Package 'rredlist'

Title: 'IUCN' Red List Client
Description: 'IUCN' Red List (<>) client. The 'IUCN' Red List is a global list of threatened and endangered species. Functions cover all of the Red List 'API' routes. An 'API' key is required.
Authors: William Gearty [aut, cre], Scott Chamberlain [aut], rOpenSci [fnd] (019jywm96), Maëlle Salmon [ctb], Kevin Cazelles [rev] , Stephanie Hazlitt [rev]
Maintainer: William Gearty <>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-02-12 16:53:56 UTC

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Conservation actions needed assessment summary


Return the latest assessments with a given conservation action needed (e.g., Land/water management or Species recovery). These conservation action codes correspond to the IUCN Red List Conservation Actions Classification Scheme (v2.0).


  code = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,

rl_actions_(code = NULL, key = NULL, all = TRUE, page = 1, quiet = FALSE, ...)



(character) The code of the conservation action to look up. If not supplied, a list of all conservation actions will be returned.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


(logical) Whether to retrieve all results at once or not. If TRUE we do the paging internally for you and bind all of the results together. If FALSE, only a single page of results will be retrieved.


(integer/numeric) Page to get if all is FALSE. Default: 1. Each page returns up to 100 records. Paging is required because it's too much burden on a server to just "get all the data" in one request.


(logical) Whether to suppress progress for multi-page downloads or not. Default: FALSE (that is, give progress). Ignored if all = FALSE.


Includes the following filters that are supported by the API endpoint (refer to the API docs for more information):

  • year_published: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a given year.

  • latest: (logical) Set this to TRUE to return only the latest assessment for each taxon.

  • scope_code: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a particular scope (e.g., 1 for Global, 2 for Europe). This is similar to the region argument of the old Red List API and old versions of rredlist.

Also includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments by conservation actions or research needed: rl_research()


## Not run: 
# Get list of all conservation actions
# Get assessments with Species recovery conservation action needed

## End(Not run)

Get the Red List API version


Returns the current version number of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species API.


rl_api_version(key = NULL, ...)



(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


Curl options passed to HttpClient.


API version as character string.

See Also

Red List information and statistics: rl_citation(), rl_sp_count(), rl_version()


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Retrieve an assessment


Get the full details for a single IUCN Red List assessment.


rl_assessment(id, key = NULL, parse = TRUE, ...)

rl_assessment_(id, key = NULL, ...)



(integer) The unique identifier of the assessment.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


Includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at


## Not run: 
# Get assessment details for Fratercula arctica
ex1 <- rl_assessment(id = 166290968)

## End(Not run)

Red List category assessment summary


Return a list of the latest assessments for a given category (e.g., Not Evaluated, Data Deficient, Least Concern, Near Threatened, Vulnerable, Endangered, Critically Endangered, Extinct in the Wild and Extinct). This endpoint returns categories for the current IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (v3.1) as well as older versions (i.e., v2.3). Note that a code may not be unique across Categories and Criteria versions. Therefore, codes like "EX" will return assessments for EX v3.1 and EX v2.3.


  code = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,

  code = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,



(character) The code of the Red List category to look up. If not supplied, a list of all categories will be returned.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


(logical) Whether to retrieve all results at once or not. If TRUE we do the paging internally for you and bind all of the results together. If FALSE, only a single page of results will be retrieved.


(integer/numeric) Page to get if all is FALSE. Default: 1. Each page returns up to 100 records. Paging is required because it's too much burden on a server to just "get all the data" in one request.


(logical) Whether to suppress progress for multi-page downloads or not. Default: FALSE (that is, give progress). Ignored if all = FALSE.


Includes the following filters that are supported by the API endpoint (refer to the API docs for more information):

  • year_published: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a given year.

  • latest: (logical) Set this to TRUE to return only the latest assessment for each taxon.

  • scope_code: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a particular scope (e.g., 1 for Global, 2 for Europe). This is similar to the region argument of the old Red List API and old versions of rredlist.

Also includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments by threat details: rl_pop_trends(), rl_stresses(), rl_threats(), rl_use_and_trade()


## Not run: 
# Get all Red List categories
# Get assessments for the Vulnerable category

## End(Not run)

Get the citation for the Red List API


Full acknowledgement and citation needs to be given for using the API. Use this function to get the full citation for the current version of the Red List API. More details are available here:


rl_citation(key = NULL, ...)



(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


Curl options passed to HttpClient.


Red List citation as a bibentry object.

