Country Names and Codes


The following shows how to return a table of the country names and 2 letter codes.

We can get this information by querying the API using dhs_countries, and specifying the returnFields argument to just return the country name and DHS country code. This is a useful reference table when you want to pass in country IDs to a number of the API functions, e.g. dhs_data(countryIds = "BJ")


## what are the countryIds
ids <- dhs_countries(returnFields=c("CountryName", "DHS_CountryCode"))
##     DHS_CountryCode                      CountryName
##  1:              AF                      Afghanistan
##  2:              AL                          Albania
##  3:              AO                           Angola
##  4:              AM                          Armenia
##  5:              AZ                       Azerbaijan
##  6:              BD                       Bangladesh
##  7:              BJ                            Benin
##  8:              BO                          Bolivia
##  9:              BT                         Botswana
## 10:              BR                           Brazil
## 11:              BF                     Burkina Faso
## 12:              BU                          Burundi
## 13:              KH                         Cambodia
## 14:              CM                         Cameroon
## 15:              CV                       Cape Verde
## 16:              CF         Central African Republic
## 17:              TD                             Chad
## 18:              CO                         Colombia
## 19:              KM                          Comoros
## 20:              CG                            Congo
## 21:              CD        Congo Democratic Republic
## 22:              CI                    Cote d'Ivoire
## 23:              DR               Dominican Republic
## 24:              EC                          Ecuador
## 25:              EG                            Egypt
## 26:              ES                      El Salvador
## 27:              EK                Equatorial Guinea
## 28:              ER                          Eritrea
## 29:              ET                         Ethiopia
## 30:              GA                            Gabon
## 31:              GM                           Gambia
## 32:              GH                            Ghana
## 33:              GU                        Guatemala
## 34:              GN                           Guinea
## 35:              GY                           Guyana
## 36:              HT                            Haiti
## 37:              HN                         Honduras
## 38:              IA                            India
## 39:              ID                        Indonesia
## 40:              JO                           Jordan
## 41:              KK                       Kazakhstan
## 42:              KE                            Kenya
## 43:              KY                  Kyrgyz Republic
## 44:              LA Lao People's Democratic Republic
## 45:              LS                          Lesotho
## 46:              LB                          Liberia
## 47:              MD                       Madagascar
## 48:              MW                           Malawi
## 49:              MV                         Maldives
## 50:              ML                             Mali
## 51:              MR                       Mauritania
## 52:              MX                           Mexico
## 53:              MB                          Moldova
## 54:              MA                          Morocco
## 55:              MZ                       Mozambique
## 56:              MM                          Myanmar
## 57:              NM                          Namibia
## 58:              NP                            Nepal
## 59:              NC                        Nicaragua
## 60:              NI                            Niger
## 61:              NG                          Nigeria
## 62:              PK                         Pakistan
## 63:              PG                 Papua New Guinea
## 64:              PY                         Paraguay
## 65:              PE                             Peru
## 66:              PH                      Philippines
## 67:              RW                           Rwanda
## 68:              WS                            Samoa
## 69:              ST            Sao Tome and Principe
## 70:              SN                          Senegal
## 71:              SL                     Sierra Leone
## 72:              ZA                     South Africa
## 73:              LK                        Sri Lanka
## 74:              SD                            Sudan
## 75:              SZ                        Swaziland
## 76:              TJ                       Tajikistan
## 77:              TZ                         Tanzania
## 78:              TH                         Thailand
## 79:              TL                      Timor-Leste
## 80:              TG                             Togo
## 81:              TT              Trinidad and Tobago
## 82:              TN                          Tunisia
## 83:              TR                           Turkey
## 84:              TM                     Turkmenistan
## 85:              UG                           Uganda
## 86:              UA                          Ukraine
## 87:              UZ                       Uzbekistan
## 88:              VN                          Vietnam
## 89:              YE                            Yemen
## 90:              ZM                           Zambia
## 91:              ZW                         Zimbabwe
##     DHS_CountryCode                      CountryName