1.5 hours)" # Expected

so_f <- hms::as_hms(NA)

sjl_sc(so_w, se_w, so_f, se_f)
#> [1] NA # Expected

## Vector example

so_w <- c(hms::parse_hm("00:00"), hms::parse_hm("01:00"))
se_w <- c(hms::parse_hm("08:00"), hms::parse_hm("07:00"))
so_f <- c(hms::parse_hm("01:00"), hms::parse_hm("01:00"))
se_f <- c(hms::parse_hm("09:00"), hms::parse_hm("09:00"))

sjl_sc(so_w, se_w, so_f, se_f)
#> [1] "3600s (~1 hours)" "0s" # Expected
sjl_sc(so_w, se_w, so_f, se_f, abs = FALSE)
#> [1] "3600s (~1 hours)" "0s" # Expected
sjl_sc_rel(so_w, se_w, so_f, se_f) # Wrapper function
#> [1] "3600s (~1 hours)" "0s" # Expected
sjl(msl(so_w, sdu(so_w, se_w)), msl(so_f, sdu(so_f, se_f)))
#> [1] "3600s (~1 hours)" "3600s (~1 hours)" # Expected

## See other examples in '?sjl()'

Compute MCTQ absolute social jetlag across all shifts



sjl_weighted() computes the absolute social jetlag across all shifts for the shift version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ).


sjl_weighted(sjl, n_w)



A list object with Duration elements corresponding to the social jetlag in each shift from a shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire (you can use sjl() to compute it). sjl elements and values must be paired with n elements and values.


A list object with integerish integer or double elements corresponding to the number of days worked in each shift within a shift cycle from a shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire. n elements and values must be paired with sjl elements and values.


Standard MCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003), Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), and from The Worldwide Experimental Platform (theWeP, n.d.).

μ\muMCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Ghotbi et al. (2020), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

MCTQShift^{Shift} functions were created following the guidelines in Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

See the References section to learn more.

Class requirements

The mctq package works with a set of object classes specially created to hold time values. These classes can be found in the lubridate and hms packages. Please refer to those package documentations to learn more about them.

Rounding and fractional time

Some operations may produce an output with fractional time (e.g., "19538.3828571429s (~5.43 hours)", 01:15:44.505). If you want, you can round it with mctq:::round_time().

Our recommendation is to avoid rounding, but, if you do, make sure that you only round your values after all computations are done. That way you avoid round-off errors.


A Duration object corresponding to the vectorized weighted mean of sjl with n_w as weights.


The shift version of the MCTQ was developed for shift-workers rotating through morning-, evening-, and night-shifts, but it also allows adaptations to other shift schedules (Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg, 2013). For this reason, sjl_weighted() must operate with any shift combination.

Considering the requirement above, sjl_weighted() was developed to only accept list objects as arguments. For this approach to work, both sjl and n_w arguments must be lists with paired elements and values, i.e., the first element of sjl (e.g., sjl_m) must be paired with the first element of n_w (e.g., n_w_m). The function will do the work of combining them and output a weighted mean.


Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013) and The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.) guidelines for sjl_weighted() (SJLweighted\emptyset SJL_{weighted}) computation are as follows.


  • The absolute social jetlag across all shifts (SJLweighted\emptyset SJL_{weighted}) is the weighted average of all absolute social jetlags.

  • The authors describe an equation for a three-shift schedule, but this may not be your case. That's why this function works a little bit differently (see the Operation section), allowing you to compute a weighted average with any shift combination.

  • If you are visualizing this documentation in plain text, you may have some trouble understanding the equations. You can see this documentation on the package website.


SJLweighted=(SJLM×nWM)+(SJLE×nWE)+(SJLN×nWN)nWM+nWE+nWN\emptyset SJL_{weighted} = \frac{(| SJL^{M} | \times n_{W}^{M}) + (| SJL^{E} | \times n_{W}^{E}) + (| SJL^{N} | \times n_{W}^{N})}{n_{W}^{M} + n_{W}^{E} + n_{W}^{N}}


  • SJLweighted\emptyset SJL_{weighted} = Absolute social jetlag across all shifts.

  • SJLM/E/NSJL^{M/E/N} = Absolute social jetlag in each shift.

  • nWM/E/Nn_{W}^{M/E/N} = Number of days worked in each shift within a shift cycle.

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days, MM = Morning shift; EE = Evening shift; NN = Night shift.


