API Endpoints

This vignette provides brief summaries of the endpoints of the roreviewapi package. These are encoded within the identical R/plumber.R and inst/plumber.R files. All endpoints respond only to GET calls.

1. editorcheck

This is the main endpoint called by the ropensci-review-bot in response to package submission. The call itself is configured as part of an external service call in `ropensci-org/buffy, which passes the parameters specified there of:

  1. repo The GitHub repository from where the call originates, generally ropensci/software-review;
  2. issue_id as the number of the issue in repo describing the software submission; and
  3. repourl as specified in the submission template, and specifying the GitHub repository of the software being submitted, also in the format <org>/<repo>.

This endpoint implements the following steps:

  1. Call roreviewapi::check_issue_template() to check the existence and format of HTML variables included within the submission template. This function returns an empty string if the template is okay; otherwise a descriptive error message. The return value also includes a binary attribute, "proceed_with_checks", which is set to FALSE only if repourl is improperly specified. In this case the function returns immediately with a text string describing the error. Otherwise the string is carried through to the next step:
  2. The pkgcheck::pkgcheck() function is started as a background process, dumping both stdout and stderr messages to specified logfiles (see stdlogs endpoint, below).
  3. Any messages generated above are prepended to a return message that the package checks have started, that message delivered back to the bot, and ultimately dumped in the issue thread.

All messages, and the results of the pkgcheck::pkgcheck() process, are dumped to the specified issue_id in the specified repo.

2. editorcheck_contents

The editorcheck_contents endpoint implements the main check functionality of the editorcheck endpoint without dumping any results to the specified issue. It is primarily intended to aid debugging any issues arising within checks, through the use of the stdlogs endpoint described below. This endpoint accepts the single argument of repourl only.

3. mean

A simple mean endpoint can be used to confirm that the server is running. It accepts a single integer value of n, and returns the value of mean(rnorm(n)).

4. stats_badge

This endpoint is used by the bot to extract the stats badge from those issues which have one, in the form "6\approved-bronze-v0.0.1". This is used in turn by the bot to respond to mint commands used to change badge grades.

5. log

The log endpoint accepts a single parameter, n, specifying the number of latest log entries to retrieve. An example of the log entry for this submission follows:

#> [1] "INFO [2021-10-07 16:48:14] \"Faraday v1.7.1\" <ip>:8000 GET /editorcheck ?bot_name=ropensci-review-bot&issue_author=ewallace&issue_id=470&repo=ropensci%2Fsoftware-review&repourl=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fewallace%2Ftidyqpcr&sender=ewallace 200 1.964"

Each entry contains the following information:

  1. Date and time at which call was made;
  2. IP address and machine from which call was sent;
  3. Method used to send call;
  4. IP address to which call was delivered (always the address hosting the roreviewapi instance);
  5. http method for the call (always GET for all endpoints encoded here);
  6. The endpoint called (one of the methods listed above);
  7. The parameters submitted along with the call;
  8. The HTTP status of the call (hopefully 200); and
  9. The total duration of the call response.

The 7th item of parameters submitted along with the call is particularly useful for debugging purposes; and is specified in this line of the R/api.R file.

6. clear_cache

This endpoint can be used to clear the server’s cache whenever desired or required. This cache is mainly used to store the results of calls to pkgcheck::pkgcheck(). The only effect of clearing the cache will be extra time taken to regenerate any calls which were previously cached.

7. stdlogs

This is the most important endpoint for debugging problems within the pkgcheck process itself. The endpoint accepts the single parameter of repourl, and will return the results of both stdout and stderr connections produced during pkgcheck. These checks are hashed with the latest git head, ensuring that the endpoint returns checks for the latest commit.