Package: rtweet

Lluís Revilla Sancho

rtweet: Collecting Twitter Data

An implementation of calls designed to collect and organize Twitter data via Twitter's REST and stream Application Program Interfaces (API), which can be found at the following URL: <>.

Authors:Michael W. Kearney [aut], Lluís Revilla Sancho [aut, cre], Hadley Wickham [aut], Andrew Heiss [rev], Francois Briatte [rev], Jonathan Sidi [ctb]

rtweet.pdf |rtweet.html
rtweet/json (API)

# Install 'rtweet' in R:
install.packages('rtweet', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:



152 exports 786 stars 8.81 score 28 dependencies 10 dependents 17 mentions 2.0k downloads

Last updated 3 months agofrom:6fc9a961d1 (on master)



Authentication with rtweet

Rendered fromauth.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 12 2024.

Last update: 2024-02-12
Started: 2017-01-18

Intro to rtweet

Rendered fromrtweet.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 12 2024.

Last update: 2023-10-12
Started: 2016-08-20

Live streaming tweets

Rendered fromstream.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 12 2024.

Last update: 2024-02-12
Started: 2017-01-18

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Mark a user id as a screen nameas_screenname as_userid
Set default authentication for the current sessionauth_as
Remove tokensauth_clean
Get the current authentication mechanismauth_get
Save an authentication mechanism for use in a future sessionauth_list auth_save
Set up default authenticationauth_has_default auth_setup_default
Twitter Tokens sitrepauth_sitrep
Clean text of tweetsclean_tweets
Set default client for the current sessionclient_as
Clean clientsclient_clean
Get the current clientclient_get
Set up default clientclient_has_default client_setup_default
Save an authentication mechanism for use in a future sessionclient_list client_save
Get direct messages sent to and received by the authenticating user from the past 30 daysdirect_messages
Binds list of data frames while preserving attribute (tweets or users) data.do_call_rbind
Defunct: Emojis codes and descriptions data.emojis
Extract methodsentity
ExpansionsExpansions expansions list_expansions set_expansions tweet_expansions user_expansions
FieldsFields fields list_fields media_fields metrics_fields place_fields poll_fields tweet_fields user_fields
flatten/unflatten data frameflatten unflatten
Get tweets liked/favorited by one or more usersget_favorites
Get user IDs for accounts following target user.get_followers
Get user IDs of accounts followed by target user(s).get_friends
Get mentions for the authenticating user.get_mentions
Get the most recent retweets/retweetersget_retweeters get_retweets
Get one or more user timelinesget_my_timeline get_timeline get_timelines
Fetch Twitter OAuth tokenget_token get_tokens
Get Twitter trends data.get_trends
Extract the idsids
Defunct: Language codes recognized by Twitter data.langs
Adds single-point latitude and longitude variables to tweets data.lat_lng
Create the linkslinks
List followers of a specified listlist_followers
List informationlist_get
List of members from a specified Listlist_members
Lists a specified user is a member of.list_membership
Lists tweets of a specified listlist_tweets
Get Twitter list members (users on a given list).lists_members
Get Twitter list memberships (lists containing a given user)lists_memberships
Get a timeline of tweets authored by members of a specified list.lists_statuses
Get subscribers of a specified list.lists_subscribers
Get list subscriptions of a given user but does not include the user's own lists.lists_subscriptions
Get all lists a specified user subscribes to, including their own.lists_users
Get coordinates of specified location.lookup_coords
Lookup friendship information between two specified users.lookup_friendships
Get tweets data for given statuses (status IDs).lookup_statuses lookup_tweets
Get Twitter users data for given users (user IDs or screen names).lookup_users
Lookup friendship information between users.my_friendships
Network datanetwork_data network_graph
Parser of streamparse_stream
Clean up character vector (tweets) to more of a plain text.plain_tweets
Delete status of user's Twitter account *[Deprecated]*post_destroy
Favorites target status id.favorite_tweet post_favorite post_favourite
Follows target Twitter user.follow_user mute_user post_follow post_mute post_unfollow_user unfollow_user
Updates friendship notifications and retweet abilities.friendship_update post_friendship
Manage Twitter listspost_list
Posts direct message from user's Twitter accountpost_message
Posts status update to user's Twitter accountpost_status post_tweet
Rate limit helpersrate_limit rate_limit_reset rate_limit_wait
Read comma separated value Twitter data.read_twitter_csv
Expose errors of the responseretrieve_errors
A generic function for rounding date and time valuesround_time
Authentication optionsrtweet_app rtweet_bearer rtweet_bot rtweet_oauth2 rtweet_user
Deprecated functions in rtweetrtweet-deprecated
Extract the streaming rulesrules
Premium Twitter searchessearch_30day search_fullarchive
Get tweets data on statuses identified via search query.search_tweets search_tweets2
Search for userssearch_users
Create fieldsset_fields
Scopes of the OAuth2 tokenset_scopes
Defunct: Twitter stop words in multiple languages data.stopwordslangs
Streamingfiltered_stream sample_stream stream stream_add_rule stream_rm_rule
Collect a live stream of Twitter datastream_tweets
Available Twitter trends along with associated WOEID.trends_available
Count tweetstweet_counts_all tweet_counts_recent
Delete tweettweet_delete
Create a Tweet Embedtweet_embed
Get tweet informationtweet_get
Liking userstweet_liking_users
Post a tweettweet_post
Get quoted tweet informationtweet_quoted
Tweet retweeted bytweet_retweeted_by
Search in the Twitter archivetweet_search_all
Search recent tweetstweet_search_recent
Capture an image of a tweet/threadtweet_shot
Collect statuses contained in a threadtweet_threading
Parsing data into tweets/users data tibblestweets_with_users users_with_tweets
Blocking or unblocking twitter usersuser_block user_unblock
Find users blocked.user_blocked
Retrieve user bookmarksuser_bookmarks
Search users by usernameuser_by_username
Find followers.user_followers
Find which users are being followed.user_following
Liked tweets from a useruser_liked_tweets
Lists a specified user followsuser_list_follows
Search users by usernameuser_lists
Tweets mentioning a useruser_mentions
List muted usersuser_muted
Search usersuser_search
Tweets from a useruser_self
User timelineuser_timeline
Tweets from a useruser_tweets
Get tweets from users, or users from tweetstweets_data users_data
Save Twitter data as a comma separated value file.save_as_csv write_as_csv