Ghotbi, N., Pilz, L. K., Winnebeck, E. C., Vetter, C., Zerbini, G., Lenssen, D., Frighetto, G., Salamanca, M., Costa, R., Montagnese, S., & Roenneberg, T. (2020). The μ\muMCTQ: an ultra-short version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 35(1), 98-110. doi:10.1177/0748730419886986

Juda, M., Vetter, C., & Roenneberg, T. (2013). The Munich ChronoType Questionnaire for shift-workers (MCTQShift^{Shift}). Journal of Biological Rhythms, 28(2), 130-140. doi:10.1177/0748730412475041

Roenneberg T., Allebrandt K. V., Merrow M., & Vetter C. (2012). Social jetlag and obesity. Current Biology, 22(10), 939-43. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.03.038

Roenneberg, T., Wirz-Justice, A., & Merrow, M. (2003). Life between clocks: daily temporal patterns of human chronotypes. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 18(1), 80-90. doi:10.1177/0748730402239679

The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.). MCTQ.

See Also

Other MCTQ functions: fd(), gu(), le_week(), msf_sc(), msl(), napd(), sd24(), sd_overall(), sd_week(), sdu(), sjl(), sjl_sc(), so(), tbt()


## Scalar example

sjl <- list(sjl_m = lubridate::dhours(1.25),
            sjl_e = lubridate::dhours(0.5),
            sjl_n = lubridate::dhours(3))
n_w <- list(n_w_m = 3, n_w_e = 1, n_w_n = 4)
sjl_weighted(sjl, n_w)
#> [1] "7312.5s (~2.03 hours)" # Expected

sjl <- list(sjl_m = lubridate::dhours(1.25),
            sjl_e = lubridate::as.duration(NA),
            sjl_n = lubridate::dhours(3))
n_w <- list(n_w_m = 3, n_w_e = 1, n_w_n = 4)
sjl_weighted(sjl, n_w)
#> [1] NA # Expected

## Vector example

sjl <- list(sjl_m = c(lubridate::dhours(2), lubridate::dhours(2.45)),
            sjl_e = c(lubridate::dhours(3.21), lubridate::as.duration(NA)),
            sjl_n = c(lubridate::dhours(1.2), lubridate::dhours(5.32)))
n_w <- list(n_w_m = c(1, 3), n_w_e = c(4, 1), n_w_n = c(3, 3))
sjl_weighted(sjl, n_w)
#> [1] "8298s (~2.31 hours)" NA # Expected

## Checking the first output from vector example

if (requireNamespace("stats", quietly = TRUE)) {
    i <- 1
    x <- c(sjl[["sjl_m"]][i], sjl[["sjl_e"]][i], sjl[["sjl_n"]][i])
    w <- c(n_w[["n_w_m"]][i], n_w[["n_w_e"]][i], n_w[["n_w_n"]][i])
    lubridate::as.duration(stats::weighted.mean(x, w))
#> [1] "8298s (~2.31 hours)" # Expected

## Converting the output to hms

sjl <- list(sjl_m = lubridate::dhours(0.25),
            sjl_e = lubridate::dhours(1.2),
            sjl_n = lubridate::dhours(4.32))
n_w <- list(n_w_m = 4, n_w_e = 2, n_w_n = 1)

sjl_weighted(sjl, n_w)
#> [1] "3970.28571428571s (~1.1 hours)" # Expected

hms::as_hms(as.numeric(sjl_weighted(sjl, n_w)))
#> 01:06:10.285714 # Expected

## Rounding the output at the seconds level

mctq:::round_time(sjl_weighted(sjl, n_w))
#> [1] "3970s (~1.1 hours)" # Expected

mctq:::round_time(hms::as_hms(as.numeric(sjl_weighted(sjl, n_w))))
#> 01:06:10 # Expected

Compute MCTQ weekly sleep loss



sloss_week() computes the weekly sleep loss for the standard and micro versions of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ).


sloss_week(sd_w, sd_f, wd)



A Duration object corresponding to the sleep duration on workdays from a standard or micro version of the MCTQ questionnaire. You can use sdu() to compute it.


A Duration object corresponding to the sleep duration on work-free days from a standard or micro version of the MCTQ questionnaire. You can use sdu() to compute it.


An integerish numeric object or an integer object corresponding to the number of workdays per week from a standard or micro version of the MCTQ questionnaire.


