Package: git2r

Stefan Widgren

git2r: Provides Access to Git Repositories

Interface to the 'libgit2' library, which is a pure C implementation of the 'Git' core methods. Provides access to 'Git' repositories to extract data and running some basic 'Git' commands.

Authors:See AUTHORS file.

git2r.pdf |git2r.html
git2r/json (API)

# Install 'git2r' in R:
install.packages('git2r', repos = c('', ''))

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Uses libs:
  • libgit2– Low-level Git library



99 exports 214 stars 7.00 score 0 dependencies 51 dependents 4 mentions 30.3k downloads

Last updated 1 months agofrom:cc07d5407e (on main)


Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Extract object from tree[.git_tree
Add file(s) to indexadd
Ahead Behindahead_behind
Coerce Git repository to a 'data.frame'
Coerce entries in a git_tree to a 'data.frame'
Coerce entries in a git_tree to a list of entry objectsas.list.git_tree
Get blame for fileblame
Create blob from file on diskblob_create
Create a branchbranch_create
Delete a branchbranch_delete
Get remote tracking branchbranch_get_upstream
Remote name of a branchbranch_remote_name
Remote url of a branchbranch_remote_url
Rename a branchbranch_rename
Set remote tracking branchbranch_set_upstream
Get target (sha) pointed to by a branchbranch_target
Bundle bare repo of packagebundle_r_package
Clone a remote repositoryclone
Content of blobcontent
Create a new environmental credential objectcred_env
Create a new passphrase-protected ssh key credential objectcred_ssh_key
Create a new personal access token credential objectcred_token
Create a new plain-text username and password credential objectcred_user_pass
Get the signaturedefault_signature
Changes between commits, trees, working tree, etc.diff.git_repository diff.git_tree
Find path to repository for any filediscover_repository
Fetch new data and update tipsfetch
Get updated heads during the last fetch.fetch_heads
Locate the path to configuration filesgit_config_files
Timeas.character.git_time as.POSIXct.git_time format.git_time git_time print.git_time
git2r: R bindings to the libgit2 librarygit2r-package git2r
Determine the sha from a blob stringhash
Determine the sha from a blob in a filehashfile
Get HEAD for a repositoryhead.git_repository
Determine if a directory is in a git repositoryin_repository
Remove an index entry corresponding to a file on diskindex_remove_bypath
Init a repositoryinit
Check if repository is bareis_bare
Is blob binaryis_binary
Check if object is S3 class git_blobis_blob
Check if object is 'git_branch'is_branch
Check if object is a git_commit objectis_commit
Check if HEAD of repository is detachedis_detached
Check if repository is emptyis_empty
Check if branch is headis_head
Check if branch is localis_local
Is mergeis_merge
Determine if the repository is a shallow cloneis_shallow
Check if object is a git_tag objectis_tag
Check if object is S3 class git_treeis_tree
Last commitlast_commit
Size in bytes of the contents of a bloblength.git_blob
Number of files in git_diff objectlength.git_diff
Number of entries in treelength.git_tree
Compile time options for libgit2.libgit2_features
Version of the libgit2 librarylibgit2_version
Lookup the commit related to a git objectlookup_commit lookup_commit.git_branch lookup_commit.git_commit lookup_commit.git_reference lookup_commit.git_tag
List the contents of a tree objectls_tree
Find a merge base between two commitsmerge_base
Merge a branch into HEADmerge.character merge.git_branch merge.git_repository
Add note for a objectnote_create
Default notes referencenote_default_ref
Remove the note for an objectnote_remove
List notesnotes
Blobs in the object databaseodb_blobs
List all objects available in the databaseodb_objects
Plot commits over timeplot.git_repository
Print a reflog entryprint.git_reflog_entry
Punch cardpunch_card
Get all references that can be found in a repository.references
List and view reflog informationreflog
Add a remote to a reporemote_add
List references in a remote repositoryremote_ls
Remove a remoteremote_remove
Rename a remoteremote_rename
Set the remote's url in the configurationremote_set_url
Get the remote url for remotes in a reporemote_url
Get the configured remotes for a reporemotes
Open a repositoryrepository
Get HEAD for a repositoryrepository_head
Reset current HEAD to the specified statereset
Remove files from the working tree and from the indexrm_file
Get the SHA-1 of a git objectsha sha.git_blob sha.git_branch sha.git_commit sha.git_fetch_head sha.git_merge_result sha.git_note sha.git_reference sha.git_reflog_entry sha.git_tag sha.git_tree
Compose usual path to ssh keysssh_path
Set the SSL certificate-authority locationsssl_cert_locations
Apply stashstash_apply
Drop stashstash_drop
List stashes in repositorystash_list
Pop stashstash_pop
Summary of repositorysummary.git_repository
Summary of a stashsummary.git_stash
Summary of treesummary.git_tree
Create tag targeting HEAD commit in repositorytag
Delete an existing tag referencetag_delete
Workdir of repositoryworkdir