Package: elastic

Scott Chamberlain

elastic: General Purpose Interface to 'Elasticsearch'

Connect to 'Elasticsearch', a 'NoSQL' database built on the 'Java' Virtual Machine. Interacts with the 'Elasticsearch' 'HTTP' API (<>), including functions for setting connection details to 'Elasticsearch' instances, loading bulk data, searching for documents with both 'HTTP' query variables and 'JSON' based body requests. In addition, 'elastic' provides functions for interacting with API's for 'indices', documents, nodes, clusters, an interface to the cat API, and more.

Authors:Scott Chamberlain [aut, cre]

elastic.pdf |elastic.html
elastic/json (API)

# Install 'elastic' in R:
install.packages('elastic', repos = c('', ''))

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112 exports 245 stars 6.69 score 9 dependencies 1 dependents 38 mentions 644 downloads

Last updated 1 years agofrom:89013defad (on master)



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Elasticsearch alias APIsalias aliases_get alias_create alias_delete alias_exists alias_get alias_rename
Use the cat Elasticsearch cat_ cat_aliases cat_allocation cat_count cat_fielddata cat_health cat_indices cat_master cat_nodeattrs cat_nodes cat_pending_tasks cat_plugins cat_recovery cat_segments cat_shards cat_thread_pool
Elasticsearch cluster endpointscluster cluster_health cluster_pending_tasks cluster_reroute cluster_settings cluster_state cluster_stats
Set connection details to an Elasticsearch engine.connect
Get counts of the number of records per index.count
Use the bulk API to create, index, update, or delete documents.docs_bulk
Use the bulk API to create documentsdocs_bulk_create
Use the bulk API to delete documentsdocs_bulk_delete
Use the bulk API to index documentsdocs_bulk_index
Use the bulk API to prepare bulk format datadocs_bulk_prep
Use the bulk API to update documentsdocs_bulk_update
Create a documentdocs_create
Delete a documentdocs_delete
Delete documents by querydocs_delete_by_query
Get documentsdocs_get
Get multiple documents via the multiple get APIdocs_mget
Update a documentdocs_update
Update documents by querydocs_update_by_query
Elasticsearch documents functions.documents
elasticelastic-package elastic
Defunct functions in elasticelastic-defunct
Explain a search query.explain
Field capabilitiesfield_caps
Search field statisticsfield_stats
Index templatesindex_template index_template_delete index_template_exists index_template_get index_template_put
Index API operationsindex_analyze index_clear_cache index_close index_create index_delete index_exists index_flush index_forcemerge index_get index_open index_optimize index_recovery index_recreate index_segments index_settings index_settings_update index_shrink index_stats index_upgrade indices
Ingest API operationsingest pipeline_attachment pipeline_create pipeline_delete pipeline_get pipeline_simulate
Mapping managementfield_mapping_get mapping mapping_create mapping_get type_exists
Multi Termvectorsmtermvectors
Elasticsearch nodes endpoints.nodes nodes_hot_threads nodes_info nodes_stats
Percolaterpercolate percolate_count percolate_delete percolate_list percolate_match percolate_register
Ping an Elasticsearch
Scroll search functionscroll scroll_clear
Full text search of ElasticsearchSearch
Search shardssearch_shards
Search or validate templatesSearch_template Search_template_delete Search_template_get Search_template_register Search_template_render
Full text search of Elasticsearch with URI searchSearch_uri
Overview of search functionssearchapis
Elasticsearch tasks endpointstasks tasks_cancel
Tokenizer operationstokenizer_set
Utility function to remove 'type' from bulk load filestype_remover
Distance unitsunits-distance
Time unitsunits-time
Validate a searchvalidate