Tools to experiment with computer vision algorithms. Use ocv_read and ocv_write to load/save images on disk, or use ocv_picture / ocv_video to use your webcam. In RSudio IDE the image objects will automatically be displayed in the viewer pane.
ocv_face(image) ocv_facemask(image) ocv_read(path) ocv_write(image, path) ocv_destroy(image) ocv_bitmap(image) ocv_edges(image) ocv_picture() ocv_resize(image, width = 0, height = 0) ocv_mog2(image) ocv_knn(image) ocv_hog(image) ocv_blur(image, ksize = 5) ocv_sketch(image, color = TRUE) ocv_stylize(image) ocv_markers(image) ocv_info(image) ocv_copyto(image, target, mask) ocv_display(image) ocv_video(filter, stop_on_result = FALSE) ocv_grayscale(image) ocv_version()
ocv_face(image) ocv_facemask(image) ocv_read(path) ocv_write(image, path) ocv_destroy(image) ocv_bitmap(image) ocv_edges(image) ocv_picture() ocv_resize(image, width = 0, height = 0) ocv_mog2(image) ocv_knn(image) ocv_hog(image) ocv_blur(image, ksize = 5) ocv_sketch(image, color = TRUE) ocv_stylize(image) ocv_markers(image) ocv_info(image) ocv_copyto(image, target, mask) ocv_display(image) ocv_video(filter, stop_on_result = FALSE) ocv_grayscale(image) ocv_version()
image |
an ocv image object created from e.g. |
path |
image file such as png or jpeg |
width |
output width in pixels |
height |
output height in pixels |
ksize |
size of blurring matrix |
color |
true or false |
target |
the output image |
mask |
only copy pixels from the mask |
filter |
an R function that takes and returns an opecv image |
stop_on_result |
stop if an object is detected |
# Silly example mona <- ocv_read('') # Edge detection ocv_edges(mona) ocv_markers(mona) # Find face faces <- ocv_face(mona) # To show locations of faces facemask <- ocv_facemask(mona) attr(facemask, 'faces') # This is not strictly needed ocv_destroy(mona)
# Silly example mona <- ocv_read('') # Edge detection ocv_edges(mona) ocv_markers(mona) # Find face faces <- ocv_face(mona) # To show locations of faces facemask <- ocv_facemask(mona) attr(facemask, 'faces') # This is not strictly needed ocv_destroy(mona)
Find key points in images
ocv_keypoints( image, method = c("FAST", "Harris"), control = ocv_keypoints_options(method, ...), ... )
ocv_keypoints( image, method = c("FAST", "Harris"), control = ocv_keypoints_options(method, ...), ... )
image |
an ocv grayscale image object |
method |
the type of keypoint detection algorithm |
control |
a list of arguments passed on to the algorithm |
... |
further arguments passed on to ocv_keypoints_options |
threshold threshold on difference between intensity of the central pixel and pixels of a circle around this pixel.
nonmaxSuppression if true, non-maximum suppression is applied to detected corners (keypoints).
type one of the three neighborhoods as defined in the paper: TYPE_9_16, TYPE_7_12, TYPE_5_8
numOctaves the number of octaves in the scale-space pyramid
corn_thresh the threshold for the Harris cornerness measure
DOG_thresh the threshold for the Difference-of-Gaussians scale selection
maxCorners the maximum number of corners to consider
num_layers the number of intermediate scales per octave
mona <- ocv_read('') mona <- ocv_resize(mona, width = 320, height = 477) # FAST-9 pts <- ocv_keypoints(mona, method = "FAST", type = "TYPE_9_16", threshold = 40) # Harris pts <- ocv_keypoints(mona, method = "Harris", maxCorners = 50) # Convex Hull of points pts <- ocv_chull(pts)
mona <- ocv_read('') mona <- ocv_resize(mona, width = 320, height = 477) # FAST-9 pts <- ocv_keypoints(mona, method = "FAST", type = "TYPE_9_16", threshold = 40) # Harris pts <- ocv_keypoints(mona, method = "Harris", maxCorners = 50) # Convex Hull of points pts <- ocv_chull(pts)
Detect and decode a QR code from an image or camera. By default it returns
the text value from the QR code if detected, or NULL if no QR was found. If
draw = TRUE
then it returns an annotated image with the position and
value of the QR drawn into the image, and qr text value as an attribute.