See Also

Red List information and statistics: rl_api_version(), rl_sp_count(), rl_version()


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Class assessment summary


Get an assessment summary for a particular class


  class = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,

rl_class_(class = NULL, key = NULL, all = TRUE, page = 1, quiet = FALSE, ...)



(character) The name of the class to look up. If not supplied, a list of all class names will be returned.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


(logical) Whether to retrieve all results at once or not. If TRUE we do the paging internally for you and bind all of the results together. If FALSE, only a single page of results will be retrieved.


(integer/numeric) Page to get if all is FALSE. Default: 1. Each page returns up to 100 records. Paging is required because it's too much burden on a server to just "get all the data" in one request.


(logical) Whether to suppress progress for multi-page downloads or not. Default: FALSE (that is, give progress). Ignored if all = FALSE.


Includes the following filters that are supported by the API endpoint (refer to the API docs for more information):

  • year_published: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a given year.

  • latest: (logical) Set this to TRUE to return only the latest assessment for each taxon.

  • scope_code: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a particular scope (e.g., 1 for Global, 2 for Europe). This is similar to the region argument of the old Red List API and old versions of rredlist.

Also includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments by taxa: rl_family(), rl_kingdom(), rl_order(), rl_phylum(), rl_sis(), rl_sis_latest(), rl_species(), rl_species_latest()


## Not run: 
# Get assessment summary for class
ex1 <- rl_class(class = "Mammalia")

## End(Not run)

Comprehensive group assessment summary


Returns a list of the latest assessments for a comprehensive group name.


  name = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,

  name = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,



(character) The code of the comprehensive group to look up. If not supplied, a list of all comprehensive groups will be returned.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


(logical) Whether to retrieve all results at once or not. If TRUE we do the paging internally for you and bind all of the results together. If FALSE, only a single page of results will be retrieved.


(integer/numeric) Page to get if all is FALSE. Default: 1. Each page returns up to 100 records. Paging is required because it's too much burden on a server to just "get all the data" in one request.


(logical) Whether to suppress progress for multi-page downloads or not. Default: FALSE (that is, give progress). Ignored if all = FALSE.


Includes the following filters that are supported by the API endpoint (refer to the API docs for more information):

  • year_published: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a given year.

  • latest: (logical) Set this to TRUE to return only the latest assessment for each taxon.

  • scope_code: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a particular scope (e.g., 1 for Global, 2 for Europe). This is similar to the region argument of the old Red List API and old versions of rredlist.

Also includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments for specific sets of taxa rl_extinct(), rl_extinct_wild(), rl_green(), rl_growth_forms()


## Not run: 
# Get list of all comprehensive groups
# Get assessment summary for sea snakes

## End(Not run)

Country assessment summary


Returns a collection of assessments for a given country code.


  code = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,

  code = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,



(character) The ISO alpha-2 code of the country to look up. If not supplied, a list of all countries will be returned.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


(logical) Whether to retrieve all results at once or not. If TRUE we do the paging internally for you and bind all of the results together. If FALSE, only a single page of results will be retrieved.


(integer/numeric) Page to get if all is FALSE. Default: 1. Each page returns up to 100 records. Paging is required because it's too much burden on a server to just "get all the data" in one request.


(logical) Whether to suppress progress for multi-page downloads or not. Default: FALSE (that is, give progress). Ignored if all = FALSE.


Includes the following filters that are supported by the API endpoint (refer to the API docs for more information):

  • year_published: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a given year.

  • latest: (logical) Set this to TRUE to return only the latest assessment for each taxon.

  • scope_code: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a particular scope (e.g., 1 for Global, 2 for Europe). This is similar to the region argument of the old Red List API and old versions of rredlist.

Also includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments by geographic regions: rl_faos(), rl_realms(), rl_scopes()


## Not run: 
# Get list of all countries
# Get assessments for Madagascar

## End(Not run)

Extinct taxa assessment summary


Get an assessment summary for all possibly extinct taxa


rl_extinct(key = NULL, parse = TRUE, all = TRUE, page = 1, quiet = FALSE, ...)

rl_extinct_(key = NULL, all = TRUE, page = 1, quiet = FALSE, ...)



(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


(logical) Whether to retrieve all results at once or not. If TRUE we do the paging internally for you and bind all of the results together. If FALSE, only a single page of results will be retrieved.


(integer/numeric) Page to get if all is FALSE. Default: 1. Each page returns up to 100 records. Paging is required because it's too much burden on a server to just "get all the data" in one request.


