Package: SymbiotaR2 0.0-1

Austin Koontz

SymbiotaR2: Downloading Data from Symbiota2 Portals into R

Download data from Symbiota2 portals using Symbiota's API. Covers the Checklists, Collections, Crowdsource, Exsiccati, Glossary, ImageProcessor, Key, Media, Occurrence, Reference, Taxa, Traits, and UserRoles API families. Each Symbiota2 portal owner can load their own plugins (and modified code), and so this package may not cover every possible API endpoint from a given Symbiota2 instance.

Authors:Austin Koontz [aut, cre], William D. Pearse [aut], Ben Bond-Lamberty [rev], Scott Chamberlain [rev]

SymbiotaR2.pdf |SymbiotaR2.html
SymbiotaR2/json (API)

# Install 'SymbiotaR2' in R:
install.packages('SymbiotaR2', repos = c('', ''))

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54 exports 2 stars 0.49 score 10 dependencies

Last updated 2 years agofrom:f0231b5106 (on master)



Downloading data from Symbiota2 portals in R

Rendered fromSymbiotaR2-intro.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 12 2024.

Last update: 2020-10-08
Started: 2019-11-27

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Retrieves Checklists resources from the Symbiota2 serverChecklistProjects Checklists Coordinates TaxaLink
Retrieves Collection resources from the Symbiota2 serverCategories Collection Collections Institutions Stats
Retrieves Crowdsource resources from the Symbiota2 serverCentral Crowdsource Queue
Retrieves Exsiccati resources from the Symbiota2 serverExsiccati Numbers Titles
Retrieves Glossary resources from the Symbiota2 serverGlossary TermLink
Retrieves ImageProcessor resources from the Symbiota2 serverImagePRocessor Projects RawLabels
Retrieves Key resources from the Symbiota2 serverCharacterHeading Characters CharacterStateImages CharacterStates DescriptionDeletions Key
Retrieves Media resources from the Symbiota2 serverMedia TagKey
Retrieves Miscellaneous resources from the Symbiota2 serverConfigurations LookupLanguages Miscellaneous SchemaVersion
Retrieves Occurrence resources from the Symbiota2 serverAccessStats Associations Comments DatasetLink Datasets Determinations Duplicates EditLocks Edits Exchange FullText GuidDeterminations GuidOccurrences Loans LookupChronostratigraphy LookupCounties LookupCountries LookupStateProvinces Occurrences UploadMappings UploadParameters Verification
Retrieves Reference resources from the Symbiota2 serverLookupReferenceTypes Reference
Downloading data from Symbiota2 portals into RSymbiotaR2-package package-SymbiotaR2 SymbiotaR2
Set default URL for Symbiota2 portal downloadSymbiotaR2_setup
Retrieves Taxa resources from the Symbiota2 serverAuthorities DescriptionBlock Synonymy Taxa
Retrieves Traits resources from the Symbiota2 serverTraits