1. agroclimatico::NH0114
    Observaciones diarias de estaciones meteorológicas.
  2. agroclimatico::NH0358
    Observaciones diarias de estaciones meteorológicas.
  3. agroclimatico::datos_nh_mensual
    Observaciones Meteorológicas
  4. agroclimatico::escala_pp_diaria
    Escalas de colores usadas por el INTA
  5. agroclimatico::escala_pp_mensual
    Escalas de colores usadas por el INTA
  6. agroclimatico::escala_temp_max
    Escalas de colores usadas por el INTA
  7. agroclimatico::escala_temp_min
    Escalas de colores usadas por el INTA
  8. allodb::equations
    Tables of allometric equations and associated metadata
  9. allodb::equations_metadata
    Tables of allometric equations and associated metadata
  10. allodb::genus_family
    Genus and family table for selected ForestGEO sites
  11. allodb::gymno_genus
    Gymnosperms identified in selected ForestGEO sites
  12. allodb::koppenMatrix
    Koppen climate classification matrix
  13. allodb::missing_values
    Explanations of missing values codes
  14. allodb::references
    Equation references and associated metadata
  15. allodb::references_metadata
    Equation references and associated metadata
  16. allodb::scbi_stem1
    Tree census data from SCBI ForestGEO plot
  17. allodb::shrub_species
    Shrub species identified in selected ForestGEO sites
  18. allodb::sites_info
    ForestGEO sites used in allodb
  19. allodb::sitespecies
    Sites and tree species used in allodb and associated metadata
  20. allodb::sitespecies_metadata
    Sites and tree species used in allodb and associated metadata
  21. aorsf::pbc_orsf
    Mayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cholangitis Data
  22. aorsf::penguins_orsf
    Size measurements for adult foraging penguins near Palmer Station, Antarctica
  23. aRxiv::arxiv_cats
    arXiv subject classifications
  24. aRxiv::query_terms
    arXiv query field terms
  25. auk::bcr_codes
    BCR Codes
  26. auk::ebird_states
    eBird States
  27. auk::ebird_taxonomy
    eBird Taxonomy
  28. auk::valid_protocols
    Valid Protocols
  29. baRulho::master_est
    Extended selection table of master acoustic data
    extended_selection_table|7 x 7
  30. baRulho::test_sounds_est
    Extended selection table with re-recorded playbacks
    extended_selection_table|25 x 9
  31. bikedata::bike_test_data
    Test data for all 6 cities
  32. bikedata::lo_stns
    Docking stations for London, U.K.
  33. birdsize::demo_route_clean
    Cleaned data for a hypothetical Breeding Bird Survey route.
  34. birdsize::demo_route_raw
    Raw data for a hypothetical Breeding Bird Survey route.
  35. birdsize::known_species
    List of species known to 'birdsize'
  36. birdsize::nontarget_species
    Which AOUs correspond to nontarget species.
  37. birdsize::raw_masses
    Records of mean and standard deviation body masses
  38. birdsize::sd_table
    Species-level means for the mean and standard deviation of body size for species in the North American Breeding Bird Survey.
  39. birdsize::toy_aou_community
    Toy data frame of abundances and AOUs (for vignettes)
  40. birdsize::toy_size_community
    Toy data frame of abundances and species mean sizes (for vignettes)
  41. birdsize::toy_species_name_community
    Toy data frame of abundances and species names (for vignettes)
  42. birdsize::unidentified_species
    Table of AOUs corresponding to unidentified species.
  43. bold::sequences
    List of 3 nucleotide sequences to use in examples for the 'bold_identify' function
  44. brranching::phylomatic_trees
    Phylogenies to use with phylomatic
  45. brranching::tpl
    Lookup-table for family, genus, and species names for ThePlantList gymnosperms
  46. c14bazAAR::db_info_table
    Database lookup table
  47. c14bazAAR::example_c14_date_list
    Example c14_date_list
  48. canaper::acacia
    _Acacia_ example data
  49. canaper::biod_example
    Biodiverse example data
  50. canaper::biod_results
    Output from Biodiverse
  51. canaper::cpr_endem_cols
    CVD-friendly color palette for plotting results of CANAPE
  52. canaper::cpr_endem_cols_2
    CVD-friendly color palette for plotting results of CANAPE, version 2
  53. canaper::cpr_endem_cols_3
    CVD-friendly color palette for plotting results of CANAPE, version 3
  54. canaper::cpr_endem_cols_4
    CVD-friendly color palette for plotting results of CANAPE, version 4
  55. canaper::cpr_signif_cols
    CVD-friendly color palette for plotting results of randomization test
  56. canaper::cpr_signif_cols_2
    CVD-friendly color palette for plotting results of randomization test, version 2
  57. canaper::mishler_endem_cols
    Original color palette for plotting results of CANAPE
  58. canaper::mishler_signif_cols
    Original color palette for plotting results of CANAPE
  59. canaper::phylocom
    Phylocom example data
  60. cde::ea_wbids
    Details of name and index of all sites/catchments.
