Package: tarchetypes

William Michael Landau

tarchetypes: Archetypes for Targets

Function-oriented Make-like declarative pipelines for Statistics and data science are supported in the 'targets' R package. As an extension to 'targets', the 'tarchetypes' package provides convenient user-side functions to make 'targets' easier to use. By establishing reusable archetypes for common kinds of targets and pipelines, these functions help express complicated reproducible pipelines concisely and compactly. The methods in this package were influenced by the 'drake' R package by Will Landau (2018) <doi:10.21105/joss.00550>.

Authors:William Michael Landau [aut, cre], Samantha Oliver [rev], Tristan Mahr [rev], Eli Lilly and Company [cph]

tarchetypes.pdf |tarchetypes.html
tarchetypes/json (API)

# Install 'tarchetypes' in R:
install.packages('tarchetypes', repos = c('', ''))

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118 exports 121 stars 5.09 score 35 dependencies 9 dependents 2.2k downloads

Last updated 10 days agofrom:8eb30c1b03 (on main)



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Help pageTopics
targets: Archetypes for Targetstarchetypes-package
Create a target that runs when the last run gets oldtar_age
Target that responds to an arbitrary change.tar_change
Static aggregation.tar_combine
Static aggregation (raw version).tar_combine_raw
Cue to run a target when the last output reaches a certain agetar_cue_age
Cue to run a target when the last run reaches a certain age (raw version)tar_cue_age_raw
Cue to force a target to run if a condition is truetar_cue_force
Cue to skip a target if a condition is truetar_cue_skip
Target that downloads URLs.tar_download
Evaluate multiple expressions created with symbol substitution.tar_eval
Evaluate multiple expressions created with symbol substitution (raw version).tar_eval_raw
Track a file and read the contents.tar_file_read
Dynamic branching over output or input files.tar_files
Dynamic branching over input files or URLstar_files_input
Dynamic branching over input files or URLs (raw version).tar_files_input_raw
Dynamic branching over output or input files (raw version).tar_files_raw
Target with a custom condition to force execution.tar_force
Target formatstar_aws_file tar_aws_fst tar_aws_fst_dt tar_aws_fst_tbl tar_aws_keras tar_aws_parquet tar_aws_qs tar_aws_rds tar_aws_torch tar_file tar_file_fast tar_formats tar_format_aws_feather tar_format_feather tar_fst tar_fst_dt tar_fst_tbl tar_keras tar_parquet tar_qs tar_rds tar_torch tar_url
Group a data frame target by one or more variables.tar_group_by
Group the rows of a data frame into a given number groupstar_group_count
Group a data frame target with 'tidyselect' semantics.tar_group_select
Group the rows of a data frame into groups of a given size.tar_group_size
Hook to prepend codetar_hook_before
Hook to wrap dependenciestar_hook_inner
Hook to wrap commandstar_hook_outer
Target with a 'knitr' document.tar_knit
Target with a knitr document (raw version).tar_knit_raw
List literate programming dependencies.tar_knitr_deps
Expression with literate programming dependencies.tar_knitr_deps_expr
Static branching.tar_map
Dynamic batched replication within static branches for data frames.tar_map_rep
Dynamic batched replication within static branches for data frames (raw version).tar_map_rep_raw
Dynamic-within-static branching for data frames (count batching).tar_map2_count
Dynamic-within-static branching for data frames (count batching; raw version).tar_map2_count_raw
Dynamic-within-static branching for data frames (size batching).tar_map2_size
Dynamic-within-static branching for data frames (size batching; raw version).tar_map2_size_raw
A 'drake'-plan-like pipeline archetypetar_plan
Target with a Quarto project.tar_quarto
Quarto file detectiontar_quarto_files
Target with a Quarto project (raw version).tar_quarto_raw
Parameterized Quarto with dynamic branching.tar_quarto_rep
Parameterized Quarto with dynamic branching (raw version).tar_quarto_rep_raw
Target with an R Markdown document.tar_render
Target with an R Markdown document (raw version).tar_render_raw
Parameterized R Markdown with dynamic branching.tar_render_rep
Parameterized R Markdown with dynamic branching (raw version).tar_render_rep_raw
Batched replication with dynamic branching.tar_rep
Batched replication with dynamic branching (raw version).tar_rep_raw
Dynamic batched computation downstream of 'tar_rep()'tar_rep2
Select target names from a target listtar_select_names
Select target objects from a target listtar_select_targets
Target with a custom cancellation condition.tar_skip
Create multiple expressions with symbol substitution.tar_sub
Create multiple expressions with symbol substitution (raw version).tar_sub_raw