{"Name":"DHSID","Type":"text","Description":"The 14 character DHS identification code - DHSCC & DHSYEAR & DHSCLUST (with 8 digits) from survey documentation."}
{"Name":"DHSCC","Type":"text","Description":"The 2 letter DHS country code (http://www.measuredhs.com/data/File-Types-and-Names.cfm)."}
{"Name":"DHSYEAR","Type":"number","Description":"The 4 digit year of the survey from the survey documentation."}
{"Name":"DHSCLUST","Type":"number","Description":"The integer cluster identification number. This variable will match v001 in the DHS recode file."}
{"Name":"CCFIPS","Type":"text","Description":"Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 2 letter country code (http://www.itl.nist.gov/fipspubs/fip10-4.htm)."}
{"Name":"ADM1FIPS","Type":"text","Description":"Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 2 letter country code plus 2 letter/digit first sub-national administrative division code\n(http://www.itl.nist.gov/fipspubs/fip10-4.htm). If this information is not available, this field will be \"NULL\"."}
{"Name":"ADM1FIPSNA","Type":"text","Description":"Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) first sub-national administrative division name (http://www.itl.nist.gov/fipspubs/fip10-\n4.htm). If this information is not available, this field will be \"NULL\"."}
{"Name":"ADM1SALBCO","Type":"text","Description":"Second Administrative Level Boundaries (SALB) first sub-national administrative division code (http://www.unsalb.org). The website\nrequires free registration for downloads. If this information is not available, this field will be \"NULL\"."}
{"Name":"ADM1SALBNA","Type":"text","Description":"Second Administrative Level Boundaries (SALB) first sub-national administrative division name (http://www.unsalb.org). The website\nrequires free registration for downloads. If this information is not available, this field will be \"NULL\"."}
{"Name":"ADM1DHS","Type":"number","Description":"First sub-national administrative division code when the DHS sample is representative at the admin 1 level. This variable will usually match\nv024 of the DHS recode file. If the survey is not representative at the admin 1 level, this field will be \"9999\"."}
{"Name":"ADM1NAME","Type":"text","Description":"First sub-national administrative division name when the DHS sample is representative at the admin 1 level. This variable will usually\nmatch v024 of the DHS recode file. If survey is not representative at the admin 1 level, this field will be \"NULL\"."}
{"Name":"DHSREGCO","Type":"number","Description":"The integer region code associated with the DHS region created for sampling. This variable will match either v024 or the country specific\nregion variable in the DHS recode file. In previous versions of the dataset, this field was named REPAR1DHS. The REPAR1DHS field is no\nlonger used."}
{"Name":"DHSREGNA","Type":"text","Description":"The name associated with the DHS region created for sampling. This variable will match either v024 or the country specific region variable\nin the DHS recode file. In previous versions of the dataset, this field was named REPAR1NAME. The REPAR1NAME field is no longer used."}
{"Name":"SOURCE","Type":"text","Description":"The source of data used to determine the latitude and longitude coordinates: \"GPS\" for data collected by the survey team with a global\npositioning system receiver; \"CEN\" for preexisting data provided by the census agency/ministry; \"GAZ\" for data extracted from a gazetteer\nof village/place names; \"MAP\" for data extracted from a paper map; \"MIS\" for clusters in which data could not be fully verified. Clusters\nmarked as \"MIS\" will have coordinates 0, 0."}
{"Name":"URBAN_RURA","Type":"text","Description":"The cluster's Urban (U) and Rural (R) DHS sample classification."}
{"Name":"LATNUM","Type":"number","Description":"The cluster's latitude coordinate in decimal degrees. Clusters marked as \"MIS\" will have coordinates 0, 0."}
{"Name":"LONGNUM","Type":"number","Description":"The cluster's longitude coordinate in decimal degrees. Clusters marked as \"MIS\" will have coordinates 0, 0."}
{"Name":"ALT_GPS","Type":"number","Description":"The cluster's elevation/altitude (in meters) recorded from the GPS receiver. If this information is not available, this field will be \"9999\"."}
{"Name":"ALT_DEM","Type":"number","Description":"The cluster's elevation/altitude (in meters) from the SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) DEM (Digital Elevation Model) for the\nspecified coordinate location. If coordinates are missing, this field will be \"9999\". Elevations are regularly spaced at 30-arc seconds or\napproximately 1 kilometer (http://dds.cr.usgs.gov/srtm/version1/SRTM30)."}
{"Name":"DATUM","Type":"text","Description":"The coordinate reference system and geographic datum. It is always \"WGS84\" for the World Geodetic System (WGS) 1984."}