  61. censo2017::nivel_educacional_biobio
    Poblacion por Nivel Educacional en la Region del Bio Bio
  62. cffr::cran_to_spdx
    Mapping between 'License' fields and SPDX
  63. charlatan::available_locales_df
    Available locales
  64. charlatan::available_providers
    Available Providers
  65. chirps::tapajos
    Tapajos National Forest
  66. chlorpromazineR::davis1974
    Chlorpromazine equivalent key from Davis 1974 data
  67. chlorpromazineR::gardner2010
    Chlorpromazine equivalent key from Gardner et al. 2010 data
  68. chlorpromazineR::gardner2010_withsai
    Chlorpromazine equivalent key from Gardner et al. 2010 data
  69. chlorpromazineR::leucht2016
    Chlorpromazine equivalent key from Leucht et al. 2016 data
  70. chlorpromazineR::leucht2020
    Antipsychotic equivalent key from Leucht et al. 2020 data
  71. chlorpromazineR::woods2003
    Chlorpromazine equivalent key from Woods 2003 data
  72. chopin::ncpoints
    Mildly clustered points in North Carolina, United States
  73. chopin::prediction_grid
    Regular grid points in the mainland United States at 1km spatial resolution
  74. citecorp::oc_dois
    Vector of 25 DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers)
  75. citecorp::oc_pmcids
    Vector of 8 PMCIDs (PubMed Central Identifiers)
  76. citecorp::oc_pmids
    Vector of 24 PMIDs (PubMed Identifiers)
  77. coder::charlson
    Classcodes for Charlson comorbidity based on ICD-codes
  78. coder::cps
    Classcodes for the comorbidity-polypharmacy score (CPS) based on ICD-10 codes
  79. coder::elixhauser
    Classcodes for Elixhauser based on ICD-codes
  80. coder::ex_atc
    Example data for random ATC codes
  81. coder::ex_icd10
    Example data for random codes assigned to random people
  82. coder::ex_people
    Example data for random people
  83. coder::hip_ae
    Classcodes for adverse events after knee and hip arthroplasty
  84. coder::hip_ae_hailer
    Classcodes for infection and dislocation after hip arthroplasty
  85. coder::knee_ae
    Classcodes for adverse events after knee and hip arthroplasty
  86. coder::rxriskv
    Classcodes for RxRisk V based on ATC codes
  87. comtradr::country_codes
    Country codes
  88. comtradr::ct_pretty_cols
  89. concstats::creditcoops
  90. CoordinateCleaner::aohi
    Artificial Hotspot Occurrence Inventory
  91. CoordinateCleaner::buffland
    Global Coastlines buffered by 1 degree
  92. CoordinateCleaner::buffsea
    Global Coastlines buffered by -1 degree
  93. CoordinateCleaner::countryref
    Country Centroids and Country Capitals
  94. CoordinateCleaner::institutions
    Global Locations of Biodiversity Institutions
  95. CoordinateCleaner::pbdb_example
    Example data from the Paleobiologydatabase
  96. datefixR::exampledates
    Example dataset of dates in different formats
  97. dendroNetwork::RING_Visser_2021
    Roman tree-ring site chronologies
  98. dendroNetwork::hol_rom
    Roman tree-ring site chronologies from Hollstein
  99. DoOR.data::Gr21a.Gr63a
  100. DoOR.data::Ir31a
  101. DoOR.data::Ir41a
  102. DoOR.data::Ir64a.DC4
  103. DoOR.data::Ir64a.DP1m
  104. DoOR.data::Ir75a
  105. DoOR.data::Ir75d
  106. DoOR.data::Ir76a
  107. DoOR.data::Ir84a
  108. DoOR.data::Ir92a
  109. DoOR.data::ORs
  110. DoOR.data::Or10a
  111. DoOR.data::Or13a
  112. DoOR.data::Or19a
  113. DoOR.data::Or1a
  114. DoOR.data::Or22a
  115. DoOR.data::Or22b
  116. DoOR.data::Or22c
  117. DoOR.data::Or23a
  118. DoOR.data::Or24a
  119. DoOR.data::Or2a
  120. DoOR.data::Or30a
  121. DoOR.data::Or33a
  122. DoOR.data::Or33b
  123. DoOR.data::Or33c
  124. DoOR.data::Or35a
  125. DoOR.data::Or42a
  126. DoOR.data::Or42b
  127. DoOR.data::Or43a
  128. DoOR.data::Or43b
  129. DoOR.data::Or45a
  130. DoOR.data::Or45b
  131. DoOR.data::Or46a
  132. DoOR.data::Or47a
  133. DoOR.data::Or47b
  134. DoOR.data::Or49a
  135. DoOR.data::Or49b
  136. DoOR.data::Or59a
  137. DoOR.data::Or59b
  138. DoOR.data::Or59c
  139. DoOR.data::Or65a
  140. DoOR.data::Or67a
  141. DoOR.data::Or67b
  142. DoOR.data::Or67c
  143. DoOR.data::Or67d
  144. DoOR.data::Or69a
  145. DoOR.data::Or71a
  146. DoOR.data::Or74a
  147. DoOR.data::Or7a
  148. DoOR.data::Or82a
  149. DoOR.data::Or83c
  150. DoOR.data::Or85a
  151. DoOR.data::Or85b
  152. DoOR.data::Or85c
  153. DoOR.data::Or85d
  154. DoOR.data::Or85e
  155. DoOR.data::Or85f
  156. DoOR.data::Or88a
  157. DoOR.data::Or92a
  158. DoOR.data::Or94a
  159. DoOR.data::Or94b
  160. DoOR.data::Or98a
  161. DoOR.data::Or9a
  162. DoOR.data::ab2B
  163. DoOR.data::ab4B
  164. DoOR.data::ab5B
  165. DoOR.data::ac1
  166. DoOR.data::ac1A
  167. DoOR.data::ac1B
  168. DoOR.data::ac1BC
  169. DoOR.data::ac2
  170. DoOR.data::ac2A
  171. DoOR.data::ac2B
  172. DoOR.data::ac2BC
  173. DoOR.data::ac3A
  174. DoOR.data::ac3B
  175. DoOR.data::ac3_noOr35a
  176. DoOR.data::ac4
  177. DoOR.data::door_AL_map
  178. DoOR.data::door_data_format
  179. DoOR.data::door_dataset_info
  180. DoOR.data::door_excluded_data
  181. DoOR.data::door_glo_dist
  182. DoOR.data::door_global_normalization_weights