(logical) Whether to suppress progress for multi-page downloads or not. Default: FALSE (that is, give progress). Ignored if all = FALSE.


Includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments for specific sets of taxa rl_comp_groups(), rl_extinct_wild(), rl_green(), rl_growth_forms()


## Not run: 
ex1 <- rl_extinct()

## End(Not run)

Extinct taxa in the wild assessment summary


Get an assessment summary for all taxa that are possibly extinct in the wild


  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,

rl_extinct_wild_(key = NULL, all = TRUE, page = 1, quiet = FALSE, ...)



(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


(logical) Whether to retrieve all results at once or not. If TRUE we do the paging internally for you and bind all of the results together. If FALSE, only a single page of results will be retrieved.


(integer/numeric) Page to get if all is FALSE. Default: 1. Each page returns up to 100 records. Paging is required because it's too much burden on a server to just "get all the data" in one request.


(logical) Whether to suppress progress for multi-page downloads or not. Default: FALSE (that is, give progress). Ignored if all = FALSE.


Includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments for specific sets of taxa rl_comp_groups(), rl_extinct(), rl_green(), rl_growth_forms()


## Not run: 
ex1 <- rl_extinct_wild()

## End(Not run)

Family assessment summary


Get an assessment summary for a particular family


  family = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,

rl_family_(family = NULL, key = NULL, all = TRUE, page = 1, quiet = FALSE, ...)



(character) The name of the family to look up. If not supplied, a list of all family names will be returned.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


(logical) Whether to retrieve all results at once or not. If TRUE we do the paging internally for you and bind all of the results together. If FALSE, only a single page of results will be retrieved.


(integer/numeric) Page to get if all is FALSE. Default: 1. Each page returns up to 100 records. Paging is required because it's too much burden on a server to just "get all the data" in one request.


(logical) Whether to suppress progress for multi-page downloads or not. Default: FALSE (that is, give progress). Ignored if all = FALSE.


Includes the following filters that are supported by the API endpoint (refer to the API docs for more information):

  • year_published: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a given year.

  • latest: (logical) Set this to TRUE to return only the latest assessment for each taxon.

  • scope_code: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a particular scope (e.g., 1 for Global, 2 for Europe). This is similar to the region argument of the old Red List API and old versions of rredlist.

Also includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments by taxa: rl_class(), rl_kingdom(), rl_order(), rl_phylum(), rl_sis(), rl_sis_latest(), rl_species(), rl_species_latest()


## Not run: 
# Get assessment summary for family
ex1 <- rl_family(family = "Hominidae")

## End(Not run)

FAO marine fishing region assessment summary


Return assessments for a given marine fishing region as defined by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (e.g., Pacific - northwest, Arctic Sea). More details are available here:


  code = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,

rl_faos_(code = NULL, key = NULL, all = TRUE, page = 1, quiet = FALSE, ...)



(character) The code of the FAO region to look up. If not supplied, a list of all FAO regions will be returned.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


(logical) Whether to retrieve all results at once or not. If TRUE we do the paging internally for you and bind all of the results together. If FALSE, only a single page of results will be retrieved.


(integer/numeric) Page to get if all is FALSE. Default: 1. Each page returns up to 100 records. Paging is required because it's too much burden on a server to just "get all the data" in one request.


(logical) Whether to suppress progress for multi-page downloads or not. Default: FALSE (that is, give progress). Ignored if all = FALSE.


Includes the following filters that are supported by the API endpoint (refer to the API docs for more information):

  • year_published: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a given year.

  • latest: (logical) Set this to TRUE to return only the latest assessment for each taxon.

  • scope_code: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a particular scope (e.g., 1 for Global, 2 for Europe). This is similar to the region argument of the old Red List API and old versions of rredlist.

Also includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments by geographic regions: rl_countries(), rl_realms(), rl_scopes()


## Not run: 
# Get a list of all scopes
# Get assessment summary for the Arctic Sea FAO region
rl_faos(code = "18")

## End(Not run)

Green Status assessment summary


List all Green Status assessments.


rl_green(key = NULL, parse = TRUE, ...)

rl_green_(key = NULL, ...)