Standard MCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003), Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), and from The Worldwide Experimental Platform (theWeP, n.d.).

μ\muMCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Ghotbi et al. (2020), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

MCTQShift^{Shift} functions were created following the guidelines in Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

See the References section to learn more.

Class requirements

The mctq package works with a set of object classes specially created to hold time values. These classes can be found in the lubridate and hms packages. Please refer to those package documentations to learn more about them.

Rounding and fractional time

Some operations may produce an output with fractional time (e.g., "19538.3828571429s (~5.43 hours)", 01:15:44.505). If you want, you can round it with mctq:::round_time().

Our recommendation is to avoid rounding, but, if you do, make sure that you only round your values after all computations are done. That way you avoid round-off errors.


A Duration object corresponding to the weekly sleep loss.


Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012) and The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.) guidelines for sloss_week() (SLossweekSLoss_{week}) computation are as follows.


  • If you are visualizing this documentation in plain text, you may have some trouble understanding the equations. You can see this documentation on the package website.


If SDweek>SDW  ,  SLossweek=(SDweekSDW)×WD\textrm{If } SD_{week} > SD_W \; , \; SLoss_{week} = (SD_{week} - SD_W) \times WD

Else   ,  SLossweek=(SDweekSDF)×FD\textrm{Else } \; , \; SLoss_{week} = (SD_{week} - SD_F) \times FD


  • SLossweekSLoss_{week}: Weekly sleep loss.

  • SDWSD_W = Sleep duration on workdays.

  • SDFSD_F = Sleep duration on work-free days.

  • SDweekSD_{week} = Average weekly sleep duration.

  • WDWD = Number of workdays per week ("I have a regular work schedule and work ___ days per week").

  • FDFD = Number of work-free days per week.

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days.


Ghotbi, N., Pilz, L. K., Winnebeck, E. C., Vetter, C., Zerbini, G., Lenssen, D., Frighetto, G., Salamanca, M., Costa, R., Montagnese, S., & Roenneberg, T. (2020). The μ\muMCTQ: an ultra-short version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 35(1), 98-110. doi:10.1177/0748730419886986

Juda, M., Vetter, C., & Roenneberg, T. (2013). The Munich ChronoType Questionnaire for shift-workers (MCTQShift^{Shift}). Journal of Biological Rhythms, 28(2), 130-140. doi:10.1177/0748730412475041

Roenneberg T., Allebrandt K. V., Merrow M., & Vetter C. (2012). Social jetlag and obesity. Current Biology, 22(10), 939-43. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.03.038

Roenneberg, T., Wirz-Justice, A., & Merrow, M. (2003). Life between clocks: daily temporal patterns of human chronotypes. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 18(1), 80-90. doi:10.1177/0748730402239679

The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.). MCTQ.


## Scalar example

sd_w <- lubridate::dhours(6.5)
sd_f <- lubridate::dhours(7)
wd <- 4
sloss_week(sd_w, sd_f, wd)
#> [1] "3085.71428571429s (~51.43 minutes)" # Expected

sd_w <- lubridate::dhours(7)
sd_f <- lubridate::dhours(8)
wd <- 5
sloss_week(sd_w, sd_f, wd)
#> [1] "5142.85714285714s (~1.43 hours)" # Expected

sd_w <- lubridate::dhours(NA)
sd_f <- lubridate::dhours(9.45)
wd <- 7
sloss_week(sd_w, sd_f, wd)
#> [1] NA # Expected

## Vector example

sd_w <- c(lubridate::dhours(7), lubridate::dhours(8))
sd_f <- c(lubridate::dhours(6.5), lubridate::dhours(8))
wd <- c(2, 0)
sloss_week(sd_w, sd_f, wd)
#> [1] "2571.42857142857s (~42.86 minutes)" "0s" # Expected

## Converting the output to 'hms'

sd_w <- lubridate::dhours(4)
sd_f <- lubridate::dhours(5)
wd <- 3
sloss_week(sd_w, sd_f, wd)
#> [1] "6171.42857142858s (~1.71 hours)" # Expected

hms::as_hms(as.numeric(sloss_week(sd_w, sd_f, wd)))
#> 01:42:51.428571 # Expected

## Rounding the output at the seconds level

sd_w <- lubridate::dhours(5.8743)
sd_f <- lubridate::dhours(7.4324)
wd <- 6
sloss_week(sd_w, sd_f, wd)
#> [1] "4807.85142857144s (~1.34 hours)" # Expected

mctq:::round_time(sloss_week(sd_w, sd_f, wd))
#> [1] "4808s (~1.34 hours)" # Expected

Compute MCTQ local time of sleep onset



so() computes the local time of sleep onset for standard and shift versions of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ).