  183. DoOR.data::door_mappings
  184. DoOR.data::door_response_matrix
  185. DoOR.data::door_response_matrix_non_normalized
  186. DoOR.data::door_response_range
  187. DoOR.data::odor
  188. DoOR.data::pb2A
  189. dwctaxon::dct_filmies
    Taxonomic data of filmy ferns
  190. dwctaxon::dct_terms
    Darwin Core Taxon terms
  191. dynamite::categorical_example
    Simulated Categorical Multivariate Panel Data
  192. dynamite::categorical_example_fit
    Model Fit for the Simulated Categorical Multivariate Panel Data
  193. dynamite::gaussian_example
    Simulated Data of a Gaussian Response
  194. dynamite::gaussian_example_fit
    Model Fit for the Simulated Data of a Gaussian Response
  195. dynamite::multichannel_example
    Simulated Multivariate Panel Data
  196. dynamite::multichannel_example_fit
    Model Fit for the Simulated Multivariate Panel Data
  197. eDNAjoint::goby_data
  198. eDNAjoint::green_crab_data
  199. EML::eml
  200. EndoMineR::ColonFinal
    Fake Lower GI Endoscopy Set
  201. EndoMineR::Myendo
    Fake Endoscopies
  202. EndoMineR::Mypath
    Fake Pathology report
  203. EndoMineR::PathDataFrameFinal
    Fake Upper GI Pathology Set
  204. EndoMineR::PathDataFrameFinalColon
    Fake Lower GI Pathology Set
  205. EndoMineR::TheOGDReportFinal
    Fake Upper GI Endoscopy Set
  206. EndoMineR::vColon
    Fake Lower GI Endoscopy Set including Pathology
    data.frame|2105 x 26
  207. epair::endpoints
    Endpoints available in the EPA API
  208. epair::service.names
    Names of services offered by the EPA API
  209. epair::services
    Services offered by the EPA API
  210. epair::variable.types
    Variable parameter names to use
  211. epair::variables
    Variables used for querying in EPA API
  212. eph::CNO
    Categorias de las 4 dimensiones del Clasificador Nacional de Ocupaciones 2001.
  213. eph::adulto_equivalente
    Tabla de valores de adulto equivalente segun sexo y edad
  214. eph::caes
    Categorias del Clasificador de Actividades Economicas para encuestas Sociodemograficas
  215. eph::canastas_reg_example
    Canastas Basicas Alimentarias y Canastas Basicas Totales segun region y trimestre
  216. eph::centroides_aglomerados
    Tabla de centroides de los aglomerados
  217. eph::diccionario_aglomerados
    Diccionario de aglomerados segun diseno de registro de la EPH
  218. eph::diccionario_regiones
    Diccionario de regiones segun diseno de registro de la EPH
  219. eph::errores_muestrales
    Tabla con los errores muestrales para estimaciones de poblacion
  220. eph::toybase_hogar_2016_04
    Seleccion aleatoria de casos de la base 2016 trimestre 4 para la base hogar
  221. eph::toybase_individual_2016_03
    Seleccion aleatoria de casos de la base 2016 trimestre 3 para la base individual
  222. eph::toybase_individual_2016_04
    Seleccion aleatoria de casos de la base 2016 trimestre 4 para la base individual
  223. excluder::qualtrics_fetch
    Example numeric metadata imported with 'qualtRics::fetch_survey()' from simulated Qualtrics study
  224. excluder::qualtrics_fetch2
    Example numeric metadata imported with 'qualtRics::fetch_survey()' from simulated Qualtrics study but with labels included as column names
  225. excluder::qualtrics_numeric
    Example numeric metadata from simulated Qualtrics study
  226. excluder::qualtrics_raw
    Example text-based metadata from simulated Qualtrics study
  227. excluder::qualtrics_text
    Example text-based metadata from simulated Qualtrics study
  228. exoplanets::tableinfo
    Table Information
  229. FedData::meve
    The boundary of Mesa Verde National Park
  230. fellingdater::Brathen_1982
    Brathen 1982 sapwood data set.
  231. fellingdater::Hollstein_1980
    Hollstein 1980 sapwood data set.
  232. fellingdater::Miles_1997_NM
    Miles 1997 sapwood data set.
  233. fellingdater::Miles_1997_SC
    Miles 1997 sapwood data set.
  234. fellingdater::Miles_1997_WBC
    Miles 1997 sapwood data set.
  235. fellingdater::Pilcher_1987
    Pilcher 1987 sapwood data set.
  236. fellingdater::Sohar_2012_ELL_c
    Sohar et al. 2012 sapwood data set.
  237. fellingdater::Sohar_2012_ELL_t
    Sohar et al. 2012 sapwood data set.
  238. fellingdater::Sohar_2012_FWE_c
    Sohar et al. 2012 sapwood data set.
  239. fellingdater::Sohar_2012_FWE_t
    Sohar et al. 2012 sapwood data set.
  240. fellingdater::Wazny_1990
    Wazny 1990 sapwood data set.
  241. fellingdater::trs_example0
    Example dataset 0
  242. fellingdater::trs_example1
    Example dataset 1
  243. fellingdater::trs_example2
    Example dataset 2
  244. fellingdater::trs_example3
    Example dataset 3
  245. fellingdater::trs_example4
    Example dataset 4
  246. fellingdater::trs_example5
    Example dataset 5
  247. fellingdater::trs_example6
    Example dataset 6
  248. fellingdater::trs_example7
    Example dataset 7
  249. fellingdater::vanDaalen_NLBE
    van Daalen (unpublished) sapwood data set.
  250. fellingdater::vanDaalen_Norway
    van Daalen (unpublished) sapwood data set.