(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


Includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments for specific sets of taxa rl_comp_groups(), rl_extinct(), rl_extinct_wild(), rl_growth_forms()


## Not run: 
# Get list of Green Status assessments

## End(Not run)

Growth form assessment summary


Returns a list of the latest assessments for a given growth form code.


  code = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,

  code = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,



(character) The code of the growth form to look up. If not supplied, a list of all growth forms will be returned.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


(logical) Whether to retrieve all results at once or not. If TRUE we do the paging internally for you and bind all of the results together. If FALSE, only a single page of results will be retrieved.


(integer/numeric) Page to get if all is FALSE. Default: 1. Each page returns up to 100 records. Paging is required because it's too much burden on a server to just "get all the data" in one request.


(logical) Whether to suppress progress for multi-page downloads or not. Default: FALSE (that is, give progress). Ignored if all = FALSE.


Includes the following filters that are supported by the API endpoint (refer to the API docs for more information):

  • year_published: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a given year.

  • latest: (logical) Set this to TRUE to return only the latest assessment for each taxon.

  • scope_code: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a particular scope (e.g., 1 for Global, 2 for Europe). This is similar to the region argument of the old Red List API and old versions of rredlist.

Also includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments for specific sets of taxa rl_comp_groups(), rl_extinct(), rl_extinct_wild(), rl_green()


## Not run: 
# Get list of all growth forms
# Get assessment summary for lichens

## End(Not run)

Habitat assessment summary


Return the latest assessments for a given habitat (e.g., Forest - Temperate or Marine Intertidal). These habitat codes correspond to the IUCN Red List Habitats Classification Scheme (v3.1).


  code = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,

rl_habitats_(code = NULL, key = NULL, all = TRUE, page = 1, quiet = FALSE, ...)



(character) The code of the habitat to look up. If not supplied, a list of all habitats will be returned.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


(logical) Whether to retrieve all results at once or not. If TRUE we do the paging internally for you and bind all of the results together. If FALSE, only a single page of results will be retrieved.


(integer/numeric) Page to get if all is FALSE. Default: 1. Each page returns up to 100 records. Paging is required because it's too much burden on a server to just "get all the data" in one request.


(logical) Whether to suppress progress for multi-page downloads or not. Default: FALSE (that is, give progress). Ignored if all = FALSE.


Includes the following filters that are supported by the API endpoint (refer to the API docs for more information):

  • year_published: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a given year.

  • latest: (logical) Set this to TRUE to return only the latest assessment for each taxon.

  • scope_code: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a particular scope (e.g., 1 for Global, 2 for Europe). This is similar to the region argument of the old Red List API and old versions of rredlist.

Also includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments by habitats and systems: rl_systems()


## Not run: 
# Get list of all habitats
# Get assessments for Marine Intertidal habitat

## End(Not run)

Kingdom assessment summary


Get an assessment summary for a particular kingdom


  kingdom = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,

  kingdom = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,



(character) The name of the kingdom to look up. If not supplied, a list of all kingdom names will be returned.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


(logical) Whether to retrieve all results at once or not. If TRUE we do the paging internally for you and bind all of the results together. If FALSE, only a single page of results will be retrieved.


(integer/numeric) Page to get if all is FALSE. Default: 1. Each page returns up to 100 records. Paging is required because it's too much burden on a server to just "get all the data" in one request.


(logical) Whether to suppress progress for multi-page downloads or not. Default: FALSE (that is, give progress). Ignored if all = FALSE.


Includes the following filters that are supported by the API endpoint (refer to the API docs for more information):

  • year_published: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a given year.

  • latest: (logical) Set this to TRUE to return only the latest assessment for each taxon.

  • scope_code: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a particular scope (e.g., 1 for Global, 2 for Europe). This is similar to the region argument of the old Red List API and old versions of rredlist.

Also includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments by taxa: rl_class(), rl_family(), rl_order(), rl_phylum(), rl_sis(), rl_sis_latest(), rl_species(), rl_species_latest()


## Not run: 
# Get assessment summary for kingdom
ex1 <- rl_kingdom(kingdom = "Fungi")

## End(Not run)

Order assessment summary


Get an assessment summary for a particular order


  order = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,

rl_order_(order = NULL, key = NULL, all = TRUE, page = 1, quiet = FALSE, ...)



(character) The name of the order to look up. If not supplied, a list of all order names will be returned.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


(logical) Whether to retrieve all results at once or not. If TRUE we do the paging internally for you and bind all of the results together. If FALSE, only a single page of results will be retrieved.


(integer/numeric) Page to get if all is FALSE. Default: 1. Each page returns up to 100 records. Paging is required because it's too much burden on a server to just "get all the data" in one request.


