Package 'photosearcher'

Title: Photo Searcher
Description: Queries the Flick API ( to return photograph metadata as well as the ability to download the images as jpegs.
Authors: Nathan Fox [aut, cre], Francesca Mancini [aut], Laura Graham [aut], Louis Sutter [aut], Tom August [aut]
Maintainer: Nathan Fox <>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.0
Built: 2025-03-14 06:46:37 UTC

Help Index

Download images


Downloads images based on their Flickr ID. Uses the API method from the Flickr API to test whether you have permission to download an image. See for more information on the API method. If permission is available the image is downloaded and saved as a .jpeg in a given save directory.


  save_dir = NULL,
  max_image_height = NULL,
  max_image_width = NULL,
  overwrite_file = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE



numeric or character vector. id of photo to download, can be single id, list or column for photo_search outputs


character. name of directory for photos to be saved in.


numeric. maximum number of pixels for images height


numeric. maximum number of pixels for images width


logical. Whether to overwritten existing files. if TRUE, files will be overwritten and you will be warned in the output. Default is FALSE.


logical. If TRUE, suppress status messages (if any), and the progress bar.


Please be aware that download times will vary depending on number of photographs, size of photographs, internet speed and other factors. Downloading a large amount of photographs may take some time.

When running the function you need an API key saved as photosearcher_key.sysdata in your working directory. If this is the first function you run you will be prompted to create and enter your API key. The API key will then be saved as photosearcher_key.sysdata in your working directory and is used for all function.


character. A vector of the images attempted to be downloaded and whether they were. If an image was not downloaded, information on why is provided. Images will be saved to save_dir.

See Also

Other Get data for known photograph: get_exif(), get_photoinfo()


## Not run: 
download_images(photo_id = 48704764812, save_dir = ".")

download_images(photo_id = 48704764812, max_image_height = 1200,
max_image_width = 1200, save_dir = ".") 
## End(Not run)

Find place location data


Find the WoeID and other location data for a given place





character. The place for the query


Takes user defined location and returns location data for the search. Uses the flickr.places.find API method from the Flickr API. See for more information on the API method.

When running the function you need an API key saved as photosearcher_key.sysdata in your working directory. If this is the first function you run you will be prompted to create and enter your API key. The API key will then be saved as photosearcher_key.sysdata in your working directory and is used for all function.


data.frame. Information on locations that share the name with the search location. Nine variables are returned: place_id, woe_id, latitude, longitude, place_url, place_type, place_type_id, timezone, woe_name.

See Also

Other Information about places: location_tags()


## Not run: 
find_place(place = "New York")

find_place(place = "England")

## End(Not run)

Get Exif data


Returns Exchangeable image file format data for a single photograph. For more information on how Exif data differs from metadata see:


get_exif(photo_id = NULL)



Id of photograph


When running the function you need an API key saved as photosearcher_key.sysdata in your working directory. If this is the first function you run you will be prompted to create and enter your API key. The API key will then be saved as photosearcher_key.sysdata in your working directory and is used for all function.


A dataframe of "exchangeable image file format" information for the given photograph

See Also

Other Get data for known photograph: download_images(), get_photoinfo()


## Not run: 
get_exif(photo_id = 48704764812)

## End(Not run)

Get metadata for a single photo


Returns image metadata for a single photograph.


get_photoinfo(photo_id = NULL)



Character, required. The id of the photo to get information for.


When running the function you need an API key saved as photosearcher_key.sysdata in your working directory. If this is the first function you run you will be prompted to create and enter your API key. The API key will then be saved as photosearcher_key.sysdata in your working directory and is used for all function.


Dataframe of information on given image

See Also

Other Get data for known photograph: download_images(), get_exif()


## Not run: 
get_photoinfo(photo_id = 48704764812)

## End(Not run)

Interesting list


Returns a Flickr generated list of photographs deemed interesting. For information on how this list is calculated see:


interesting_list(date = "2019-01-01")



Character, required. Interestingness list for the date provided. The date should be in the form of "YYYY-MM-DD".


When running the function you need an API key saved as photosearcher_key.sysdata in your working directory. If this is the first function you run you will be prompted to create and enter your API key. The API key will then be saved as photosearcher_key.sysdata in your working directory and is used for all function.


data.frame. Output consists of 57 variables including; latitude and longitude of photograph, date and time it was taken, associated tags and image urls.