  251. gendercoder::fewlevels_en
  252. gendercoder::manylevels_en
  253. gendercoder::sample
  254. geojson::geojson_data
    Data for use in examples
  255. geojsonio::canada_cities
    This is the same data set from the maps library, named differently
  256. geojsonio::states
    This is the same data set from the ggplot2 library
  257. geojsonio::us_cities
    This is the same data set from the maps library, named differently
  258. gigs::ig_fet
    INTERGROWTH-21st Fetal Standards growth curve data
  259. gigs::ig_nbs
    INTERGROWTH-21st Newborn Size Standards (including very preterm) growth curve data
  260. gigs::ig_nbs_coeffs
    INTERGROWTH-21st Newborn Size Standards GAMLSS coefficients
  261. gigs::ig_nbs_ext
    Extended INTERGROWTH-21st Newborn Size Standards (including very preterm) growth curve data
  262. gigs::ig_nbs_ext_coeffs
    Extended INTERGROWTH-21st Newborn Size Standards GAMLSS coefficients
  263. gigs::ig_png
    INTERGROWTH-21st Postnatal Growth Standards growth curve data
  264. gigs::life6mo
    Data extract from the Low birthweight Infant Feeding Exploration (LIFE) study
  265. gigs::who_gs
    WHO Child Growth Standards growth curve data
  266. gigs::who_gs_coeffs
    WHO Child Growth Standards LMS coefficients
  267. GLMMcosinor::cosinor_mixed
    cosinor_mixed dataset for cosinor modeling examples.
  268. GLMMcosinor::vitamind
    Vitamin D dataset for cosinor modeling examples.
  269. grainchanger::cat_ls
    Example categorical raster (fine_dat)
  270. grainchanger::cont_ls
    Example continuous raster (fine_dat)
  271. grainchanger::g_sf
    Example grid (coarse_dat)
  272. grainchanger::poly_sf
    Example polygon (coarse_dat)
  273. gutenbergr::gutenberg_authors
    Metadata about Project Gutenberg authors
  274. gutenbergr::gutenberg_languages
    Metadata about Project Gutenberg languages
  275. gutenbergr::gutenberg_metadata
    Gutenberg metadata about each work
  276. gutenbergr::gutenberg_subjects
    Gutenberg metadata about the subject of each work
  277. gutenbergr::sample_books
    Sample Book Downloads
  278. hddtools::grdcLTMMD
    Data set: The grdcLTMMD look-up table
  279. helminthR::locations
    Table of geographic location names, and associated coordinates
  280. historydata::catholic_dioceses
    Roman Catholic dioceses in the United States, Canada, and Mexico
  281. historydata::dijon_prices
    Wholesale Market Prices in Dijon, France 1568-1630
  282. historydata::dijon_prices_wide
    Wholesale Market Prices in Dijon, France 1568-1630
  283. historydata::early_colleges
    Early colleges in the United States
  284. historydata::judges_appointments
    Federal judges in the United States of America
  285. historydata::judges_people
    Federal judges in the United States of America
  286. historydata::methodists
    Methodist Minutes of the Annual Conferences, 1786-1834
  287. historydata::minneapolisfed_cpi
    Consumer Price Index, 1800-2024
  288. historydata::naval_promotions
    Promotions of U.S. Navy officers, 1798-1849
  289. historydata::paulist_missions
    Records of missions held by the Paulist Fathers, 1851-1893
  290. historydata::presbyterians
    Presbyterians Statistics Through One Hundred Years
  291. historydata::quasi_war
    Naval encounters during the Quasi War between France and the United States of America
  292. historydata::sarna
    Population estimates of American Jews
  293. historydata::tudors
    Tudor dynasty
  294. historydata::us_cities_pop
    United States Historical City Populations, 1790-2010
  295. historydata::us_military_strengths
    US Military Strengths
  296. historydata::us_national_population
    Population of the United States, 1790-2010
  297. historydata::us_state_populations
    Populations of US states and territories, 1790-2010
  298. hydroscoper::greece_borders
    Greek borders
  299. hydroscoper::stations
  300. hydroscoper::timeseries
  301. iheatmapr::measles
    matrix|59 x 72
  302. jqr::commits
    GitHub Commits Data
  303. landscapetools::classified_landscape
    Example map (factor).
  304. landscapetools::fractal_landscape
    Example map (fractional brownian motion).
  305. landscapetools::gradient_landscape
    Example map (planar gradient).
  306. landscapetools::random_landscape
    Example map (random).
  307. lingtypology::abvd
    ABVD's Language identifiers
  308. lingtypology::autotyp
    AUTOTYP's Language identifiers
  309. lingtypology::bantu
    BANTU's Language identifiers
  310. lingtypology::circassian
    Circassian villages in Russia
  311. lingtypology::countries
    Catalogue of countries
  312. lingtypology::eurasianphonology
    Eurasianphonology data
  313. lingtypology::glottolog
    Catalogue of languages of the world
  314. lingtypology::iso_639
    ISO 639-3 is a set of codes that defines three-letter identifiers for all known human languages.
  315. lingtypology::oto_mangueanIC
    Oto-Manguean Inflectional Class Database Language identifiers
  316. lingtypology::phoible
    Phoible glottolog - language correspondencies
  317. lingtypology::phonological_profiles
    Number of consonants and presence of ejectives
  318. lingtypology::providers
  319. lingtypology::soundcomparisons
    SOUNDCOMPARISONS's Language identifiers
  320. lingtypology::uralex
    UraLex's Language identifiers
  321. lingtypology::wals
    WALS's Language identifiers
  322. mapmetadata::domain_list
    Internal: List of Domains
  323. mapmetadata::log_output_df
    Internal: Output log dataframe
  324. mapmetadata::look_up
    Internal: Auto-categorisations
  325. mapmetadata::metadata
    Internal: CSV metadata File
  326. mapmetadata::output_df
    Internal: Output dataframe
  327. mbquartR::mbquartR_example
    Manitoba Original Survey Legal Descriptions data
  328. mctq::micro_mctq
    A fictional muMCTQ dataset
  329. mctq::shift_mctq
    A fictional MCTQ Shift dataset
  330. mctq::std_mctq
    A fictional standard MCTQ dataset
  331. melt::clothianidin
    Clothianidin concentration in maize plants
  332. melt::thiamethoxam
    Thiamethoxam applications in squash crops
  333. mregions2::mrp_list
    Available data products at Marine Regions
  334. mregions2::mrp_ontology
    Marine Regions Data Products Ontology
  335. naijR::lgas_nigeria
    Local Government Areas of Nigeria
  336. naijR::states_nigeria
    States of Nigeria
  337. natserv::nat_states
    A data.frame with 49 rows and 2 columns
  338. neotoma::pollen.equiv
    A table to convert the pollen taxa identified by investigators to standardized lists.