Note that this value is collected directly from the questionnaire if you're using the μ\muMCTQ.


so(sprep, slat)



An hms object corresponding to the local time of preparing to sleep from a standard or shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire.


A Duration object corresponding to the sleep latency or time to fall asleep after preparing to sleep from a standard or shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire.


Standard MCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003), Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), and from The Worldwide Experimental Platform (theWeP, n.d.).

μ\muMCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Ghotbi et al. (2020), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

MCTQShift^{Shift} functions were created following the guidelines in Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

See the References section to learn more.

Class requirements

The mctq package works with a set of object classes specially created to hold time values. These classes can be found in the lubridate and hms packages. Please refer to those package documentations to learn more about them.

Rounding and fractional time

Some operations may produce an output with fractional time (e.g., "19538.3828571429s (~5.43 hours)", 01:15:44.505). If you want, you can round it with mctq:::round_time().

Our recommendation is to avoid rounding, but, if you do, make sure that you only round your values after all computations are done. That way you avoid round-off errors.


An hms object corresponding to the vectorized sum of sprep and slat in a circular time frame of 24 hours.


Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), and The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.) guidelines for so() (SOSO) computation are as follows.


  • This computation must be applied to each section of the questionnaire.

  • If you are visualizing this documentation in plain text, you may have some trouble understanding the equations. You can see this documentation on the package website.

For standard and micro versions of the MCTQ

SOW/F=SPrepW/F+SLatW/FSO_{W/F} = SPrep_{W/F} + SLat_{W/F}


  • SOW/FSO_{W/F} = Local time of sleep onset on work or work-free days.

  • SPrepW/FSPrep_{W/F} = Local time of preparing to sleep on work or work-free days ("I actually get ready to fall asleep at ___ o'clock").

  • SLatW/FSLat_{W/F} = Sleep latency or time to fall asleep after preparing to sleep on work or work-free days ("I need ___ min to fall asleep").

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days.

For the shift version of the MCTQ

SOW/FM/E/N=SPrepW/FM/E/N+SLatW/FM/E/NSO_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = SPrep_{W/F}^{M/E/N} + SLat_{W/F}^{M/E/N}


  • SOW/FM/E/NSO_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = Local time of sleep onset between two days in a particular shift or between two free days after a particular shift.

  • SPrepW/FM/E/NSPrep_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = Local time of preparing to sleep between two days in a particular shift or between two free days after a particular shift ("I actually get ready to fall asleep at ___ o'clock").

  • SLatW/FM/E/NSLat_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = Sleep latency or time to fall asleep after preparing to sleep between two days in a particular shift or between two free days after a particular shift ("I need ___ min to fall asleep").

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days, MM = Morning shift; EE = Evening shift; NN = Night shift.


Ghotbi, N., Pilz, L. K., Winnebeck, E. C., Vetter, C., Zerbini, G., Lenssen, D., Frighetto, G., Salamanca, M., Costa, R., Montagnese, S., & Roenneberg, T. (2020). The μ\muMCTQ: an ultra-short version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 35(1), 98-110. doi:10.1177/0748730419886986

Juda, M., Vetter, C., & Roenneberg, T. (2013). The Munich ChronoType Questionnaire for shift-workers (MCTQShift^{Shift}). Journal of Biological Rhythms, 28(2), 130-140. doi:10.1177/0748730412475041

Roenneberg T., Allebrandt K. V., Merrow M., & Vetter C. (2012). Social jetlag and obesity. Current Biology, 22(10), 939-43. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.03.038

Roenneberg, T., Wirz-Justice, A., & Merrow, M. (2003). Life between clocks: daily temporal patterns of human chronotypes. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 18(1), 80-90. doi:10.1177/0748730402239679

The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.). MCTQ.