(logical) Whether to suppress progress for multi-page downloads or not. Default: FALSE (that is, give progress). Ignored if all = FALSE.


Includes the following filters that are supported by the API endpoint (refer to the API docs for more information):

  • year_published: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a given year.

  • latest: (logical) Set this to TRUE to return only the latest assessment for each taxon.

  • scope_code: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a particular scope (e.g., 1 for Global, 2 for Europe). This is similar to the region argument of the old Red List API and old versions of rredlist.

Also includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments by taxa: rl_class(), rl_family(), rl_kingdom(), rl_phylum(), rl_sis(), rl_sis_latest(), rl_species(), rl_species_latest()


## Not run: 
# Get assessment summary for order
ex1 <- rl_order(order = "Apiales")

## End(Not run)

Phylum assessment summary


Get an assessment summary for a particular phylum


  phylum = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,

rl_phylum_(phylum = NULL, key = NULL, all = TRUE, page = 1, quiet = FALSE, ...)



(character) The name of the phylum to look up. If not supplied, a list of all phylum names will be returned.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


(logical) Whether to retrieve all results at once or not. If TRUE we do the paging internally for you and bind all of the results together. If FALSE, only a single page of results will be retrieved.


(integer/numeric) Page to get if all is FALSE. Default: 1. Each page returns up to 100 records. Paging is required because it's too much burden on a server to just "get all the data" in one request.


(logical) Whether to suppress progress for multi-page downloads or not. Default: FALSE (that is, give progress). Ignored if all = FALSE.


Includes the following filters that are supported by the API endpoint (refer to the API docs for more information):

  • year_published: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a given year.

  • latest: (logical) Set this to TRUE to return only the latest assessment for each taxon.

  • scope_code: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a particular scope (e.g., 1 for Global, 2 for Europe). This is similar to the region argument of the old Red List API and old versions of rredlist.

Also includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments by taxa: rl_class(), rl_family(), rl_kingdom(), rl_order(), rl_sis(), rl_sis_latest(), rl_species(), rl_species_latest()


## Not run: 
# Get assessment summary for phylum
ex1 <- rl_phylum(phylum = "Annelida`")

## End(Not run)

Biogeographical realm assessment summary


Get an assessment summary for a particular biogeographical realm (e.g., Neotropical or Palearctic).


  code = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,

rl_realms_(code = NULL, key = NULL, all = TRUE, page = 1, quiet = FALSE, ...)



(character) The code of the biogeographical realm to look up. If not supplied, a list of all biogeographical realms will be returned.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


(logical) Whether to retrieve all results at once or not. If TRUE we do the paging internally for you and bind all of the results together. If FALSE, only a single page of results will be retrieved.


(integer/numeric) Page to get if all is FALSE. Default: 1. Each page returns up to 100 records. Paging is required because it's too much burden on a server to just "get all the data" in one request.


(logical) Whether to suppress progress for multi-page downloads or not. Default: FALSE (that is, give progress). Ignored if all = FALSE.


Includes the following filters that are supported by the API endpoint (refer to the API docs for more information):

  • year_published: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a given year.

  • latest: (logical) Set this to TRUE to return only the latest assessment for each taxon.

  • scope_code: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a particular scope (e.g., 1 for Global, 2 for Europe). This is similar to the region argument of the old Red List API and old versions of rredlist.

Also includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments by geographic regions: rl_countries(), rl_faos(), rl_scopes()


## Not run: 
# Get a list of all biogeographical realms
# Get assessment summary for the Afrotropical biogeographical realm
rl_realms(code = "0")

## End(Not run)

Research needed assessment summary


Return the latest assessments with a given research needed (e.g., Taxonomy or Population trends). These research codes correspond to the IUCN Red List Research Needed Classification Scheme (v1.0).


  code = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,

rl_research_(code = NULL, key = NULL, all = TRUE, page = 1, quiet = FALSE, ...)



(character) The code of the research type to look up. If not supplied, a list of all research types will be returned.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


(logical) Whether to retrieve all results at once or not. If TRUE we do the paging internally for you and bind all of the results together. If FALSE, only a single page of results will be retrieved.


(integer/numeric) Page to get if all is FALSE. Default: 1. Each page returns up to 100 records. Paging is required because it's too much burden on a server to just "get all the data" in one request.


(logical) Whether to suppress progress for multi-page downloads or not. Default: FALSE (that is, give progress). Ignored if all = FALSE.