  339. neotoma::taxon.list
    Neotoma taxon list
  340. nlrx::nl_distinct
    Wolf Sheep model sample data: simdesign distinct
  341. nlrx::nl_eFast
    Wolf Sheep model sample data: simdesign eFast
  342. nlrx::nl_ff
    Wolf Sheep model sample data: simdesign ff
  343. nlrx::nl_gensa
    Wolf Sheep model sample data: gensa
  344. nlrx::nl_lhs
    Wolf Sheep model sample data: simdesign lhs
  345. nlrx::nl_morris
    Wolf Sheep model sample data: simdesign morris
  346. nlrx::nl_simple
    Wolf Sheep model sample data: simdesign simple
  347. nlrx::nl_sobol
    Wolf Sheep model sample data: simdesign sobol
  348. nlrx::nl_sobol2007
    Wolf Sheep model sample data: simdesign sobol2007
  349. nlrx::nl_soboljansen
    Wolf Sheep model sample data: simdesign soboljansen
  350. nlrx::nl_spatial
    Wolf Sheep model sample data: spatial
  351. nodbi::diamonds
    Data set 'diamonds'
  352. npi::npis
    Sample results from the NPI Registry
    npi_results|10 x 11
  353. nuts::all_nuts_codes
    List of all NUTS codes and classifications
  354. nuts::cross_walks
    Conversion table provided by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission
  355. nuts::manure
    Manure storage facilities by NUTS 3 regions from Eurostat (aei_fm_ms)
  356. nuts::patents
    Patent applications to the EPO by priority year by NUTS 3 regions (pat_ep_rtot)
  357. oai::providers
    Metadata providers data.frame.
  358. occCite::myOccCiteObject
    Results of an occCite search for *Protea cynaroides*
  359. ohun::lbh1
    Long-billed hermit recording
  360. ohun::lbh2
    Long-billed hermit recording
  361. ohun::lbh_reference
    Example data frame of a selection table including all sound events of interests
  362. onekp::onekp
    OneKP metadata file
  363. openalexR::concept_abbrev
    Concepts and abbreviations.
  364. openalexR::countrycode
    Index of Countries and their alpha-2 and aplha-3 codes.
  365. openalexR::oa2df_coverage
    Coverage of OpenAlex entity fields after converting to data frame.
  366. opencage::countrycodes
    Country codes
  367. opentripplanner::json_example_drive
    Example JSON for driving
  368. opentripplanner::json_example_long_drive
    Example JSON for driving long distance
  369. opentripplanner::json_example_transit
    Example JSON for transit
  370. osmextract::bbbike_zones
    An sf object of geographical zones taken from bbbike.org
  371. osmextract::geofabrik_zones
    An sf object of geographical zones taken from geofabrik.de
  372. osmextract::openstreetmap_fr_zones
    An sf object of geographical zones taken from download.openstreetmap.fr
  373. osmextract::test_zones
    An sf object of geographical zones taken from download.openstreetmap.fr
  374. osmplotr::london
  375. outcomerate::middleearth
    middleearth Dataset
  376. pangoling::df_jaeger14
    Self-Paced Reading Dataset on Chinese Relative Clauses
  377. pangoling::df_sent
    Example dataset: Two word-by-word sentences
  378. patentsview::fieldsdf
    Fields data frame
  379. phruta::SW.phruta
    Scholl and Wiens (2016) phylogenies
  380. phylotaR::aotus
  381. phylotaR::birds
  382. phylotaR::bromeliads
  383. phylotaR::cycads
  384. phylotaR::dragonflies
  385. phylotaR::mammals
  386. phylotaR::plants
  387. phylotaR::sturgeons
  388. phylotaR::tardigrades
  389. phylotaR::tinamous
  390. phylotaR::yeasts
  391. quadkeyr::data_provided
    QuadKey-identified Dataset
  392. quadkeyr::result_read_fb_mobility_data
    Dataset with (fake) Facebook mobility data
  393. QuadratiK::breast_cancer
    Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic)
  394. QuadratiK::wine
    Wine data set
  395. QuadratiK::wireless
    Wireless Indoor Localization
  396. qualR::cetesb_aqs
    CETESB AQS station latitude and longitude
  397. qualR::cetesb_param
    CETESB Parameters
  398. qualR::monitor_ar_aqs
    Monitor Ar AQS stations.
