# -------------------------------------------- # CITATION file created with {cffr} R package # See also: https://docs.ropensci.org/cffr/ # -------------------------------------------- cff-version: 1.2.0 message: 'To cite package "onekp" in publications use:' type: software license: MIT title: 'onekp: Retrieve Data from the 1000 Plants Initiative (1KP)' version: 0.3.0 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.32614/CRAN.package.onekp abstract: The 1000 Plants Initiative (www.onekp.com) has sequenced the transcriptomes of over 1000 plant species. This package allows these sequences and metadata to be retrieved and filtered by code, species or recursively by clade. Scientific names and NCBI taxonomy IDs are both supported. authors: - family-names: Rijan given-names: Dhakal email: rijan_dhakal@tutanota.com - family-names: Arendsee given-names: Zebulun email: zbwrnz@gmail.com preferred-citation: type: article title: Phylotranscriptomic analysis of the origin and early diversification of land plants authors: - name: Wickett - family-names: J given-names: Norman - name: Mirarab - name: Siavash - name: Nguyen - name: Nam - name: Warnow - name: Tandy - name: Carpenter - name: Eric - name: Matasci - name: Naim - name: Ayyampalayam - name: Saravanaraj - name: Barker - family-names: S given-names: Michael - name: Burleigh - family-names: Gordon given-names: J - name: Gitzendanner - family-names: A given-names: Matthew - name: others journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences volume: '111' issue: '45' year: '2014' publisher: name: National Acad Sciences start: E4859 end: E4868 repository: https://ropensci.r-universe.dev repository-code: https://github.com/ropensci/onekp commit: 6d9f0241194c0cb5d4e1c6422c0444d0d343e76e url: https://docs.ropensci.org/onekp contact: - family-names: Rijan given-names: Dhakal email: rijan_dhakal@tutanota.com references: - type: article title: Data access for the 1,000 Plants (1KP) project authors: - name: Matasci - name: Naim - name: Hung - name: Ling-Hong - name: Yan - name: Zhixiang - name: Carpenter - family-names: J given-names: Eric - name: Wickett - family-names: J given-names: Norman - name: Mirarab - name: Siavash - name: Nguyen - name: Nam - name: Warnow - name: Tandy - name: Ayyampalayam - name: Saravanaraj - name: Barker - name: Michael - name: others journal: Gigascience volume: '3' issue: '1' year: '2014' publisher: name: BioMed Central start: '17' - type: article title: 'SOAPdenovo-Trans: de novo transcriptome assembly with short RNA-Seq reads' authors: - name: Xie - name: Yinlong - name: Wu - name: Gengxiong - name: Tang - name: Jingbo - name: Luo - name: Ruibang - name: Patterson - name: Jordan - name: Liu - name: Shanlin - name: Huang - name: Weihua - name: He - name: Guangzhu - name: Gu - name: Shengchang - name: Li - name: Shengkang - name: others journal: Bioinformatics volume: '30' issue: '12' year: '2014' publisher: name: Oxford University Press start: '1660' end: '1666' - type: article title: Evaluating methods for isolating total RNA and predicting the success of sequencing phylogenetically diverse plant transcriptomes authors: - name: Johnson - family-names: TJ given-names: Marc - name: Carpenter - family-names: J given-names: Eric - name: Tian - name: Zhijian - name: Bruskiewich - name: Richard - name: Burris - family-names: 'N' given-names: Jason - name: Carrigan - family-names: T given-names: Charlotte - name: Chase - family-names: W given-names: Mark - name: Clarke - family-names: D given-names: Neil - name: Covshoff - name: Sarah - name: Edger - family-names: P given-names: Patrick - name: others journal: PloS one volume: '7' issue: '11' year: '2012' publisher: name: Public Library of Science start: e50226