The qr_scanner
function opens the camera device (if available on your
computer) and repeats ocv_qr_detect until it a QR is detected.
ocv_qr_detect(image, draw = FALSE, decoder = c("wechat", "quirc")) qr_scanner(draw = FALSE, decoder = c("wechat", "quirc"))
ocv_qr_detect(image, draw = FALSE, decoder = c("wechat", "quirc")) qr_scanner(draw = FALSE, decoder = c("wechat", "quirc"))
image |
an ocv image object created from e.g. |
draw |
if TRUE, the function returns an annotated image showing the position and value of the QR code. |
decoder |
which decoder implementation to use, see details. |
OpenCV has two separate QR decoders. The 'wechat' decoder was added in libopencv 4.5.2 and generally has better performance and fault-tolerance. The old 'quirc' decoder is available on some older versions of libopencv as a plug-in, but many Linux distros did not include it. If you get an error Library QUIRC is not linked. No decoding is performed. this sadly means your Linux distribution is too old and does not support QR decoding.
if a QR code is detected, this returns either the text value of the QR,
or if draw
it returns the annotated image, with the value as an attribute.
Returns NULL if no QR was found in the image.
png("test.png") plot(qrcode::qr_code("This is a test")) ocv_qr_detect(ocv_read('test.png')) unlink("test.png")
png("test.png") plot(qrcode::qr_code("This is a test")) ocv_qr_detect(ocv_read('test.png')) unlink("test.png")
Manipulate image regions
ocv_rectangle(image, x = 0L, y = 0L, width, height) ocv_polygon(image, pts, convex = FALSE, crop = FALSE, color = 255) ocv_bbox(image, pts) ocv_chull(pts)
ocv_rectangle(image, x = 0L, y = 0L, width, height) ocv_polygon(image, pts, convex = FALSE, crop = FALSE, color = 255) ocv_bbox(image, pts) ocv_chull(pts)
image |
an ocv image object |
x |
horizontal location |
y |
vertical location |
width |
width of the area |
height |
height of the area |
pts |
a list of points with elements x and y |
convex |
are the points convex |
crop |
crop the resulting area to its bounding box |
color |
color for the non-polygon area |
mona <- ocv_read('') # Rectangular area ocv_rectangle(mona, x = 400, y = 300, height = 300, width = 350) ocv_rectangle(mona, x = 0, y = 100, height = 200) ocv_rectangle(mona, x = 500, y = 0, width = 75) # Polygon area img <- ocv_resize(mona, width = 320, height = 477) pts <- list(x = c(184, 172, 146, 114, 90, 76, 92, 163, 258), y = c(72, 68, 70, 90, 110, 398, 412, 385, 210)) ocv_polygon(img, pts) ocv_polygon(img, pts, crop = TRUE) ocv_polygon(img, pts, convex = TRUE, crop = TRUE) # Bounding box based on points ocv_bbox(img, pts) # Bounding box of non-zero pixel area area <- ocv_polygon(img, pts, color = 0, crop = FALSE) area area <- ocv_bbox(area) area
mona <- ocv_read('') # Rectangular area ocv_rectangle(mona, x = 400, y = 300, height = 300, width = 350) ocv_rectangle(mona, x = 0, y = 100, height = 200) ocv_rectangle(mona, x = 500, y = 0, width = 75) # Polygon area img <- ocv_resize(mona, width = 320, height = 477) pts <- list(x = c(184, 172, 146, 114, 90, 76, 92, 163, 258), y = c(72, 68, 70, 90, 110, 398, 412, 385, 210)) ocv_polygon(img, pts) ocv_polygon(img, pts, crop = TRUE) ocv_polygon(img, pts, convex = TRUE, crop = TRUE) # Bounding box based on points ocv_bbox(img, pts) # Bounding box of non-zero pixel area area <- ocv_polygon(img, pts, color = 0, crop = FALSE) area area <- ocv_bbox(area) area