Click here to see structure of full `pkgcheck` object
This is the output of applying `pkgcheck` to a package generated with the
[`srr` function
with `goodpractice = FALSE` to suppress that part of the results.
```{r check_file, echo = FALSE}
here <- rprojroot::find_root (rprojroot::is_r_package)
check_file <- file.path (here, "vignettes", "checks.Rds")
```{r pkgcheck-dummy-data, echo = FALSE, eval = !file.exists (check_file)}
d <- srr::srr_stats_pkg_skeleton (pkg_name = "dummypkg")
roxygen2::roxygenise (d)
checks <- pkgcheck::pkgcheck (d, goodpractice = FALSE)
saveRDS (checks, check_file)
```{r pkgcheck-str, echo = FALSE, cache = FALSE}
print (str (readRDS (check_file)))
## 1. The check function
An example is the
check for whether a package has a citation, [defined in
```{r, cache = FALSE, echo = FALSE}
knitr::read_chunk ("../R/check-has-citation.R")
knitr::read_chunk ("../R/check-scrap.R")
```{r pkgchk-citation}
This check is particularly simple, because a `"CITATION"` file [must have
exactly that name, and must be in the `inst`
This function returns a simple logical of `TRUE` if the expected `"CITATION"`
file is present, otherwise it returns `FALSE`. This function, and all functions
beginning with the prefix `pkgchk_`, will be automatically called by the main
`pkgcheck()` function, and the value stored in `checks$checks$has_citation`.
The name of the item within the `checks$checks` list is the name of the
function with the `pkgchk_` prefix removed.
A more complicated example is the function to check whether a package contains
files which should not be there -- internally called "scrap" files. The check
function itself, [defined in
checks for the presence of files matching an internally-defined list including
files used to locally cache folder thumbnails such as `".DS_Store"` or
`"Thumbs.db"`. The function returns a character vector of the names of any
"scrap" files which can be used by the `print` method to provide details of
files which should be removed. This illustrates the first general principle of
these check functions; that,
::: {.alert .alert-info}
- *Any information needed when summarising or printing the check result should
be returned from the main check function.*
A second important principle is that,
::: {.alert .alert-info}
- *Check functions should never return `NULL`, rather should always return an
empty vector (such as `integer(0)`)*.
The following section considers how these return values from check functions
are converted to `summary` and `print` output.
## 2. The output function
All `output_pkgchk_...()` functions must also accept the single input parameter
of `checks`, in which the `checks$checks` sub-list will already have been
populated by calling all `pkgchk_...()` functions described in the previous
section. The `pkgchk_has_citation()` function will create an entry of
`checks$checks$has_citation` which contains the binary flag indicating whether
or not a `"CITATION"` file is present. Similarly, the [the `pkgchk_has_scrap()`
will create `checks$checks$has_scrap` which will contain names of any scrap
files present, and a length-zero vector otherwise.
The `output_pkgchk_has_citation()` function then looks like this:
```{r output-pkgchk-citation}
The first lines are common to all `output_pkgchk_...()` functions, and define
the generic return object. This object must be a list with the following three
1. `check_pass` as binary flag indicating whether or not a check was passed;
2. `summary` containing text used to generate the `summary` output; and
3. `print` containing information used to generate the `print` output, itself a
`list` of the following items:
- A `msg_pre` to display at the start of the `print` result;
- An `object` to be printed, such as a vector of values, or a `data.frame`.
- A `msg_post` to display at the end of the `print` result following the
`summary` and `print` methods may be suppressed by assigning values of `""`.
The above example of `pkgcheck_has_citation` has `print = ""`, and so no
information from this check will appear as output of the `print` method. The
`summary` field is commented-out in the current version, but left to illustrate
here that it has a value that is specified for both `TRUE` and `FALSE` values
of `check_pass`, via an `ifelse` statement. The value is determined by the
result of the main `pkgchk_has_citation()` call, and is converted into a green
tick if `TRUE`, or a red cross if `FALSE`.
Checks for which `print` information is desired require a non-empty `print`
item, as in the [`output_pkgchk_has_scrap()`
```{r output-pkgchk-scrap}
In this case, both `summary` and `print` methods are only triggered `if
(!out$check_pass)` -- so only if the check fails. The `print` method generates
the heading specified in `out$print$msg_pre`, with any vector-valued objects
stored in the corresponding `obj` list item displayed as formatted lists.
A package with "scrap" files, `"a"` and `"b"`, would thus have `out$print$obj
<- c ("a", "b")`, and when printed would look like this:
```{r scrap-out, echo = FALSE}
cli::cli_alert_danger ("Package contains the following unexpected files:")
cli::cli_ul ()
cli::cli_li (c ("a", "b"))
cli::cli_end ()
This formatting is also translated into corresponding markdown and HTML
formatting in [the `checks_to_markdown()`
The design of these `pkgchk_` and `output_pkgchk_` functions aims to make the
package readily extensible, and we welcome discussions about developing new
checks. The primary criterion for new package-internal checks is that they must
be of very general applicability, in that they should check for a condition
that *almost* every package should or should not meet.
The package also has a mechanism to easily incorporate more specific,
locally-defined checks, as explored in the following section.
## 3. Creating new checks
### 3.1 New Local Checks (*for package users*)
The [main `pkgcheck()`
function]( has an
additional parameter, `extra_env` which specifies,
> Additional environments from which to collate checks. Other package names may
> be appended using c, as in c(.GlobalEnv, "mypkg").
