Title: | Get Texts from the Perseus Digital Library |
Description: | The Perseus Digital Library is a collection of classical texts. This package helps you get them. The available works can also be viewed here: <http://cts.perseids.org/>. |
Authors: | David Ranzolin [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | David Ranzolin <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | 0.1.2 |
Built: | 2024-12-27 03:27:53 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/ropensci/rperseus |
Get a primary text by URN.
get_perseus_text(urn, excerpt = NULL)
get_perseus_text(urn, excerpt = NULL)
urn |
Valid uniform resource number (URN) obtained from |
excerpt |
An index to excerpt the text. For example, the first four "verses" of a text might be 1.1-1.4. If NULL, the entire work is returned. |
A seven column tbl_df
with one row for each "section" (splits vary from text–could be line, chapter, etc.).
character vector of text
Uniform Resource Number
Could refer to author (e.g. "Aristotle") or corpus (e.g. "New Testament")
Text label, e.g. "Phaedrus"
Text description
Text language, e.g. "grc" = Greek, "lat" = Latin, "eng" = English
Text section or excerpt if specified
get_perseus_text("urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0013.tlg028.perseus-grc2") get_perseus_text("urn:cts:latinLit:stoa0215b.stoa003.opp-lat1") get_perseus_text(urn = "urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg009.perseus-grc2", excerpt = "5.1-5.5")
get_perseus_text("urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0013.tlg028.perseus-grc2") get_perseus_text("urn:cts:latinLit:stoa0215b.stoa003.opp-lat1") get_perseus_text(urn = "urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg009.perseus-grc2", excerpt = "5.1-5.5")
A dictionary of Greek stop words
A data frame with 223 rows and 1 variable:
Greek stop word
Compiled manually by filtering prepositions, pronouns, conjunctions, particles, and articles.
This function parses a Greek excerpt from the Perseus Digital Library. Parsing includes part of speech, gender, case, mood, voice, tense, person, number, and degree.
parse_excerpt(urn, excerpt)
parse_excerpt(urn, excerpt)
urn |
a valid urn from the perseus_catalog object. |
excerpt |
a valid excerpt, e.g. 5.1-5.5 |
a data frame
parse_excerpt("urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg002.perseus-grc2", "5.1-5.4")
parse_excerpt("urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg002.perseus-grc2", "5.1-5.4")
A dataset containing the texts available from the Perseus Digital Library.
A data frame with 2291 rows and 5 variables:
Uniform Resource Number
Could refer to author (e.g. "Aristotle") or corpus (e.g. "New Testament")
Text label, e.g. "Phaedrus"
Text description
Text language, e.g. "grc" = Greek, "lat" = Latin, "eng" = English, "hpt" = Hebrew pointed text, "hct" = Hebrew consonantal text, "ger" = German, "oth" = other
Render a text parallel with ggplot2
perseus_parallel(perseus_df, words_per_row = 6)
perseus_parallel(perseus_df, words_per_row = 6)
perseus_df |
a data frame obtained from |
words_per_row |
adjusts the words displayed per "row". |
a ggplot object
## Not run: tibble::tibble(label = c("Colossians", rep("1 Thessalonians", 2), "Romans"), excerpt = c("1.4", "1.3", "5.8", "8.35-8.39")) %>% dplyr::left_join(perseus_catalog) %>% dplyr::filter(language == "grc") %>% dplyr::select(urn, excerpt) %>% as.list() %>% purrr::pmap_df(get_perseus_text) %>% perseus_parallel() ## End(Not run)
## Not run: tibble::tibble(label = c("Colossians", rep("1 Thessalonians", 2), "Romans"), excerpt = c("1.4", "1.3", "5.8", "8.35-8.39")) %>% dplyr::left_join(perseus_catalog) %>% dplyr::filter(language == "grc") %>% dplyr::select(urn, excerpt) %>% as.list() %>% purrr::pmap_df(get_perseus_text) %>% perseus_parallel() ## End(Not run)
The package contains a catalog and a function. The catalog is perseus_catalog
and can be
perused to locate a particular text and its corresponding URN. Then pass the URN to get_perseus_text
to obtain the text.
David Ranzolin [email protected]