Full list of variables returned:

  • id: photograph's unique id number

  • owner: the unique id of the Flickr user

  • secret: photograph unique secret number

  • server: Flickr server data

  • farm: Flickr server data

  • title: photograph title

  • ispublic: whether photograph is public; 1 = yes, 0 = no

  • isfriend whether user is friend; 1 = yes, 0 = no

  • isfamily whether user is family; 1 = yes, 0 = no

  • license: use licence of the image see for details

  • datetaken: date and time of image capture

  • datetakengranularity: accuracy of image date see for more information on dates

  • datetakenunknown: whether date is unknown see for more information on dates

  • count_views: number of view the photograph has had,

  • count_comments: number of comments on the photograph

  • count_faves: number of times the photograph has been favourited

  • tags: user defined tags on the photograph

  • latitude: latitude of where the image was taken

  • longitude: longitude of where the image was taken

  • accuracy: accuracy of spatial reference see for more information

  • context: a numeric value representing the photo's geotagginess beyond latitude and longitude for more information

  • place_id: unique numeric number representing the location of the photograph

  • woeid: unique numeric number representing the location of the photograph

  • geo_is_family: whether only friends can see geo; 1 = yes, 0 = no

  • geo_is_friend: whether only family can see geo; 1 = yes, 0 = no

  • geo_is_contact: whether only contact can see geo; 1 = yes, 0 = no

  • geo_is_public whether geo is public; 1 = yes, 0 = no

  • url_sq: URL for square image

  • height_sq: height for square image

  • width_sq: width for square image

  • url_t: URL for square image thumbnail image 100 on longest side

  • height_t: height for thumbnail image 100 on longest side,

  • width_t: width for thumbnail image 100 on longest side

  • url_s: URL for small square image 75x75

  • height_s: height for small square image 75x75

  • width_s: width for small square image 75x75

  • url_q: URL for large square image 150x150

  • height_q: height for large square image 150x150

  • width_q: width for large square image 150x150

  • url_m: URL for small image 240 on longest side

  • height_m: height for small image 240 on longest side

  • width_m: width for small image 240 on longest side

  • url_n: URL for small image 320 on longest side

  • height_n: height for small image 320 on longest side

  • width_n: width for small image 320 on longest side

  • url_z: URL for medium image 640 on longest side

  • height_z: height for medium image 640 on longest side

  • width_z: width for medium image 640 on longest side

  • url_c: URL for medium image 800 on longest side

  • height_c: height for medium image 800 on longest side

  • width_c: width for medium image 800 on longest side

  • url_l: URL for large image 1024 on longest side

  • height_l: height for large image 1024 on longest side

  • width_l: width for large image 1024 on longest side

  • url_o: URL for original image, either a jpg, gif or png, depending on source format

  • height_o: height for original image, either a jpg, gif or png, depending on source format

  • width_o: width for original image, either a jpg, gif or png, depending on source format

See Also

Other Search for images: photo_search()


## Not run: 

interesting_list(date = "2019-01-01")

interesting_list(date = "2017-05-05")

interesting_list(date = "2011-11-25")

## End(Not run)

Get top tags for a location


Takes user defined location and returns the top tags related to the location. Uses the flickr.places.tagsForPlace API method from the Flickr API. See for more information on the API method.





numeric. a "Where on Earth" location tag.


When running the function you need an API key saved as photosearcher_key.sysdata in your working directory. If this is the first function you run you will be prompted to create and enter your API key. The API key will then be saved as photosearcher_key.sysdata in your working directory and is used for all function.


character. List of the top 100 tags associated with the woe_id.

See Also

Other Information about places: findPlaces


## Not run: 
location_tags(woe_id = 35356)

## End(Not run)

Get user information


Takes Flickr user ID and returns the profile data.





character. The id of the user you wish to obtain information for.


Uses the flickr.profile.getProfile API method from the Flickr API. See for more information on the API method.

See for a guide on finding your Flickr ID.

When running the function you need an API key saved as photosearcher_key.sysdata in your working directory. If this is the first function you run you will be prompted to create and enter your API key. The API key will then be saved as photosearcher_key.sysdata in your working directory and is used for all function.


data.frame. Dataframe of 5 variables from the searched users publicly available information: id, occupation, hometown, city, country.


## Not run: 
user_info(user_id = "155421853@N05")

## End(Not run)