See Also

Other MCTQ functions: fd(), gu(), le_week(), msf_sc(), msl(), napd(), sd24(), sd_overall(), sd_week(), sdu(), sjl(), sjl_sc(), sjl_weighted(), tbt()


## Scalar example

sprep <- hms::parse_hm("22:00")
slat <- lubridate::dminutes(15)
so(sprep, slat)
#> 22:15:00 # Expected

sprep <- hms::parse_hm("23:30")
slat <- lubridate::dminutes(45)
so(sprep, slat)
#> 00:15:00 # Expected

sprep <- hms::parse_hm("20:45")
slat <- lubridate::as.duration(NA)
so(sprep, slat)
#> NA # Expected

## Vector example

sprep <- c(hms::parse_hm("21:30"), hms::parse_hm("22:15"))
slat <- c(lubridate::dminutes(45), lubridate::dminutes(5))
so(sprep, slat)
#> 22:15:00 # Expected
#> 22:20:00 # Expected

A fictional standard MCTQ dataset



A fictional dataset, for testing and learning purposes, composed of basic/measurable and computed variables of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ) standard version.

This data was created following the guidelines in Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003), Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), Jankowski (2017), and The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.). See the References and Details sections to learn more.




A tibble with 39 columns and 50 rows:


A unique integer value to identify each respondent in the dataset.

Type: Control.

R class: integer.


A logical value indicating if the respondent has a regular work schedule.

Statement (EN): "I have a regular work schedule (this includes being, for example, a housewife or househusband): Yes ( ___ ) No ( ___ )".

Type: Basic.

R class: logical.


Number of workdays per week.

Statement (EN): "I have a regular work schedule and work ___ days per week".

Type: Basic.

R class: integer.


Number of work-free days per week.

Type: Computed.

R class: integer.


Local time of going to bed on workdays.

Statement (EN): "I go to bed at ___ o'clock'".

Type: Basic.

R class: hms.


Local time of preparing to sleep on workdays.

Statement (EN): "I actually get ready to fall asleep at ___ o'clock".

Type: Basic.

R class: hms.


Sleep latency or time to fall asleep after preparing to sleep on workdays.

Statement (EN): "I need ___ minutes to fall asleep".

Type: Basic.

R class: Duration.


Local time of sleep onset on workdays.

Type: Computed.

R class: hms.


Local time of sleep end on workdays.

Statement (EN): "I wake up at ___ o'clock".

Type: Basic.

R class: hms.


"Sleep inertia" on workdays.

Despite the name, this variable represents the time the respondent takes to get up after sleep end.

Statement (EN): "After ___ minutes, I get up".

Type: Basic.

R class: Duration.


Local time of getting out of bed on workdays.

Type: Computed.

R class: hms.


A logical value indicating if the respondent uses an alarm clock to wake up on workdays.

Statement (EN): "I use an alarm clock on workdays: Yes ( ___ ) No ( ___ )".

Type: Basic.

R class: logical.


A logical value indicating if the respondent regularly wakes up before the alarm rings on workdays.

Statement (EN): "If "Yes": I regularly wake up BEFORE the alarm rings: Yes ( ___ ) No ( ___ )".

Type: Basic.

R class: logical.


Sleep duration on workdays.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Total time in bed on workdays.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Light exposure on workdays.

Statement (EN): "On average, I spend the following amount of time outdoors in daylight (without a roof above my head)".

Type: Extra.

R class: Duration.


Local time of mid-sleep on workdays.

Type: Computed.

R class: hms.


Local time of going to bed on work-free days.

Statement (EN): "I go to bed at ___ o'clock'".

Type: Basic.

R class: hms.


Local time of preparing to sleep on work-free days.

Statement (EN): "I actually get ready to fall asleep at ___ o'clock".

Type: Basic.

R class: hms.


Sleep latency or time to fall asleep after preparing to sleep on work-free days.

Statement (EN): "I need ___ minutes to fall asleep".

Type: Basic.

R class: Duration.


Local time of sleep onset on work-free days.

Type: Computed.

R class: hms.


Local time of sleep end on work-free days.

Statement (EN): "I wake up at ___ o'clock".

Type: Basic.

R class: hms.


"Sleep inertia" on work-free days.

Despite the name, this variable represents the time the respondent takes to get up after sleep end.

Statement (EN): "After ___ minutes, I get up".

Type: Basic.

R class: Duration.


Local time of getting out of bed on work-free days.

Type: Computed.

R class: hms.


A logical value indicating if the respondent uses an alarm clock to wake up on work-free days.

Statement (EN): "My wake-up time is due to the use of an alarm clock: Yes ( ___ ) No ( ___ )".

Type: Basic.

R class: logical.


A logical value indicating if the respondent has any particular reasons for why they cannot freely choose their sleep times on work-free days.

