Package: tic 0.14.0

Patrick Schratz

tic: Tasks Integrating Continuously: CI-Agnostic Workflow Definitions

Provides a way to describe common build and deployment workflows for R-based projects: packages, websites (e.g. blogdown, pkgdown), or data processing (e.g. research compendia). The recipe is described independent of the continuous integration tool used for processing the workflow (e.g. 'GitHub Actions' or 'Circle CI'). This package has been peer-reviewed by rOpenSci (v0.3.0.9004).

Authors:Patrick Schratz [aut, cre], Kirill Müller [aut], Mika Braginsky [aut], Karthik Ram [aut], Jeroen Ooms [aut], Max Held [rev], Anna Krystalli [rev], Laura DeCicco [rev], rOpenSci [fnd]

tic.pdf |tic.html
tic/json (API)

# Install 'tic' in R:
install.packages('tic', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:



79 exports 153 stars 4.99 score 37 dependencies

Last updated 10 days agofrom:380b98b52a (on main)



Advanced usage

Rendered fromadvanced.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 17 2024.

Last update: 2022-08-28
Started: 2018-08-13

Build lifecycle

Rendered frombuild-lifecycle.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 17 2024.

Last update: 2020-12-07
Started: 2018-08-13


Rendered fromdeployment.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 17 2024.

Last update: 2023-12-15
Started: 2019-01-01

Developer info: Writing custom steps

Rendered fromcustom-steps.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 17 2024.

Last update: 2021-12-05
Started: 2018-06-27


Rendered fromfaq.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 17 2024.

Last update: 2021-01-21
Started: 2020-02-25

Getting started with CI for R

Rendered fromtic.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 17 2024.

Last update: 2020-12-11
Started: 2018-08-13

Implementation Details of CI Providers

Rendered fromci-providers.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 17 2024.

Last update: 2023-05-22
Started: 2020-02-25

The features of tic

Rendered fromfeatures.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 17 2024.

Last update: 2021-03-22
Started: 2019-05-06

tic & CI Client Packages - An Overview

Rendered fromci-client-packages.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 17 2024.

Last update: 2020-12-11
Started: 2019-11-30


Rendered fromupdating.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 17 2024.

Last update: 2022-08-28
Started: 2020-05-20

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
tic: Tasks Integrating Continuously: CI-Agnostic Workflow Definitionstic-package
Helpers for converting R objects to strings and backbase64serialize base64unserialize
The current CI environmentci ci_can_push ci_cat_with_color ci_get_branch ci_get_build_number ci_get_build_url ci_get_commit ci_get_env ci_get_slug ci_has_env ci_is_env ci_is_interactive ci_is_tag ci_on_circle ci_on_ghactions
Deprecated functionsadd_package_checks Deprecated
Build a blogdown sitedo_blogdown
Build a bookdown bookdo_bookdown
Build and deploy drat repositorydo_drat
Add default checks for packagesdo_package_checks
Build pkgdown documentationdo_pkgdown
Render a R Markdown README and deploy to Githubdo_readme_rmd
tic's domain-specific languageadd_code_step add_step DSL dsl get_stage
Stages and stepsdsl_get dsl_init dsl_load
Add a GitHub Actions secret to a repositorygha_add_secret
Github API helpersauth_github get_owner get_repo get_repo_slug get_user github_helpers
Github informationgithub_info github_repo uses_github
List available macroslist_macros
Prepare all stagesprepare_all_stages
Shortcuts for accessing CRAN-like repositoriesrepo repo_bioc repo_cloud repo_cran repo_default
Emulate a CI run locallyrun_all_stages
Run a stagerun_stage
SSH key helperscheck_admin_repo check_private_key_name encode_private_key get_public_key get_role_in_repo github_add_key ssh_key_helpers
Predefined stagesafter_deploy after_failure after_install after_script after_success before_deploy before_install before_script deploy install script stages
Step: Add built package to a dratstep_add_to_drat
Step: Add to known hostsstep_add_to_known_hosts
Step: Build a Blogdown Sitestep_build_blogdown
Step: Build a bookdown bookstep_build_bookdown
Step: Build pkgdown documentationstep_build_pkgdown
Step: Perform push deploystep_do_push_deploy
Step: Hello, world!step_hello_world
Step: Install packagesstep_install_cran step_install_deps step_install_github step_install_pkg
Step: Install an SSH keystep_install_ssh_keys
Step: Setup and perform push deploystep_push_deploy
Step: Check a packagestep_rcmdcheck
Step: Run arbitrary R codestep_run_code
Step: Print the current Session Infostep_session_info
Step: Setup push deploystep_setup_push_deploy
Step: Setup SSHstep_setup_ssh
Step: Test SSH connectionstep_test_ssh
Step: Write a text filestep_write_text_file
The base class for all stepsTicStep
Update tic YAML Templatesupdate_yml
Setup deployment for GitHub Actionsuse_ghactions_deploy
Initialize CI testing using ticuse_tic
Add a CI Status Badge to README filesuse_tic_badge
Add a tic.R file to the repouse_tic_r
Update tic Templatesuse_update_tic
Use CI YAML templatesuse_circle_yml use_ghactions_yml yaml_templates