Includes the following filters that are supported by the API endpoint (refer to the API docs for more information):

  • year_published: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a given year.

  • latest: (logical) Set this to TRUE to return only the latest assessment for each taxon.

  • scope_code: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a particular scope (e.g., 1 for Global, 2 for Europe). This is similar to the region argument of the old Red List API and old versions of rredlist.

Also includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments by conservation actions or research needed: rl_actions()


## Not run: 
# Get list of all research types
# Get assessments with Taxonomy research needed

## End(Not run)

Scope assessment summary


Return assessments for a given geographical assessment scope (e.g., Global, Mediterranean). This is similar to the region argument of the old Red List API and old versions of rredlist.


  code = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,

rl_scopes_(code = NULL, key = NULL, all = TRUE, page = 1, quiet = FALSE, ...)



(character) The code of the scope to look up. If not supplied, a list of all scopes will be returned.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


(logical) Whether to retrieve all results at once or not. If TRUE we do the paging internally for you and bind all of the results together. If FALSE, only a single page of results will be retrieved.


(integer/numeric) Page to get if all is FALSE. Default: 1. Each page returns up to 100 records. Paging is required because it's too much burden on a server to just "get all the data" in one request.


(logical) Whether to suppress progress for multi-page downloads or not. Default: FALSE (that is, give progress). Ignored if all = FALSE.


Includes the following filters that are supported by the API endpoint (refer to the API docs for more information):

  • year_published: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a given year.

  • latest: (logical) Set this to TRUE to return only the latest assessment for each taxon.

  • scope_code: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a particular scope (e.g., 1 for Global, 2 for Europe). This is similar to the region argument of the old Red List API and old versions of rredlist.

Also includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments by geographic regions: rl_countries(), rl_faos(), rl_realms()


## Not run: 
# Get a list of all scopes
# Get assessment summary for the Gulf of Mexico scope
rl_scopes(code = "45433062")

## End(Not run)

SIS ID assessment summary


Get an assessment summary for a particular taxonomic entity based on its ID number from the IUCN Species Information Service (SIS).


rl_sis(id, key = NULL, parse = TRUE, ...)

rl_sis_(id, key = NULL, ...)



(integer) The SIS ID of the taxonomic entity to look up.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


Includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments by taxa: rl_class(), rl_family(), rl_kingdom(), rl_order(), rl_phylum(), rl_sis_latest(), rl_species(), rl_species_latest()


## Not run: 
# Get assessment summary for species
ex1 <- rl_sis(id = 9404)

## End(Not run)

SIS ID latest assessment


Get the latest assessment for a particular taxonomic entity based on its ID number from the IUCN Species Information Service (SIS). Wraps rl_sis() and rl_assessment().


rl_sis_latest(id, key = NULL, parse = TRUE, ...)



(integer) The SIS ID of the taxonomic entity to look up.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


Includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments by taxa: rl_class(), rl_family(), rl_kingdom(), rl_order(), rl_phylum(), rl_sis(), rl_species(), rl_species_latest()


## Not run: 
# Get latest assessment for species
ex1 <- rl_sis_latest(id = 9404)

## End(Not run)

Get count of species in the Red List


Returns a count of the number of unique species which have assessments.


rl_sp_count(key = NULL, ...)

rl_sp_count_(key = NULL, ...)



(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


Curl options passed to HttpClient


An integer representing the number of unique species represented within the IUCN database.


API docs at

See Also

Red List information and statistics: rl_api_version(), rl_citation(), rl_version()


## Not run: 
# Get count of species with assessments

## End(Not run)

Species assessment summary


Get an assessment summary for a particular species (i.e., Latin binomial) or subspecies/variety/subpopulation (i.e., Latin trinomial).


  infra = NULL,
  subpopulation = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,

  infra = NULL,
  subpopulation = NULL,
  key = NULL,



(character) The genus name of the species to look up.


(character) The species epithet of the species to look up.


(character) An optional name of the subspecies or variety to look up.


(character) An optional name of the geographically separate subpopulation to look up.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


Includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


Geographically separate subpopulations of a species are defined as those populations that are so isolated from others of the same species that it is considered extremely unlikely that there is any genetic interchange. In general, listings of such subpopulations are restricted to those that have been isolated for a long period of time.

Assessments of subspecies, varieties, and geographically separate subpopulations must adhere to the same standards as for species assessments. However, these assessments are only included provided there is a global assessment of the species as a whole.