Statement (EN): "There are particular reasons why I cannot freely choose my sleep times on free days: Yes ( ___ ) No ( ___ )".

Type: Basic.

R class: logical.


Particular reasons for why the respondent cannot freely choose their sleep times on work-free days.

Statement (EN): "If "Yes": Child(ren)/pet(s) ( ___ ) Hobbies ( ___ ) Others ( ___ ), for example: ___".

Type: Basic.

R class: character.


Sleep duration on work-free days.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Total time in bed on work-free days.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Light exposure on work-free days.

Statement (EN): "On average, I spend the following amount of time outdoors in daylight (without a roof above my head)".

Type: Extra.

R class: Duration.


Local time of mid-sleep on work-free days.

Type: Computed.

R class: hms.


Average weekly sleep duration.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Weekly sleep loss.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Average weekly light exposure.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Sleep-corrected local time of mid-sleep on work-free days.

Type: Computed.

R class: hms.


Relative social jetlag.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Absolute social jetlag.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Jankowski's relative sleep-corrected social jetlag.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


Jankowski's sleep-corrected social jetlag.

Type: Computed.

R class: Duration.


std_mctq is a tidied, validated, and transformed version of raw_data("std_mctq.csv").


To learn more about the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ), see Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003), Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), Roenneberg et al. (2015), and Roenneberg, Pilz, Zerbini, & Winnebeck (2019).

To know about different MCTQ versions, see Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013) and Ghotbi et al. (2020).

To learn about the sleep-corrected social jetlag, see Jankowski (2017).

If you're curious about the variable computations and want to have access to the full questionnaire, see The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.).

Data building and data wrangling

This dataset was created by randomized sampling (see random_mctq()) and by manual insertions of special cases. Its purpose is to demonstrate common cases and data issues that researchers may find in their MCTQ data, in addition to be a suggested data structure for MCTQ data.

You can see the std_mctq build and data wrangling processes here.

Variable naming

The naming of the variables took into account the naming scheme used in MCTQ publications, in addition to the guidelines of the tidyverse style guide.

Variable classes

The mctq package works with a set of object classes specially created to hold time values. These classes can be found in the hms and lubridate package.

Duration objects

If you prefer to view Duration objects as hms objects, run pretty_mctq(std_mctq).


Created by Daniel Vartanian (package author).


Ghotbi, N., Pilz, L. K., Winnebeck, E. C., Vetter, C., Zerbini, G., Lenssen, D., Frighetto, G., Salamanca, M., Costa, R., Montagnese, S., & Roenneberg, T. (2020). The μ\muMCTQ: an ultra-short version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 35(1), 98-110. doi:10.1177/0748730419886986

Jankowski K. S. (2017). Social jet lag: sleep-corrected formula. Chronobiology International, 34(4), 531-535. doi:10.1080/07420528.2017.1299162

Juda, M., Vetter, C., & Roenneberg, T. (2013). The Munich ChronoType Questionnaire for shift-workers (MCTQShift^{Shift}). Journal of Biological Rhythms, 28(2), 130-140. doi:10.1177/0748730412475041

Roenneberg T., Allebrandt K. V., Merrow M., & Vetter C. (2012). Social jetlag and obesity. Current Biology, 22(10), 939-43. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.03.038

Roenneberg, T., Keller, L. K., Fischer, D., Matera, J. L., Vetter, C., & Winnebeck, E. C. (2015). Human activity and rest in situ. In A. Sehgal (Ed.), Methods in Enzymology (Vol. 552, pp. 257-283). Academic Press. doi:10.1016/bs.mie.2014.11.028

Roenneberg, T., Pilz, L. K., Zerbini, G., & Winnebeck, E. C. (2019). Chronotype and social jetlag: a (self-) critical review. Biology, 8(3), 54. doi:10.3390/biology8030054

Roenneberg, T., Wirz-Justice, A., & Merrow, M. (2003). Life between clocks: daily temporal patterns of human chronotypes. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 18(1), 80-90. doi:10.1177/0748730402239679

The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.). MCTQ.

See Also

Other datasets: micro_mctq, shift_mctq

Compute MCTQ total time in bed



tbt() computes the total time in bed for standard and shift versions of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ).


tbt(bt, gu)



An hms object corresponding to the local time of going to bed from a standard or shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire.


An hms object corresponding to the local time of getting out of bed from a standard or shift version of the MCTQ questionnaire. You can use gu() to compute it.