  399. qualR::monitor_ar_param
    Monitor Ar Parameters
  400. rangr::observations_points
    Example Of Observation Points List
  401. rdhs::dhs_gps_data_format
    DHS GPS Data Format
  402. rdhs::model_datasets
    DHS model datasets
  403. rebird::tax
    2023 edition of the eBird taxonomy (eBird v2023)
  404. refsplitr::BITR
    Data from the journal BioTropica (pulled from Web of Knowledge)
  405. refsplitr::BITR_geocode
    Georeferenced data from the journal BioTropica (pulled from Web of Science)
  406. refsplitr::countries
    Names of all the countries in the world
  407. rerddap::colors
    cmocean colors The cmocean color palette by Kristen Thyng as implemented in the R package "oce"
  408. rerddap::institutions
  409. rerddap::ioos_categories
  410. rerddap::keywords
  411. rerddap::longnames
  412. rerddap::standardnames
  413. rerddap::variablenames
  414. restez::record
    Example GenBank record
  415. rfisheries::country_code_data
  416. rfisheries::species_code_data
  417. rgpdd::gpdd_biotope
    The biotype table
  418. rgpdd::gpdd_data
    The data table
  419. rgpdd::gpdd_datasource
    The data source table
  420. rgpdd::gpdd_location
    Table of locations information for each timeseries
  421. rgpdd::gpdd_main
    main table: metadata for each time series
  422. rgpdd::gpdd_restricted
    Restricted data sets table
  423. rgpdd::gpdd_taxon
    The taxon table
  424. rgpdd::gpdd_timeperiod
    The time period table
  425. rgpdd::gpdd_version
    GPDD version information
  426. ritis::solr_fields
    List of fields that can be used in solr functions
  427. rnaturalearth::countries110
    world country polygons from Natural Earth
  428. rnaturalearth::df_layers_cultural
    list of cultural layers available from Natural Earth
  429. rnaturalearth::df_layers_physical
    list of physical layers available from Natural Earth
  430. rnaturalearthdata::coastline110
    world coastlines from Natural Earth
  431. rnaturalearthdata::coastline50
    world coastlines from Natural Earth
  432. rnaturalearthdata::countries110
    world country polygons from Natural Earth
  433. rnaturalearthdata::countries50
    world country polygons from Natural Earth
  434. rnaturalearthdata::map_units110
    world map_unit polygons from Natural Earth
  435. rnaturalearthdata::map_units50
    world map_unit polygons from Natural Earth
  436. rnaturalearthdata::sovereignty110
    world sovereignty polygons from Natural Earth
  437. rnaturalearthdata::sovereignty50
    world sovereignty polygons from Natural Earth
  438. rnaturalearthdata::states50
    state (admin level 1) polygons from Natural Earth
  439. rnaturalearthdata::tiny_countries110
    tiny countries points from Natural Earth
  440. rnaturalearthdata::tiny_countries50
    tiny countries points from Natural Earth
  441. rnaturalearthhires::coastline10
    world coastlines from Natural Earth
  442. rnaturalearthhires::countries10
    world country polygons from Natural Earth
  443. rnaturalearthhires::map_units10
    world map_unit polygons from Natural Earth
  444. rnaturalearthhires::sovereignty10
    world sovereignty polygons from Natural Earth
  445. rnaturalearthhires::states10
    state (admin level 1) polygons from Natural Earth
  446. rnoaa::fipscodes
    FIPS codes for US states.
  447. rperseus::greek_stop_words
    A dictionary of Greek stop words
  448. rperseus::perseus_catalog
    Metadata for texts available via the Perseus Digital Library.
  449. rppo::ppo_filters
    List of filters to use with 'ppo_data'.
  450. rrricanes::df.al_12_2005_prblty
    Strike probabilities for Hurricane Katrina (AL122005)
  451. rrricanes::df.al_18_2012
    Forecast/Advisory and Wind Speed Probabilities for Hurricane Sandy (AL182012)
  452. rrricanes::df.al_18_2012_fstadv
    Forecast/Advisory for Hurricane Sandy (AL182012)
  453. rrricanes::df.al_18_2012_wndprb
    Wind speed probabilities for Hurricane Sandy (AL182012)
  454. rrricanes::df.al_2012
    Atlantic cyclones for 2012
  455. rrricanes::df.gis_adv
    GIS advisory dataset for Hurricane Sandy Adv 18
  456. rrricanes::df.gis_storm_surge
    GIS storm surge shapefile dataset for Hurricane Sandy(AL182012)
  457. rrricanes::df.gis_wind_radii
    GIS windfield and forecast wind radii for Hurricane Sandy (AL182012)
  458. rrricanes::df.gis_wsp
    GIS wind speed probabilities for Hurricane Sandy (AL182012)
  459. rrricanesdata::adv
    Advisory - Basic advisory data
  460. rrricanesdata::discus
    Storm Discussions
  461. rrricanesdata::fcst
    Forecasts - Forecast positions per Forecast/Advisory
  462. rrricanesdata::fcst_wr
    Forecast Wind Radius - Wind radius for each 'fcst'
  463. rrricanesdata::fstadv
  464. rrricanesdata::posest
    Position Estimates
  465. rrricanesdata::prblty
    Strike Probabilities
  466. rrricanesdata::public
    Public Advisory
  467. rrricanesdata::storms
    Storm Summary
  468. rrricanesdata::update
    Tropical Cyclone Updates
  469. rrricanesdata::wndprb
    Wind Speed Probabilities
  470. rrricanesdata::wr
    Wind Radius - Current wind radius
  471. rsat::ex.dem.navarre
    A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the region of Navarre (Spain)
  472. rsat::ex.madrid
    A polygon with the border of Madrid (Spain)
  473. rsat::ex.manhattan
    A polygon with the border of Manhattan (USA)
  474. rsat::ex.navarre
    A polygon with the border of Navarre (Spain)
  475. rsat::ex.ndvi.navarre
    A time series of NDVI in Navarre (Spain)
  476. rsi::alos_palsar_band_mapping
    ALOS PALSAR band mapping
  477. rsi::dem_band_mapping
    Landsat band mapping
  478. rsi::landsat_band_mapping
    Landsat band mapping
  479. rsi::sentinel1_band_mapping
    Sentinel-1 band mapping
  480. rsi::sentinel2_band_mapping
    Sentinel-2 band mapping
  481. ruODK::fq_attachments
    A tibble of submission attachments.
  482. ruODK::fq_data
    Parsed submission data for an ODK Central form.
  483. ruODK::fq_data_strata
    Parsed submission data for a subgroup of an ODK Central form.
  484. ruODK::fq_data_taxa
    Parsed submission data for a subgroup of an ODK Central form.
  485. ruODK::fq_form_detail
    A tibble of form metadata.
