sofa introduction

Make sure your CouchDB installation is running.

Install sofa

Stable version


Development version


Load library


sofa package API

The following is a breakdown of the major groups of functions - note that not all are included.

create a CouchDB client connection

  • Cushion

work with databases

  • db_alldocs
  • db_changes
  • db_compact
  • db_create
  • db_delete
  • db_explain
  • db_info
  • db_list
  • db_query
  • db_replicate
  • db_revisions
  • db_index
  • db_index_create
  • db_index_delete

work with views/design documents

  • design_create
  • design_create_
  • design_delete
  • design_get
  • design_head
  • design_info
  • design_search
  • design_search_many

work with documents

  • doc_create
  • doc_delete
  • doc_get
  • doc_head
  • doc_update
  • db_bulk_create
  • db_bulk_update
  • doc_attach_create
  • doc_attach_delete
  • doc_attach_get
  • doc_attach_info

Create a connection client

If your CouchDB instance requires username and password make sure to pass those to Cushion$new

(x <- Cushion$new(user="admin", pwd="password"))
#> <sofa - cushion> 
#>   transport: http
#>   host:
#>   port: 5984
#>   path: 
#>   type: 
#>   user: admin
#>   pwd: <secret>

Ping your server

#> $couchdb
#> [1] "Welcome"
#> $version
#> [1] "3.1.0"
#> $git_sha
#> [1] "ff0feea20"
#> $uuid
#> [1] "30ed570659e8b72d688cfab563811c53"
#> $features
#> $features[[1]]
#> [1] "access-ready"
#> $features[[2]]
#> [1] "partitioned"
#> $features[[3]]
#> [1] "pluggable-storage-engines"
#> $features[[4]]
#> [1] "reshard"
#> $features[[5]]
#> [1] "scheduler"
#> $vendor
#> $vendor$name
#> [1] "The Apache Software Foundation"

Create a new database

db_create(x, 'cats')
#> $ok
#> [1] TRUE

List databases

#> [1] "cats"

Create a document

doc1 <- '{"name": "leo", "color": "blue", "furry": true, "size": 1}'
doc_create(x, dbname = "cats", doc1, docid = "bluecat")
#> $ok
#> [1] TRUE
#> $id
#> [1] "bluecat"
#> $rev
#> [1] "1-41784f190c466d990684003a958c9f39"

and another!

doc2 <- '{"name": "samson", "color": "red", "furry": false, "size": 3}'
doc_create(x, dbname = "cats", doc2)
#> $ok
#> [1] TRUE
#> $id
#> [1] "3e80ffb4c86ccbf35d2c3b3314000bfa"
#> $rev
#> [1] "1-08aef850a23f5ff95869c9cf5d9604dc"

and one more, cause 3’s company

doc3 <- '{"name": "matilda", "color": "green", "furry": false, "size": 5, "age": 2}'
doc_create(x, dbname = "cats", doc3)
#> $ok
#> [1] TRUE
#> $id
#> [1] "3e80ffb4c86ccbf35d2c3b3314001a3a"
#> $rev
#> [1] "1-953d3cfbbebb977fb75940c2bb0c93a1"

Note how we used a document id in the first document creation, but not in the second and third. Using a document id is optional.

Also note that the third document has an additional field “age”.

Changes feed

db_changes(x, "cats")
#> $results
#> $results[[1]]
#> $results[[1]]$seq
#> [1] "1-g1AAAABteJzLYWBgYMpgTmHgzcvPy09JdcjLz8gvLskBCScyJNX___8_K4M5kTEXKMBubJZqnpacjK4Yh_Y8FiDJ0ACk_oNMSWTIAgD59SI-"
#> $results[[1]]$id
#> [1] "3e80ffb4c86ccbf35d2c3b3314000bfa"
#> $results[[1]]$changes
#> $results[[1]]$changes[[1]]
#> $results[[1]]$changes[[1]]$rev
#> [1] "1-08aef850a23f5ff95869c9cf5d9604dc"
#> $results[[2]]
#> $results[[2]]$seq
#> [1] "2-g1AAAABteJzLYWBgYMpgTmHgzcvPy09JdcjLz8gvLskBCScyJNX___8_K4M5kSkXKMBubJZqnpacjK4Yh_Y8FiDJ0ACk_oNMSWTIAgD6OyI_"
#> $results[[2]]$id
#> [1] "3e80ffb4c86ccbf35d2c3b3314001a3a"
#> $results[[2]]$changes
#> $results[[2]]$changes[[1]]
#> $results[[2]]$changes[[1]]$rev
#> [1] "1-953d3cfbbebb977fb75940c2bb0c93a1"
#> $results[[3]]
#> $results[[3]]$seq
#> [1] "3-g1AAAACLeJzLYWBgYMpgTmHgzcvPy09JdcjLz8gvLskBCScyJNX___8_K4M5kSkXKMBubJZqnpacjK4Yh_Y8FiDJ0ACk_kNNYQSbkpZiZmGaaIauJwsAaKQq8g"
#> $results[[3]]$id
#> [1] "bluecat"
#> $results[[3]]$changes
#> $results[[3]]$changes[[1]]
#> $results[[3]]$changes[[1]]$rev
#> [1] "1-41784f190c466d990684003a958c9f39"
#> $last_seq
#> [1] "3-g1AAAACLeJzLYWBgYMpgTmHgzcvPy09JdcjLz8gvLskBCScyJNX___8_K4M5kSkXKMBubJZqnpacjK4Yh_Y8FiDJ0ACk_kNNYQSbkpZiZmGaaIauJwsAaKQq8g"
#> $pending
#> [1] 0