Standard MCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Roenneberg, Wirz-Justice, & Merrow (2003), Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), and from The Worldwide Experimental Platform (theWeP, n.d.).

μ\muMCTQ functions were created following the guidelines in Ghotbi et al. (2020), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

MCTQShift^{Shift} functions were created following the guidelines in Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), in addition to the guidelines used for the standard MCTQ.

See the References section to learn more.

Class requirements

The mctq package works with a set of object classes specially created to hold time values. These classes can be found in the lubridate and hms packages. Please refer to those package documentations to learn more about them.

Rounding and fractional time

Some operations may produce an output with fractional time (e.g., "19538.3828571429s (~5.43 hours)", 01:15:44.505). If you want, you can round it with mctq:::round_time().

Our recommendation is to avoid rounding, but, if you do, make sure that you only round your values after all computations are done. That way you avoid round-off errors.


A Duration object corresponding to the vectorized difference between gu and bt in a circular time frame of 24 hours.


Roenneberg, Allebrandt, Merrow, & Vetter (2012), Juda, Vetter, & Roenneberg (2013), and The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.) guidelines for tbt() (TBTTBT) computation are as follows.


  • This computation must be applied to each section of the questionnaire.

  • If you are visualizing this documentation in plain text, you may have some trouble understanding the equations. You can see this documentation on the package website.

For standard and micro versions of the MCTQ



  • TBTW/FTBT_{W/F} = Total time in bed on work or work-free days.

  • GUW/FGU_{W/F} = Local time of getting out of bed on work or work-free days.

  • BTW/FBT_{W/F} = Local time of going to bed on work or work-free days ("I go to bed at ___ o'clock").

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days.

For the shift version of the MCTQ



  • TBTW/FM/E/NTBT_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = Total time in bed between two days in a particular shift or between two free days after a particular shift.

  • GUW/FM/E/NGU_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = Local time of getting out of bed between two days in a particular shift or between two free days after a particular shift.

  • BTW/FM/E/NBT_{W/F}^{M/E/N} = Local time of going to bed between two days in a particular shift or between two free days after a particular shift ("I go to bed at ___ o'clock").

* WW = Workdays; FF = Work-free days, MM = Morning shift; EE = Evening shift; NN = Night shift.


Ghotbi, N., Pilz, L. K., Winnebeck, E. C., Vetter, C., Zerbini, G., Lenssen, D., Frighetto, G., Salamanca, M., Costa, R., Montagnese, S., & Roenneberg, T. (2020). The μ\muMCTQ: an ultra-short version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 35(1), 98-110. doi:10.1177/0748730419886986

Juda, M., Vetter, C., & Roenneberg, T. (2013). The Munich ChronoType Questionnaire for shift-workers (MCTQShift^{Shift}). Journal of Biological Rhythms, 28(2), 130-140. doi:10.1177/0748730412475041

Roenneberg T., Allebrandt K. V., Merrow M., & Vetter C. (2012). Social jetlag and obesity. Current Biology, 22(10), 939-43. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.03.038

Roenneberg, T., Wirz-Justice, A., & Merrow, M. (2003). Life between clocks: daily temporal patterns of human chronotypes. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 18(1), 80-90. doi:10.1177/0748730402239679

The Worldwide Experimental Platform (n.d.). MCTQ.

See Also

Other MCTQ functions: fd(), gu(), le_week(), msf_sc(), msl(), napd(), sd24(), sd_overall(), sd_week(), sdu(), sjl(), sjl_sc(), sjl_weighted(), so()


## Scalar example

bt <- hms::parse_hm("22:10")
gu <- hms::parse_hm("06:15")
tbt(bt, gu)
#> [1] "29100s (~8.08 hours)" # Expected

bt <- hms::parse_hm("01:20")
gu <- hms::parse_hm("14:00")
tbt(bt, gu)
#> [1] "45600s (~12.67 hours)" # Expected

bt <- hms::as_hms(NA)
gu <- hms::parse_hm("07:20")
tbt(bt, gu)
#> [1] NA # Expected

## Vector example

bt <- c(hms::parse_hm("23:50"), hms::parse_hm("02:30"))
gu <- c(hms::parse_hm("09:30"), hms::parse_hm("11:25"))
tbt(bt, gu)
#> [1] "34800s (~9.67 hours)" "32100s (~8.92 hours)" # Expected