  486. ruODK::fq_form_list
    A tibble of forms.
  487. ruODK::fq_form_schema
    JSON form schema for an ODK Central form.
  488. ruODK::fq_form_xml
    A nested list of a form definition.
  489. ruODK::fq_meta
    OData metadata document for an ODK Central form.
  490. ruODK::fq_project_detail
    A tibble of project metadata.
  491. ruODK::fq_project_list
    A tibble of project metadata.
  492. ruODK::fq_raw
    OData submission data for an ODK Central form.
  493. ruODK::fq_raw_strata
    OData submission data for a subgroup of an ODK Central form.
  494. ruODK::fq_raw_taxa
    OData submission data for a subgroup of an ODK Central form.
  495. ruODK::fq_submission_list
    A tibble of submission metadata.
  496. ruODK::fq_submissions
    A nested list of submission data.
  497. ruODK::fq_svc
    OData service document for an ODK Central form.
  498. ruODK::fq_zip_data
    A tibble of the main data table of records from a test form.
  499. ruODK::fq_zip_strata
    A tibble of a repeated sub-group of records from a test form.
  500. ruODK::fq_zip_taxa
    A tibble of a repeated sub-group of records from a test form.
  501. ruODK::fs_v7
    The parsed XML form_schema of a form from ODK Central v0.6.
  502. ruODK::fs_v7_raw
    The unparsed XML form_schema of a form from ODK Central v0.6 as nested list.
  503. ruODK::geo_fs
    The form_schema of a form containing geofields in GeoJSON.
  504. ruODK::geo_gj
    The parsed submissions of a form containing geofields in GeoJSON.
  505. ruODK::geo_gj88
    The parsed submissions of a form containing geofields in GeoJSON with trailing empty coordinates present.
  506. ruODK::geo_gj_raw
    The unparsed submissions of a form containing geofields in GeoJSON.
  507. ruODK::geo_wkt
    The parsed submissions of a form containing geofields in WKT.
  508. ruODK::geo_wkt88
    The parsed submissions of a form containing geofields in WKT with trailing empty coordinates present.
  509. ruODK::geo_wkt_raw
    The unparsed submissions of a form containing geofields in WKT.
  510. rvertnet::simple_dwc_terms
    Darwin core terms
  511. skynet::MetroFull
    Metro (Full) Data
  512. skynet::MetroLookup
    Metro Data
  513. skynet::OD_Sample
    Sample OD data
  514. skynet::aircraft_type
    Aircraft type data
  515. skynet::airportCode
    Airport Data - clean
  516. skynet::airportCodeFull
    Airport Data - full
  517. skynet::airportMaster
    Airport Data - master
  518. skynet::carriers
    Carrier data
  519. slopes::cyclestreets_route
    A journey from CycleStreets.net
  520. slopes::dem_lisbon_raster
    Elevation in central Lisbon, Portugal
  521. slopes::lisbon_road_network
    Road segments in Lisbon
  522. slopes::lisbon_road_segment
    A road segment in Lisbon, Portugal
  523. slopes::lisbon_road_segment_3d
    A road segment in Lisbon, Portugal
  524. slopes::lisbon_road_segment_xyz_mapbox
    A road segment in Lisbon, Portugal
  525. slopes::lisbon_route
    A route composed of a single linestring in Lisbon, Portugal
  526. slopes::lisbon_route_3d
    A route composed of a single linestring in Lisbon, Portugal
  527. slopes::lisbon_route_xyz_mapbox
    A route composed of a single linestring in Lisbon, Portugal
  528. slopes::magnolia_xy
    Road segments in Magnolia, Seattle
  529. stats19::accidents_sample
    Sample of stats19 data (2022 collisions)
  530. stats19::accidents_sample_raw
    Sample of stats19 data (2022 collisions)
  531. stats19::casualties_sample
    Sample of stats19 data (2022 casualties)
  532. stats19::casualties_sample_raw
    Sample of stats19 data (2022 casualties)
  533. stats19::file_names
    stats19 file names for easy access
  534. stats19::file_names_old
    stats19 file names for easy access
  535. stats19::police_boundaries
    Police force boundaries in England (2016)
  536. stats19::schema_original
    Schema for stats19 data (UKDS)
  537. stats19::stats19_schema
    Stats19 schema and variables
  538. stats19::stats19_variables
    Stats19 schema and variables
  539. stats19::vehicles_sample
    Sample of stats19 data (2022 vehicles)
  540. stats19::vehicles_sample_raw
    Sample of stats19 data (2022 vehicles)
  541. stplanr::cents_sf
    Spatial points representing home locations
  542. stplanr::destinations_sf
    Example destinations data
  543. stplanr::flow
    Data frame of commuter flows
  544. stplanr::flow_dests
    Data frame of invented commuter flows with destinations in a different layer than the origins
  545. stplanr::flowlines_sf
    Spatial lines dataset of commuter flows
  546. stplanr::od_data_lines
    Example of desire line representations of origin-destination data from UK Census
  547. stplanr::od_data_routes
    Example segment-level route data
  548. stplanr::od_data_sample
    Example of origin-destination data from UK Census
  549. stplanr::osm_net_example
    Example of OpenStreetMap road network
  550. stplanr::rnet_cycleway_intersection
    Example of cycleway intersection data showing problems for SpatialLinesNetwork objects
  551. stplanr::rnet_overpass
    Example of overpass data showing problems for SpatialLinesNetwork objects
  552. stplanr::rnet_roundabout
    Example of roundabout data showing problems for SpatialLinesNetwork objects
  553. stplanr::route_network_sf
    Spatial lines dataset representing a route network
  554. stplanr::route_network_small
    Spatial lines dataset representing a small route network
  555. stplanr::routes_fast_sf
    Spatial lines dataset of commuter flows on the travel network
  556. stplanr::routes_slow_sf
    Spatial lines dataset of commuter flows on the travel network
  557. stplanr::zones_sf
    Spatial polygons of home locations for flow analysis.