This allows specific checks to be defined locally, and run by passing the name
of the environment in which those checks are defined in this parameter. This
section illustrates the process using the bundled "tarball" (that is, `.tar.gz`
file) of one version of [the `pkgstats`
package]( included with that
```{r pkgstats-check, eval = FALSE}
f <- system.file ("extdata", "pkgstats_9.9.tar.gz", package = "pkgstats")
path <- pkgstats::extract_tarball (f)
checks <- pkgcheck (path)
summary (checks)
```{r pkgstats-check-out, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE}
cli::cli_h1 ("pkgstats 9.9")
message ("")
s <- c ("- :heavy_check_mark: Package name is available",
"- :heavy_multiplication_x: does not have a 'codemeta.json' file.",
"- :heavy_multiplication_x: does not have a 'contributing' file.",
"- :heavy_check_mark: uses 'roxygen2'.",
"- :heavy_check_mark: 'DESCRIPTION' has a URL field.",
"- :heavy_check_mark: 'DESCRIPTION' has a BugReports field.",
"- :heavy_multiplication_x: Package has no HTML vignettes",
"- :heavy_multiplication_x: These functions do not have examples: [pkgstats_from_archive].",
"- :heavy_check_mark: Package has continuous integration checks.",
"- :heavy_multiplication_x: Package coverage failed",
"- :heavy_multiplication_x: R CMD check found 1 error.",
"- :heavy_check_mark: R CMD check found no warnings.")
for (i in s) {
msg <- strsplit (i, "(mark|\\_x):\\s+") [[1]] [2]
if (grepl ("heavy_check_mark", i)) {
cli::cli_alert_success (msg)
} else {
cli::cli_alert_danger (msg)
message ("")
cli::cli_alert_info ("Current status:")
cli::cli_alert_danger ("This package is not ready to be submitted.")
Let's now presume I have a reputation in the R community for all of my packages
starting with "aa", to ensure they are always listed first. This section
demonstrates how to implement a check that only passes if the first two letters
of the package name are "aa". The first step described above is to define the
check itself via a function prefixed with `pkgchk_`. The easiest approach would
be for the `pkgcheck_` function to directly check the name, and return a
logical flag indicating whether or not the same starts with "aa". The resultant
`summary` and `print` methods can, however, only use the information provided
by the initial `pkgchk_` function. That means if we want to print the actual
name in the result of either of those functions, to show that it indeed does
not form the desired patter, we need to return that information. The check
function is then simply:
```{r check-aa}
pkgchk_starts_with_aa <- function (checks) {
We then need to define the output functions:
output_pkgchk_starts_with_aa <- function (checks) {
out <- list (
check_pass = grepl ("^aa",
checks$checks$starts_with_aa, = TRUE),
summary = "",
print = ""
out$summary <- paste0 ("Package name [",
"] does ",
ifelse (out$check_pass,
" start with 'aa'")
return (out)
If we simply define those function in the global workspace of our current R
session, calling `pkgcheck()` again will automatically detect those checks and
include them in our output:
```{r pkgstats-check-out2, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE}
cli::cli_h1 ("pkgstats 9.9")
message ("")
s <- c ("- :heavy_check_mark: Package name is available",
"- :heavy_multiplication_x: does not have a 'codemeta.json' file.",
"- :heavy_multiplication_x: does not have a 'contributing' file.",
"- :heavy_check_mark: uses 'roxygen2'.",
"- :heavy_check_mark: 'DESCRIPTION' has a URL field.",
"- :heavy_check_mark: 'DESCRIPTION' has a BugReports field.",
"- :heavy_multiplication_x: Package has no HTML vignettes",
"- :heavy_multiplication_x: These functions do not have examples: [pkgstats_from_archive].",
"- :heavy_check_mark: Package has continuous integration checks.",
"- :heavy_multiplication_x: Package coverage failed",
"- :heavy_multiplication_x: Package name [pkgstats] does NOT start with 'aa'",
"- :heavy_multiplication_x: R CMD check found 1 error.",
"- :heavy_check_mark: R CMD check found no warnings.")
for (i in s) {
msg <- strsplit (i, "(mark|\\_x):\\s+") [[1]] [2]
if (grepl ("heavy_check_mark", i)) {
cli::cli_alert_success (msg)
} else {
cli::cli_alert_danger (msg)
message ("")
cli::cli_alert_info ("Current status:")
cli::cli_alert_danger ("This package is not ready to be submitted.")
Customised personal checks can be incorporated by defining them in a local
package, loading that into the workspace, and passing the name of the package
to the `extra_env` parameter.
### 3.2 New `pkgcheck` Checks (*for `pkgcheck` developers*)
New checks can be added to this package by creating new files in the `/R`
directory prefixed with `pkgchk_`, and including the two functions described
above (a check and an output function). The check name will then need to be
included in [the `order_checks()` function in the `R/summarise-checks.R`
which determines the order of checks in the `summary` output. Checks which are
not defined in this ordering, including any defined via `extra_env` parameters,
appear *after* all of the standard checks, and prior to the `R CMD check`
results which always appear last. This order may only be modified by editing
the list in that function. The order of check results in the `print` method is
also hard-coded, defined in the [main `print.pkgcheck`
As explicitly stated in that function, any new checks should also be included
in the `print` method just after [the first reference to `"misc_checks"`](, via an additional line:
```{r new-check-print, eval = FALSE}
print_check_screen (x, "