Infraspecific ranks such as formas, subvarieties, cultivars, etc are not included in the Red List.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments by taxa: rl_class(), rl_family(), rl_kingdom(), rl_order(), rl_phylum(), rl_sis(), rl_sis_latest(), rl_species_latest()


## Not run: 
# Get assessment summary for species
ex1 <- rl_species(genus = "Fratercula", species = "arctica")

# Get assessment summary for subspecies
ex2 <- rl_species(genus = "Gorilla", species = "gorilla",
                  infra = "gorilla")

## End(Not run)

Species latest assessment


Get the latest assessment for a particular species (i.e., Latin binomial) or subspecies/variety/subpopulation (i.e., Latin trinomial). Wraps rl_species() and rl_assessment().


  infra = NULL,
  subpopulation = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,



(character) The genus name of the species to look up.


(character) The species epithet of the species to look up.


(character) An optional name of the subspecies or variety to look up.


(character) An optional name of the geographically separate subpopulation to look up.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


Includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


Geographically separate subpopulations of a species are defined as those populations that are so isolated from others of the same species that it is considered extremely unlikely that there is any genetic interchange. In general, listings of such subpopulations are restricted to those that have been isolated for a long period of time.

Assessments of subspecies, varieties, and geographically separate subpopulations must adhere to the same standards as for species assessments. However, these assessments are only included provided there is a global assessment of the species as a whole.

Infraspecific ranks such as formas, subvarieties, cultivars, etc are not included in the Red List.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments by taxa: rl_class(), rl_family(), rl_kingdom(), rl_order(), rl_phylum(), rl_sis(), rl_sis_latest(), rl_species()


## Not run: 
# Get latest assessment for species
ex1 <- rl_species_latest(genus = "Fratercula", species = "arctica")

# Get latest assessment for subspecies
ex2 <- rl_species_latest(genus = "Gorilla", species = "gorilla",
                         infra = "gorilla")

## End(Not run)

Stress assessment summary


Return a list of the latest assessments based on the stresses species are subject to (e.g., Ecosystem degradation, species disturbance, etc.).


  code = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,

rl_stresses_(code = NULL, key = NULL, all = TRUE, page = 1, quiet = FALSE, ...)



(character) The code of the stress to look up. If not supplied, a list of all stresses will be returned.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


(logical) Whether to retrieve all results at once or not. If TRUE we do the paging internally for you and bind all of the results together. If FALSE, only a single page of results will be retrieved.


(integer/numeric) Page to get if all is FALSE. Default: 1. Each page returns up to 100 records. Paging is required because it's too much burden on a server to just "get all the data" in one request.


(logical) Whether to suppress progress for multi-page downloads or not. Default: FALSE (that is, give progress). Ignored if all = FALSE.


Includes the following filters that are supported by the API endpoint (refer to the API docs for more information):

  • year_published: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a given year.

  • latest: (logical) Set this to TRUE to return only the latest assessment for each taxon.

  • scope_code: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a particular scope (e.g., 1 for Global, 2 for Europe). This is similar to the region argument of the old Red List API and old versions of rredlist.

Also includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments by threat details: rl_categories(), rl_pop_trends(), rl_threats(), rl_use_and_trade()


## Not run: 
# Get all stresses
# Get assessment summary for ecosystem degradation stress

## End(Not run)

System assessment summary


Return the latest assessments for a given system (e.g., terrestrial, freshwater or marine).


  code = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,

rl_systems_(code = NULL, key = NULL, all = TRUE, page = 1, quiet = FALSE, ...)



(character) The code of the system to look up. If not supplied, a list of all systems will be returned.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


(logical) Whether to retrieve all results at once or not. If TRUE we do the paging internally for you and bind all of the results together. If FALSE, only a single page of results will be retrieved.


(integer/numeric) Page to get if all is FALSE. Default: 1. Each page returns up to 100 records. Paging is required because it's too much burden on a server to just "get all the data" in one request.


(logical) Whether to suppress progress for multi-page downloads or not. Default: FALSE (that is, give progress). Ignored if all = FALSE.


Includes the following filters that are supported by the API endpoint (refer to the API docs for more information):

  • year_published: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a given year.

  • latest: (logical) Set this to TRUE to return only the latest assessment for each taxon.

  • scope_code: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a particular scope (e.g., 1 for Global, 2 for Europe). This is similar to the region argument of the old Red List API and old versions of rredlist.