  558. tacmagic::fake_DVR
    Fake DVR data for vignette and package testing
  559. taxize::apg_families
    MOBOT family names
  560. taxize::apg_orders
    MOBOT order names
  561. taxize::plantGenusNames
    Vector of plant genus names from ThePlantList
  562. taxize::plantNames
    Vector of plant species (genus - specific epithet) names from ThePlantList
  563. taxize::rank_ref
    Lookup-table for IDs of taxonomic ranks
  564. taxize::rank_ref_zoo
    Lookup-table for IDs of taxonomic ranks (WoRMS)
  565. taxize::species_plantarum_binomials
    Species names from Species Plantarum
  566. taxize::theplantlist
    Lookup-table for family, genus, and species names for ThePlantList
  567. taxize::worrms_ranks
    WORMS ranks
  568. taxlist::Easplist
    List of vascular plants from East Africa
  569. tidyhydat::allstations
    All Canadian stations
  570. tidyhydat::hy_data_symbols
    DATA SYMBOLS look-up table
  571. tidyhydat::hy_data_types
    DATA TYPES look-up table
  572. tidyhydat::param_id
    Parameter ID
  573. tokenizers::mobydick
    The text of Moby Dick
  574. tradestatistics::ots_commodities
    OTS Commodities
  575. tradestatistics::ots_commodities_short
    OTS Commodities Short
  576. tradestatistics::ots_countries
    OTS Countries
  577. tradestatistics::ots_countries_colors
    OTS Countries Colors
  578. tradestatistics::ots_gdp_deflator
    GDP Deflator
  579. tradestatistics::ots_sections
    OTS Sections
  580. tradestatistics::ots_sections_colors
    OTS Sections Colors
  581. tradestatistics::ots_tables
    OTS Tables
  582. traits::plantatt
    PLANTATT plant traits dataset
  583. treebase::metadata
  584. treebase::treebase
  585. treedata.table::anolis
    Anole data
  586. treestartr::absent_list
  587. treestartr::bears
  588. treestartr::mrca_df
  589. treestartr::tax_frame
  590. treestartr::tree
  591. UCSCXenaTools::XenaData
    Xena Hub Information
  592. unifir::available_assets
    Vector of assets unifir can download and import
  593. USAboundaries::state_codes
    State codes and abbreviations for U.S. states and territories
  594. USAboundaries::state_proj
    Data for projections from the State Plane Coordinate System
  595. USAboundaries::states_contemporary_lores
    U.S. state boundaries
  596. USAboundariesData::census_cities
    Historical population data for U.S. cities
  597. USAboundariesData::congress_contemporary_hires
    Cartographic boundary files from the U.S. Census Bureau
  598. USAboundariesData::congress_contemporary_lores
    Cartographic boundary files from the U.S. Census Bureau
  599. USAboundariesData::counties_contemporary_hires
    Cartographic boundary files from the U.S. Census Bureau
  600. USAboundariesData::counties_contemporary_lores
    Cartographic boundary files from the U.S. Census Bureau
  601. USAboundariesData::counties_historical_hires
    Historical state and county boundaries for the United States of America
  602. USAboundariesData::counties_historical_lores
    Historical state and county boundaries for the United States of America
  603. USAboundariesData::states_contemporary_hires
    Cartographic boundary files from the U.S. Census Bureau
  604. USAboundariesData::states_historical_hires
    Historical state and county boundaries for the United States of America
  605. USAboundariesData::states_historical_lores
    Historical state and county boundaries for the United States of America
  606. USAboundariesData::zipcodes
    Cartographic boundary files from the U.S. Census Bureau
  607. vcr::crul_request
    An HTTP request as prepared by the 'crul' package
  608. visdat::dat_bin
    A small toy dataset of binary data with missings.
  609. visdat::typical_data
    A small toy dataset of imaginary people
  610. visdat::typical_data_large
    A small toy dataset of imaginary people
  611. wateRinfo::air_pressure
    Air pressure data of January 1st, 2017
  612. wateRinfo::liedekerke
    Soil moisture data of Liedekerke, January 2017
  613. waywiser::guerry
    Guerry "Moral Statistics" (1830s)
  614. waywiser::ny_trees
    Number of trees and aboveground biomass for Forest Inventory and Analysis plots in New York State
  615. waywiser::worldclim_simulation
    Simulated data based on WorldClim Bioclimatic variables
  616. weathercan::codes
    Meaning of climate normal 'codes'
  617. weathercan::finches
    RFID Data on finch visits to feeders
  618. weathercan::flags
    Meaning of coded 'flags'
  619. weathercan::glossary
    Glossary of units and terms
  620. weathercan::glossary_normals
    Glossary of terms for Climate Normals
  621. weathercan::kamloops
    Hourly weather data for Kamloops
  622. weathercan::kamloops_day
    Daily weather data for Kamloops
  623. weathercan::normals_measurements
    List of climate normals measurements for each station
  624. weathercan::pg
    Hourly weather data for Prince George
  625. weatherOz::dpird_extreme_weather_values
    A List of DPIRD Extreme Weather Data Values
  626. weatherOz::dpird_minute_values
    A List of DPIRD Minute Weather Data Values
  627. weatherOz::dpird_summary_values
    A List of DPIRD Summary Weather Data Values
  628. weatherOz::silo_daily_values
    A List of SILO Daily Weather Values
  629. weatherOz::south_west_agricultural_region
    Western Australia Southwest Agriculture Region Geospatial Polygon
  630. webchem::jagst
    Organic plant protection products in the river Jagst / Germany in 2013
  631. webchem::lc50
    Acute toxicity data from U.S. EPA ECOTOX
  632. wikitaxa::wikipedias
    List of Wikipedias