Package: paleobioDB 1.0.0

Adrián Castro Insua

paleobioDB: Download and Process Data from the Paleobiology Database

Includes functions to wrap most endpoints of the 'PaleobioDB' API and functions to visualize and process the fossil data. The API documentation for the Paleobiology Database can be found at <>.

Authors:Sara Varela [aut], Javier González Hernández [aut], Luciano Fabris Sgarbi [aut], Adrián Castro Insua [cre, ctb]

paleobioDB.pdf |paleobioDB.html
paleobioDB/json (API)

# Install 'paleobioDB' in R:
install.packages('paleobioDB', repos = c('', ''))

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34 exports 39 stars 3.25 score 6 dependencies 1 mentions 600 downloads

Last updated 5 months agofrom:7136479a47 (on master)



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Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Get information about a single collection recordpbdb_collection
Get information about multiple collectionspbdb_collections
Get information about geographic clusters of collectionspbdb_collections_geo
Get information about a single intervalpbdb_interval
Get information about multiple intervalspbdb_intervals
Map the fossil recordspbdb_map
Plot a raster showing the number of fossil occurrencespbdb_map_occur
Plot a raster showing the richness of taxapbdb_map_richness
Get information about specimen measurementspbdb_measurements
Get information about a single occurrence recordpbdb_occurrence
Get information about fossil occurrence recordspbdb_occurrences
Get information about a single taxonomic opinionpbdb_opinion
Get information about multiple taxonomic opinionspbdb_opinions
Get taxonomic opinions about taxapbdb_opinions_taxa
Appearance of new taxa and extinctions across timepbdb_orig_ext
Get references from which collection data were enteredpbdb_ref_collections
Get references associated with fossil occurrencespbdb_ref_occurrences
Get references for fossil specimenspbdb_ref_specimens
Get references for taxonomic namespbdb_ref_taxa
Get information about a single referencepbdb_reference
Get information about multiple referencespbdb_references
Temporal variation in taxon richnesspbdb_richness
Get information about a single time scalepbdb_scale
Get information about multiple time scalespbdb_scales
Get information about a single fossil specimenpbdb_specimen
Get information about multiple fossil specimenspbdb_specimens
Get information about geological stratapbdb_strata
Get a list of strata matching a given prefix or partial namepbdb_strata_auto
Count number of taxa in an occurrence data framepbdb_subtaxa
Get information about multiple taxonomic namespbdb_taxa
Get a list of taxonomic names matching a prefix or partial namepbdb_taxa_auto
Get information about a single taxonomic namepbdb_taxon
Temporal range of taxapbdb_temp_range
Temporal resolution of fossil datapbdb_temporal_resolution