Also includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments by habitats and systems: rl_habitats()


## Not run: 
# Get list of all systems
# Get assessment summary for marine system

## End(Not run)

Threat assessment summary


Return a list of the latest assessments which are subject to a specific threat (e.g., energy production and mining, climate change, and severe weather). This will only return assessments for the threat code specified. You will need to do additional requests for sub-threats (e.g., a request for threat code 2_1 will need additional requests for codes 2_1_1, 2_1_2, etc.).


  code = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,

rl_threats_(code = NULL, key = NULL, all = TRUE, page = 1, quiet = FALSE, ...)



(character) The code of the threat to look up. If not supplied, a list of all threats will be returned.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


(logical) Whether to retrieve all results at once or not. If TRUE we do the paging internally for you and bind all of the results together. If FALSE, only a single page of results will be retrieved.


(integer/numeric) Page to get if all is FALSE. Default: 1. Each page returns up to 100 records. Paging is required because it's too much burden on a server to just "get all the data" in one request.


(logical) Whether to suppress progress for multi-page downloads or not. Default: FALSE (that is, give progress). Ignored if all = FALSE.


Includes the following filters that are supported by the API endpoint (refer to the API docs for more information):

  • year_published: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a given year.

  • latest: (logical) Set this to TRUE to return only the latest assessment for each taxon.

  • scope_code: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a particular scope (e.g., 1 for Global, 2 for Europe). This is similar to the region argument of the old Red List API and old versions of rredlist.

Also includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments by threat details: rl_categories(), rl_pop_trends(), rl_stresses(), rl_use_and_trade()


## Not run: 
# Get all threats
# Get assessment summary for intentional hunting and trapping

## End(Not run)

Use and trade assessment summary


Return a list of the latest assessments which are subject to a specific use and trade.


  code = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,

  code = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,



(character) The code of the use and trade to look up. If not supplied, a list of all uses and trades will be returned.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


(logical) Whether to retrieve all results at once or not. If TRUE we do the paging internally for you and bind all of the results together. If FALSE, only a single page of results will be retrieved.


(integer/numeric) Page to get if all is FALSE. Default: 1. Each page returns up to 100 records. Paging is required because it's too much burden on a server to just "get all the data" in one request.


(logical) Whether to suppress progress for multi-page downloads or not. Default: FALSE (that is, give progress). Ignored if all = FALSE.


Includes the following filters that are supported by the API endpoint (refer to the API docs for more information):

  • year_published: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a given year.

  • latest: (logical) Set this to TRUE to return only the latest assessment for each taxon.

  • scope_code: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a particular scope (e.g., 1 for Global, 2 for Europe). This is similar to the region argument of the old Red List API and old versions of rredlist.

Also includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See Also

Assessments by threat details: rl_categories(), rl_pop_trends(), rl_stresses(), rl_threats()


## Not run: 
# Get all stresses
# Get assessment summary for medicinal use and trade

## End(Not run)

Helper to get and save IUCN API key


Provides instruction on how to get and store a key for the IUCN API. Users of rredlist must do this before using any of the package's other functionality. Note that registering for a key requires an email address and information about your organization.




Note that after filling the online form, you should receive an API key shortly but not immediately.


Invisibly returns the sign-up URL for the IUCN Red List API.


## Not run: 
# Sign up for an API key

## End(Not run)

Get the Red List version


Returns the current version number of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species


rl_version(key = NULL, ...)



(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


Curl options passed to HttpClient.


Red List version as character string.

See Also

Red List information and statistics: rl_api_version(), rl_citation(), rl_sp_count()


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

IUCN Red List color scales


ggplot2 color scales using the colors for the IUCN Red List threat categories, as documented in this chart.




scale_discrete_iucn(aesthetics, ...)



Arguments passed on to ggplot2::discrete_scale (except for na.value which is already set according to the IUCN standard of ⁠#C1B5A5⁠)


Character string or vector of character strings listing the name(s) of the aesthetic(s) that this scale works with. This can be useful, for example, to apply color settings to the color and fill aesthetics at the same time, via aesthetics = c("color", "fill").


categories <- c("NE", "DD", "LC", "NT", "VU", "EN", "CR", "RE", "EW", "EX")
df <- data.frame(
  x = runif(1000, 0, 10), y = runif(1000, 0, 10),
  color = sample(categories, 1000, TRUE), shape = 21
ggplot(df) +
  geom_point(aes(x = x, y = y, fill = color), shape = 21) +
  scale_fill_iucn(name = "IUCN Category") +